JP's Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
nirvana makes the claim they are finished flowering in 44 days since they were bred from top 44 plants.. we shall see


Well-Known Member
buds are looking nice. did i notice a little too much nutes in the leaves? or was it just lights?

you know you can go on ona's website,, and look up retailers in your area. it is not 100% accurate, but it may help you find something local if the hyrdro shop does not have it.


Well-Known Member
It could be a touch too much nutrients, I added some distilled water and brought the solution down to 1300's. thank you for noticing, it was indeed higher than i thought it was. i think its time for a flush, I just wish i had a drain kit of some kind to install. its too low to the ground to siphon it out with a hose. so ill have to buy a hand siphon.


Well-Known Member
Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

I keep finding these numbers and they roughly match what my hydro growing experience has taught me. I am thankful for all the veggies i have grown, it somewhat prepared me to grow Cannabis.


Well-Known Member
do auto flower's need darkness at all? I think my digital timer went out and they are on 24 hour light right now as i sort it out.


Well-Known Member
Daily pictures from HELL BOX 2010


Checked the PH and its perfect at 6.2, nutrients are at 1200's and trichs are milky. temp was down to 84 when i left a net cup out. I cannot leave it like that but I am now thinking i need to work on RH.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
man, looking real good bro, to bad me, you and king cant get together and all smoke our pride and joy together, LoL.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
LMAO, HELL YEAH!! bro, 1 time a bunch of of us were up in a buddies treehouse and his sister came up and saw us all hitting that bong and said, oh, i wanna try it, she had never smoked out of a bong. so she watched a couple of us hit it and we gave it to her and went to light it for her and before we could, she tips it up and starts drinking the bong water, we all about fell out that treehouse we were laughing so hard man, those were good times.


Active Member
Looks like your doing a great job, sense you have more than one plant, try toping one to see how it does and leave the rest to grow, we can only learn by trial and error. I am a first time grower, growing outdoors and will be trying different methods on some of the plants to see what happens. After I get a cammera I will be posting some pics. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR GROW MAN, cant wait to see the results.


Well-Known Member
I only have the one female in this cabinet, she just has multiple bud sites. thanks so much though, if i did have two i would try it.


Well-Known Member
You wouldn't think in this modern world it would be a problem to find a 1 x 2 x 18 wooden board. but oh no not this part of the world. That is all that's stopping me from hanging the new lights. I finally got my bulbs in and screwed them into the fixture and tested them all. They all worked right away which made me happy.

So the great board search of 2010 continues..

And for the record, yo yo hangers suck