• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Five myths about immigration

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grow plenty

Well-Known Member
how about this.......if you didnt come in the FRONT door, get the fuck out, go home, and come back through our FRONT door!!! you come sneaking in the back door like a thief in the night and think its all honky dorey but you know sooner or later the gig is up and its adios mother fucker.....well, its ADIOS mo-fo. im in construction, and i just paid my taxes, and the guys i work around dont pay shit.FUCK THAT!


New Member

hell ya im brown and if a bunch if my dirty peeps were runnign across the border id slap em too:-P

and say get in line faggot!:-P

see it feels good not being a bigot

do you know what bigot means ejo?
I don't think you can call yourself 'not a bigot' while using the word faggot in the same sentence.

But I forgot, you have 'partial dyslexia' (not a real disease, not in the DSM IV, not clinically diagnosable....basically just an excuse for the fact that you can't spell better than a 3rd grader).


New Member
do they want the illigalls out cuz they are just stupid and illigals are actully doin us good? lol

you guys are such hippocrates

your letting your silly human mind get in the way of truth
Wow, I just don't know where to begin....I guess I should point out that Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician. Dear God you need help


New Member
i agree bigp. when groups like NAACP gather, they're fighting for equality. but when the klan gathers, they're nothing but racist bigots trying to hang black people. or atleast thats what the media paints them as. affirmative action is just a fancy word for racism...favoring one race over another.
You are SOOOOOO right. It's not like the folks that the NAACP advocates for have faced centuries of slavery, racism, disenfranchisement, institutionalized discrimination, the achievement gap, socioeconomic imbalances, the poverty cycle.....those things never happened to black folks. It all happened to white folks at the hands of the blacks and so us whites need HATE groups (not advocacy groups) to help correct the imbalance.

Dear god, learn the difference between an ADVOCACY GROUP and a HATE GROUP before opening your mouth and proving your lack of knowledge and willful ignorance of history.


Well-Known Member
See Duke of BullShit it is always the same Shit with you.
Racist this,uneducated that,bigot this,Childish that.
Same Fucking Diarrhea from your mouth on every forum you taint.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you can call yourself 'not a bigot' while using the word faggot in the same sentence.

But I forgot, you have 'partial dyslexia' (not a real disease, not in the DSM IV, not clinically diagnosable....basically just an excuse for the fact that you can't spell better than a 3rd grader).
While I've never heard of "partial dyslexia" people can suffer from varying degrees dyslexia which certainly is a real disability that is well known and definitely diagnosable. It is a problem with a bundle of nerves in the brain called the corpus collosum that is responsible for routing information to various parts of the brain. In dyslexics, the most basic parts of speech "phonemes" (sounds certain letter combinations make) are routed to the wrong area making it nearly impossible for dyslexics to spell correctly. Some dyslexics, simply can not spell, others can not read or write.

Until very recently, our educational system, through their methods, systematically denied Dyslexics the ability to receive an education or to prove their intellectual abilities which is typically above average. Because of this, Dyslexics with higher than average intelligence and great potential were normally forced by the thousands into low paying, dead end jobs due to lack of a diploma.

Think about what that would be like for a moment before you make fun of someone's disability. Think about a guy who should be a surgeon or an engineer being forced to stock shelves at Walmart. If that were ordered by a Judge it would be cruel and unusual punishment.

It really isn't something to make fun of.


Active Member
^^^^ haha yh i was in bottem set english at school the class was full of people with dyslexia they carnt read or spell i liked the lessons where we read books and we would go round the class and they would try read it was funney as fuk one of my mates would struggle to spell 3 letter words no joak.

also they are annoying people they have a short attention span and some even think there clever lol.

Big P

Well-Known Member
^^^^ haha yh i was in bottem set english at school the class was full of people with dyslexia they carnt read or spell i liked the lessons where we read books and we would go round the class and they would try read it was funney as fuk one of my mates would struggle to spell 3 letter words no joak.

also they are annoying people they have a short attention span and some even think there clever lol.
lol zing!

well i was never that bad, thats why i call it partial dislexia, :-P

but saying faggot doesnt make me a bigot just like saying nigger or spick or camel jockey wouldnt

just like if you said "shrimp on the barbie" it doesnt make you Austrailian:-P

this is a fun thread tho, feels like we got the whole family back together for thanksgiving dinner:-P


Well-Known Member
^^^^ haha yh i was in bottem set english at school the class was full of people with dyslexia they carnt read or spell i liked the lessons where we read books and we would go round the class and they would try read it was funney as fuk one of my mates would struggle to spell 3 letter words no joak.

also they are annoying people they have a short attention span and some even think there clever lol.
Dude, at least they had an excuse to be in the bottom set. WTF was your excuse?

And they probably were clever, most have IQs considerably above average and a lot can't pay attention because the class moves too slow for them. Einstein was dyslexic.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
LOL I'm dyslexic and I draw on people for a living. Seriously. And guess what else, I did fine in school, I had a 3.7 GPA in college.

Dont use that shit as a crutch or an excuse, deal with and move on w/ life.


Active Member
Dude, at least they had an excuse to be in the bottom set. WTF was your excuse?

And they probably were clever, most have IQs considerably above average and a lot can't pay attention because the class moves too slow for them. Einstein was dyslexic.

lol are you serious do you no any one with dyslexia? and i dont have a excuse the class actually made me feel clever needless to say i was top of the class haha

the class moves to slow for them?? these fools couldnt even read one sentance without stuttering 100 times and gettin in a stress.

Einstein was dyslexic?? no he wernt youre just sayin that beacuse you are.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Famous People with the Gift of Dyslexia

Here are the names of some of the many talented and accomplished individuals who are dyslexic, or had traits associated with dyslexia or related learning styles:

Actors & Entertainers:

Inventors & Scientists:

Artists, Designers, & Architects:

Law & Justice:

Military Heroes:

  • <LI class=nolink>Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson.
  • George Patton.
Musicians & Vocalists:


Physicians & Surgeons

Political Leaders:

Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders:


Writers & Journalists:



Active Member
liberal thought an oxymoron.
Harry Reid & The End of Liberal Thought
By Dennis Prager

The highest-ranking Democrat in America, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, described the Senate bill making English the national language of the American people as "racist." And the New York Times editorial page labeled the bill "xenophobic."

Welcome to the thoughtless world of contemporary liberalism. Beginning in the 1960s, liberalism, once the home of many deep thinkers, began to substitute feeling for thought and descended into superficiality.

One-word put-downs of opponents' ideas and motives were substituted for thoughtful rebuttal. Though liberals regard themselves as intellectual -- their views, after all, are those of nearly all university professors -- liberal thought has almost died. Instead of feeling the need to thoughtfully consider an idea, most liberal minds today work on automatic. One-word reactions to most issues are the liberal norm.

This is easy to demonstrate.

Here is a list of terms liberals apply to virtually every idea or action with which they differ:


And here is the list of one-word descriptions of what liberals are for:

The poor
The disenfranchised
The environment

These two lists serve contemporary liberals in at least three ways.

First, they attack the motives of non-liberals and thereby morally dismiss the non-liberal person.

Second, these words make it easy to be a liberal -- essentially all one needs to do is to memorize this brief list and apply the right term to any idea or policy. That is one reason young people are more likely to be liberal -- they have not had the time or inclination to think issues through, but they know they oppose racism, imperialism and bigotry, and that they are for peace, tolerance and the environment.

Third, they make the liberal feel good about himself -- by opposing conservative ideas and policies, he is automatically opposing racism, bigotry, imperialism, etc.

Examples could fill a book.

Harry Reid, as noted above, supplied a classic one. Instead of grappling with the enormously significant question of how to maintain American identity and values with tens of millions of non-Americans coming into America, the Democratic leader and others on the Left simply label attempts to keep English as a unifying language as "racist."

Another classic example of liberal non-thought was the reaction to former Harvard University President Lawrence Summers' mere question about whether the female and male brains were wired differently. Again, instead of grappling with the issue, Harvard and other liberals merely dismissed Summers as "sexist."

A third example is the use of the term "racist" to end debate about race-based affirmative action or even to describe a Capitol police officer who stops a black congresswoman who has no ID badge.

"Phobic" is the current one-word favorite among liberal dismissals of ideological opponents. It combines instant moral dismissal with instant psychological analysis. If you do not support society redefining marriage to include members of the same sex you are "homophobic" -- and further thought is unnecessary. If you articulate a concern about the moral state of Islam today, you are "Islamophobic" -- and again further thought is unnecessary. And if you seek to retain English as America's unifying language, you are not only racist, you are, as the New York Times editorial describes you, "xenophobic" and "Latinophobic," the latest phobia uncovered by the Left.

There is a steep price paid for the liberal one-wording of complex ideas -- the decline of liberal thought. But with more and more Americans graduating college and therefore taught the liberal list of one-word reactions instead of critical thinking, many liberals do not see any pressing need to think through issues. They therefore do not believe they have paid any price at all.

But American society is paying a steep price. Every car that has a bumper sticker declaring "War is not the answer" powerfully testifies to the intellectual decline of the well educated and to the devolution of "liberal thought" into an oxymoron.

Copyright 2006 Creators Syndicate
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