Help a dude out


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I got a few seeds out of some schwag weed, I germinated them and I have a few growing on my bathroom ledge that the sun hits that I am just practicing with. But.. me and my friend are going to use his closet and step up our game and make a grow box and use light bulbs and soil. Could anyone help us out with a basic and simple grow box, we are just using red party cups and a schedule on when to water and transplant and when to start nutes and such.



Well-Known Member
Well see I have been doing alot of research im just not 100% yet, but I think I can do it...


Active Member
Yeah you need to do more research. Nobody is going to come on here and give you step by step directions on how to grow pot, when theres plenty of information for you to use. Try doing a google search on 'growbox designs' or 'how to grow marijuanna'


Well-Known Member
alright what about like some sort of time line on when to transplant and when to start trimming fan leaves


Well-Known Member
Ok what nutes would you suggest? and also when would I start the nutes? And what would a good started light be? a cfl is what I was thinking


Active Member
you should hit up the homo depot once you get supplies figured, you can make a decent set up for real cheap hummie.


Well-Known Member
alright man thanks, so should I start the seeds in a party cup then transplant into a bigger pot?


Well-Known Member
get yourself a 100w cfl with a ct of 6500k. at least one small fan. For nutes find something close to 5-5-5 what ever you want to get. As for watering water only when soil is dry. when ever you want to start flower get 3-42w cfl's ct 2700k and go to 12/12. there a go basics.


Active Member
Dude RIU has all your answers, smoke a bowl and then go to the top of the page and click on "Search" type in what u is lookin 4. A cfl? lol Check out some grow journals, you might learn a thing or two about dirt, lights and a cfl. I spent a couple hours a day for 2 months learning to grow before I asked questions, cause its all here if you know how to search...Good luck


Active Member
Haha stumps I bet you just blew his top of and he has no idea what you're talking about.
But seriously quit bein a lazy nig and do some research like everybody else has done. First of all you're growing from schwag seed. How disrespectful on this website where the buds of all buds are grown. And second we can tell you everything you need to know but you'd probably still screw it up. The best was is to read, grow, and learn from mistakes. Ask questions about things you don't understand but don't come on here asking how to do everything for you. Anything you'll ever need to know is on here. People on here have been growing their whole life and they've posted about it.

READ! If you know how to...


Well-Known Member
get yourself a 100w cfl with a ct of 6500k. at least one small fan. For nutes find something close to 5-5-5 what ever you want to get. As for watering water only when soil is dry. when ever you want to start flower get 3-42w cfl's ct 2700k and go to 12/12. there a go basics.
I know exactly what hes saying lol dont hate, but... when do you start to flower, and when do I transplant?


Active Member
go with your gut on trans, veg it for a while then flower but you prolly have room issues in a closet so earlier the better.