New Member
Dude (heres where u pull ur head far from ur ass - you can be editted and banished for such remarks addressed towrds another forum poster dude). You are the unknowledgable one in this discussion not I.dude if u actually watched the video it really has nothing 2 do with advanced nutrients, its statistics on cannibus tissue samples and what they desire most, he didnt says that the companys are bad, heres where u pull ur head far from ur ass, he was mentioning thier needs, witch would be the npk value on nutrients, other plants have different desire for minor nutrients, he explains what the plant wants during flower stage compared 2 what it wants during vegging, he explains why the npk value on some bloom boosters are useless for cannibus and do not provide proper nutrition for max yeiled... i dont really care for fat mike or an i just like the information on cannibus growing everybody watch it,( the great phosphorus myth) on you tube
Every thing Mikie does is about AN and selling AN products and saying his products are better than the other products. He even specifically stated the owners name of GH and stated specifically that he was wrong in his beliefs about plant needs etc. Fat Milke is out to do one thing. Make lots of money. He is not honest nor forthright, he talks in nothing but half truths just like a laywer or used car dealer. He is not our friend . He is a parasite feeding on unknowing mj growers such as you and most other growers. Few growers have an understanding of carbonate chemistry or aquatic chemsitry, or just general chemistry. He obviously does not either. His PhD's would definitely not agrre with waht he did in his video. Too little usable dat as the pertinent informatoion was not presented. His charts would be useful if everyone grew mj only with a drain to waste system. That is not the case though, so his charts, arguments and expressed opinions are moot for the vast majority of mj hydroponic griowers as they use recirculating reservoirs.
The charts of minerals in tissue examples only show waht the plants uptake and incorporate into their tissues. The charts do not indicate the levels of those minerals that need to be maintained in a recirculating reservoir soup in order to maintain a balance that allows those needed mineral salts to be taken up by the plants.
It is as asimple as this: Marketers so as to simplify things in their advertising etc have been saying that plants have such and such needs during such and such stage of growth. This was, and still, is just as Mikie is now doing IE "speaking in half truths." The full truth is that plant tissue samples show what minerals the plants has uptaken and incorporated/stored at the stage of growth when the sample was taken and no more. Plants take up and incorporate into their tissues more than they need and then draw from those stored nutrients as needed. Tissue sample do not tell us how much is need and how much is stored extra nutrients. Tissue samples also do not tell us how the reservoirs ratio changes due to buffering and due to introduction of more of some and less of other nutrients than might be necessary to provide an optimum ratio to provide the ultimate up take availability of the required nutrients.
Once again this is not an issue with drain to waste stystems. Yes you can base your nutrient formulation for drain to waste entirely upon tissue samples and balancing the nutrient pH just once when the solution is innitally prepared. So no in that respect you do not need the increased pg hosphorus or anthing else in increadsed amounts above the ratios sj hownin the tissue samples. Actually you caould even get awat y with less as you do not need to supply all the extra nutrients stored up by the plants to make up for occaisonalnutrient unavialabilty because that does not occur with drain to waste. That is not the case with recirculating systems. So either Fat Milie is a dumb ass and doesn't understand what he is talking about (very likely as he is only a mouth man not a chemist) and how it does not apply to the masses. Or he is a deceptive marketer)always) or a flat out liar (quiet often).
With all the blabbering he did he never once said, by the way none of this really applies to how the nutrient concentrations need to be proportioned in the typical recirculating reservoir but only the amount of nutrients stored and incorporated into the tissues at different stages of development wheter they need them at those levels or not. He did not explain that he was telling us about things that really help us not at all unless we are drain to waste growers, but as presented can hurt us alot as we would neraly always experince some nytrient deficiencies (note the ge reat number of nutrient deficiencies people provide links to). He is a parasite doing us wrong again.
Sure what the MJ manfacturers (even him) have been saying for a long time has been poorly said. But imagine the confusion in saying though the palnts do not need n more of this nutrient or that during this stage of growth they instead siad your nutrients solution needs to be changed or adjusted do you the use of recirculating resrvoirs and that the adjustments need vary at different stages of growth and with different lighting, temperatures, humidities, CO2 levels and nutrient formulations. They are merely trying to keep it simple. Fat Mikie obviously knows that as he himself has been doing the same thing and saying the same things. Now however he is just pulling his dumb marketing act again and saying everyone is wrong as the plants do not have these high needs etc. Duh. Every nutrient manfacturer knows that already.
The marketers have tried to keep it simple by using half truths. The sad side is forum growers taking it fior the whole truth and therefore creating often regurgiated myths. Fat Mikie however for marketing purposes alone is now confusing the nutrient issues with his half truth video. No marketer has yet to share the whole truth as that would cut sells and therefore profits. Once again Fat Mike is not our friend and he did not make and post his video all over the web to help the mj growers. He created more confusion which promotes more sells. This is the same dum ass y who ranted on about other growing supply manafcturers who refuse to sell to stores who sell AN prodi ucts just due to Fat Mikie's insane marketing c=schemes thatcause states to pass more stringent laws on horticultural supply stores. The guy is a menace to the horticultural stores and all growers of mj. Gorowers do not need sensationalism, but Mikie is all about sensationalism.
Think of simple emperical evidence such as this. Why when there are no boosters used, such as higher phosphoris, calcium, magnesisun and iron etc, are there commonly deficiency signs shown by plants during budding. Fat Mikie says the tissue samples show the plants do not need more of such minerals. IE the nutrient solution needs to be balanced so that the nutrients are available. If the nutrients are not balanced the nutrients are no available for the pants tio take up even though tey are in the reservoir. Fat Mike conviently leaves this out of the video. Next the dufus will be saying it is not necessary to keep the pH in the optimal nutrient availabilty range. The guy belongs behind bars, perhaps he can be Marc Emery's cell "mate".