JP's Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
I can use all the help i can get with lighting. I do not mind at all. Sicc has been extremely helpful to me already. I have a current build on the way, will use (6) 23 watt lights. I just have to decide if i can control three girls in one cabinet. Looking at sicc's work, Id say its possible if i research lst more.

But thats after this grow is up, I'm keeping the (3) 42 watt bulbs in place. Ive read that the strain i have selected DIESEL RYDER forms a main cola and doesn't branch as much. that should aid in me growing in my small cabinet.


Well-Known Member
had to add almost a gallon of water and some nutrients today. I have a thirsty girl. I added enough flowering nutes to bring it back up to 1460 ppm which is within range.

Daily pictures from HELL BOX 2010



Well-Known Member
I'm getting really stoked now, I learned from a thread on here to hit micro mode and stand back and use zoom. Im only using a 8 mp camera too. this is a dream first grow. I am very happy so far.


Well-Known Member
Nice, ima have to try that, i use the macro setting, but i never zoomed in, makes sense.
Mine is only 7.2 MP's :razz:
But it takes some great pics.


Well-Known Member
when harvest time comes, i plan to remove the light from the cabinet and hang the buds upside down in there with the ventilation running. I understand i shouldn't have a fan blowing directly on them so i wouldn't use a clip on fan just the intakes and exhausts. after they feel dry i switch them to a jar and burp them daily or more.

Anyone dry in a cabinet? What should the RH be?


Well-Known Member

For the record, i am flowering this "auto" at 20/4.
I bought a usb microscope and took a small clipping of one of the main cola leaves. this is what i got.


Well-Known Member
Hey dood read your whole thread and love it. Good job in problem solving!:clap::clap::clap:

I am waiting on some femd short rider autos and in 2nd week of 12/12 with the bagseed, and will birth brf cakes this week. All mushies teks will be explained, as I go ( shotgun FC will be built soon). Come check out my thread and again, good job and great thread my friend...:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
The plant is 1 foot 5 inches tall with a 4 inch cola and other bud sites. not the largest yield in history but i'm happy with anything. Ive been flowering for 15 days out of 60 days thats roughly a month and a half more. I guess i will be seeing some amber by that time.

Seedbank Nirvana Type Indoor/Outdoor Indica / Sativa Indica dominant Feminized Yes Yield 400 - 500 Effect Stoney Grow height Low Flowering weeks 8 / 9 weeks


Well-Known Member
yeah, with that much veg time, and still 6 to 7 weeks of flowering left, and the way shes looking all lovely, you will have a nice size girl there.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i still mix nutrients for another 5 weeks, then flush the system and run off of ro/di water for two weeks. Groovy i like my buds filling out some more. grow M'Lady grow


Well-Known Member
maybe they labeled the high as stoney because the trichs will be amber by the time flowering is over. thats why they are so quick to cloud.. sounds good to a stoned guy right now anyways.