• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Club 600


Well-Known Member
When I flush I take a low stem down and hang it to dry, smoke it 4 days later and see where I'm at. What about you?
Usually a week before I plan on harvesting, I cut of a smaller bud and throw it in my dehydrator for 24hrs@105F. Smoke it the next day to see how she is doing and it gives you an idea of how its gona taste. I do this for every harvest. And after the few times Ive done it, it gives me an even better idea of how long they have to go. I recommend this method to everyone just for the experience of seeing how much your plants can mature at the end and how the high can vary greatly depending on how its cut first hand. Makes me question weather I want to bump the cut date back every time.
some buds shots during flushing! monday will be 8 weeks 12/12

Those look great. Sucks you cant flush easily. Thats my favorite part about my dwc. A week to 4 days before I plan on chopping, I just drain the res, then fill it with ro and clearex for 12 hrs, the drain and fill the final time with strait ro. Takes about 30 min to do the whole process, and that is spit into two 15min segments seperated by 12 hrs. I have come to the conclusion that herb grown in soil has a stronger taste and smell, but the hydro equvilant is identical, just not as pungant. And on my buddies last run of Blue Kush in soil, it had a faint hint of poop in the taste and smell that I was greatful wasnt in my recent harvest of the strain.


Active Member
Interesting. I don't know either about the moon,but am now curious. Wow. Lots of stuff since Iv'e been in. First welcome new peep to the 600. And for pics,especialy Gnome,excellant bud porn. As for the other issue,I spent most of yesterday argueing in 2 other posts. I'm not going back to either. Tired of argueing. I'm gonna throw out just a couple points on the Bill issue.
I feel McPurp has the closest opinion to me. You will be able to grow some though. And I believe you can still get a card from ages 18 to 20. The rest of the cards won't mean shit. As far as the rest,here I go.
I BELIEVE IN LEGALIZATION. I feel like I need to keep saying this. I just don't think this is TRUE legalization. Our state has figured out a way to make marijuana more criminal than it already is,and hide that fact with one positive to get people to vote yes. I am not trying to start shit,just think people should be totally aware of all that is at stake. The vote in Washington sounds like a better step in the right direction. I'm gonna check that out,thanks for posting that. Think about the Cal Lottery. Cali decided to start it to get more money to the school system. Any Califorians remember that? Everybody thought it was such a good idea. And it is. But you know how much of it goes to the school system? One percent. One fuckin penny out of every dollar. This is sort of the same thing. It's a hustle. And they are not making it truly legal.
You say there is no way to know that the price will go up or down. It HAS to go up. For a few reasons. For one,the Gov. will have there fingers in it. You think the price of weed at the club won't go up with taxes? Also everyone says supply and demand. That is true. But what some of you keep forgetting,or for those that don't live here and don't know. Is that Cali DE CRIMINALIZED MARIJUANA years ago. When I was a kid,you could get up to three months in jail for an ounce of weed. Now you get a fine for $25 to $60 dolars depending on what county your in for having 28 1/2 grams or less. No jail time. This is because it is already DE CRIMINALIZED. After this law goes through there will be a set of conditions that will basically RE CRIMINALIZE marijuana. Not the other way around. No one under 21 can buy it legally. So where they gona get it? You see,if your the type of guy that would normally just hook up your 20 year old buddy,well after this law goes through you could do 3 to 5 years for that. Some people have friends in here that are 20 years old that will probably go to jail when they would not have before this law. Sooooo. Less people are going to want to help out the youngsters as before. Because the risk will be much greater. You see the laws that we have about Mary Jane right now,will all become more brutal after this passes. Some economists have predicted up to $80 a gram on the streets. I think that is a rediculous figure,but it gives you the idea. Why does Cocaine cost so much? Because of the risk. It's scary to get caught with coke. Do you think that Cocaine would cost $50 for a gram if you could carry up to an ounce and only get a fine? Hell no. Well for many it will be just as scary to carry Mary Jane after this law if it passes. The punishment for an 18 year old will be up to three years for smokin a joint.3 YEARS! So your talkin a lot of risk. Not small shit like it is now. Like Purp said they will bump up MJ's drug class. So you think that people are going to risk 5 fuckin years in jail without being compensated? Right now if your young and don't know the right people,or visiting like Purp said. MJ is about $20 a gram on the street. It's not what I pay but I see it. Plenty. So. The same 19 year old that showed up on the steps of the guys house the day before for $20n a gram will pay more. The man will say."Shit,I could do 5 years for this,it's $30 now." So the guy will buy it or not,depending on how many people he knows. But don't be surprised if within 2 weeks he gets the same answer everywhere. The price on drugs has always run with the risk of carrying and distributing them. After this law goes through I guarentee you the price will go up. The street always controls the overall prices on drugs,that will never change.
The economics are also not there for this. How is it economically sound? I don't remember who said it,but this is not basic economics. Nor is it good economically.
Soooo. Are these people under 21 gonna stop smoking? No. Most likely not. Just like people like me that smoke cigarettes. Every time they raise the taxes I just keep on smoking. Which also is another side note. They will raise and raise taxes,ESPECIALLY if the Fed ever gets on board. So now you got say around 3 to 6 hundred thousand people in Cali that will have to get real money to buy their weed. And the other half will or won't have the shit growing in or outside their houses. Now you have created the PERFECT environment for crime. Yes I am Hypothenizing. But it's a damn good hypothesis. If it's in your yard,you better have a real good dog or never leave the house. Cause their gonna fuckin take it. You also give these peeps more reasons to start entering more homes. Cause now not only are they lookin for stuff to jack to sell for weed,they'll be cruisin into random homes just to see if they got some growin. This law will create a new crime wave. So they tax this weed. And make it a higher class drug. Where do you think all the money the Gov is going to collect will go? That's right. You will be funding the new war on drugs. That's right,war on drugs,not Marijuana,but drugs. Because that is what Marijuana will be. You will no longer be able to say you don't do drugs except weed. Because you will be voting to put it in the same class as cocaine. There is the CHANCE. And I mean chance,but not that far fetched,that some or a lot of the money will be used to upgrade juvenile halls AND prisons to hold all the new POT offenders. So all the new tax money that you voted for would go to more task forces against the thing you love. The Gov. loves to hustle. Don't ever forget that. If they can use the money this way they will. It's like the lottery,it's not gonna do shit for this state's economy. Cause they will be spending way more to govern it. Am I for legalization? Hell yeah. But this doesn't sound like real legalization to me. Just a hustle.
I for one will be somewhat more nervous after the law passes to grow. This shit ain't gonna be no joke.

Last point and question. If this is legalization,why does it feel more like re criminalization? And why are there so many new punishments and conditions for the shit? THIS IS NOT LEGALIZATION. It's them allowing us to get away with a little bit so they can get more control and get YOU the tax payer and voter to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
1200 watts,galaxy ballast&lumatek,3 weeks 12/12singel shot white russianghs cheese6 in all,i have 2 og18xskunk,ghs king kush,grap fx-x-tora bora(slapstick),kushberryxskunk..i'll get pic's of them later..


Well-Known Member
i wasnt tryin to argue with no one onthe bill etheir i was just throwin my opinion out this club is to great to waste on some arguing, but not open discussion


Well-Known Member
also my origanl grower i had lined up bailed on me so i made a call today and found a differnet one and it is the best deal i have found out of 30 different growers. i get 1 pound of dank all bud the min i hand my card. this much should last me four months. and then when harvest comes well ill leave that to when it comes time. dont want to give it all away. i dont think i will beable to take pics of the outdsoor op as my grower is very secure in his buisness. i should have it by monday so ill take a pic of what i get. he does four strains. blue widow, shishkaberry wich i am very glad about. purple elvis and another one i cant remeber at the moment. also my dry wait of my last indoor is about 7 ozs dry so i did better than last time and next winter i beleive it will be even better.


Active Member
Fuck man. You musta been pessied after choppin early. That sucks,sorry to hear it. But out of chaoss comes good sometimes. Sounds like you got a way better deal. Congratulations. Yeah,I agree on the argueing,but I always get sucked in. Lol. And Genuity,lookin good my friend.


Active Member
Oh,and I will say one last thing about the new law. You can only grow in a 25 sq ft area. I agree with most that it is sufficient for space. But what some people are mis understanding is that it is per household. Not per person. Where I live there are 3 adult smokers. Many people I know because of the economy here have anywhere from 1 to 3 roomates. You will all SHARE the 25 sq ft. You don't each get to grow in your 25 sq ft area. So really unless you don't smoke much,a lot of people WON'T be able to grow enough medication. Not all,but a lot.


Well-Known Member
ya i was pissed about choppin a lil early but it wasnt to early i would have liked them to go longer but all well the bud is still great for my pain needs straight couch lock and then pass out if u sit. also after a week of curing it leaves a very berry taste in my mouth and makes it water and not all dry. instead of kotton mouth i get water mouth with this shit. and i think i like my new deal better anyway. i just dont want to get screwed and then having to go retreive my medican and ard


Well-Known Member
And Purp,I was stickin up for your opinion. Just makin sure you know,in case it came out wrong. Peace 600.
i know you were and thanks, its not really a side thing though, i dont mind hearing other opinions that dont agree with mine. i just dont like to get into somesort of arguement.

Shit,that would suck.
ya it would, ive just heard of alot of growers screwin theri patients out of theri meds or charging them, wich mine wont be. ive also been hearing some growers complain about patients to though for them robbing them wich i am not into unless i am robbed first, like i said i will go retreive whats mine if what was promised is not theri.


Active Member
No doubt. I am also curious about what others think,just can't stop throwin out debate. It's difficult. Been good points. No other telk in here today hardly. Dead subject maybe. Lol. Hey Purp,couldn't get the Blue Dot,but I'm bringin up to the outdoor instead,1 Bubba Kush,two Sour Diesels,and at least 4 Recon's,maybe 5 if I don't see anything else cool for the outdoor. That should be Tue. morning or Mon night. Than I can also bring up the 3 Mazar's and Pocahontas aka Hindu Kush. She's gonna be fuckin huge. Can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Dealers. I cringe every time I see that word used. It just has a bad vibe surrounding the word, like it automatically denotes a negative aura, a shady atmosphere. I just don't like it. So what makes a person a dealer and are dealers a good or bad thing?
i think salesman sounds better lol


Well-Known Member
Awesome pics Gnome Grown!! and I love your RooR!!! Ok, I am going to clean mine, it looks like it's been stuck in an oil slick!!!

Words are just vehicles of communication. Dealer is a word that has a stigma attached to it, due to the Media / Press. Me, I have been a Broker, A Salesman, A Sales Representative, A consultant, An Advisor, A Customer Representative (sale man in disguise)....oh, and I guess I have also been a Dealer, A Supplier, A trafficker, A Courier, An Importer, A distributer, blah de blah de blah. hahaha. The way I wrote that you would think I was in some sort of massive gang that I had worked my way up through the ranks....but that's not the case. These are just words that you could apply to things I have done in my past, both legal, and perhaps non-legal (can't say too much, hahaha). And you can apply any Good or Service to these words as well.

Have a Peaceful Sunday 600.


p.s: since I didn't post any updates, will be the Copy Edit Paste king and post up from my journal, haha, lazy mofo.


Well-Known Member
Chopped her down this morning at 58 days flower. Smell and taste like coffee and wood. Im loving Cannacopia Seeds. Also got the C99 x deep Chunk from them, I plan on taking them next friday.


Well-Known Member
Copy Edit Paste post......my update from yesterday.


New York 47

Advanced NY47: I think about 7+ weeks...

OG Kush:

OG Kush flowers

Thelma Re-veg: Going very well IMO (will write more about this soon):

Looking in:

The Greenhouse:


DPQ youngling: Looks hungry - will be fed next water.

Cali Orange Headband Cross. Looking very indica based.

The Bastard of Barbagseed

Flowering Headbands:

Flower Corner:

EDIT: As you can see, the sun didn't last long in the part of Europe...

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
So here's my current situation. Last sunday I chopped the tops of my sour cream, the rest of the plant is back under the six hundreds. My strawberry haze, arjan's haze #1 and the malawi 99 will be chopped this upcoming saturday. I have a clone of the arjan's haze going and she is flowering away nicely. In my tent I have six females going which will be put under the six hundreds when my others get chopped. I'm six grams shy of two ounces from the sour cream and I suspect a good ounce or so still left on the plant. I'm presuming the gravity worked. For sativa dominant strains the buds were not light and fluffy, even the strawberry haze which looks like the buds should be fluffy, they have some weight to them, feel pretty solid when squeezed. Anyway a couple of pics entering the last week of flowering.



Well-Known Member
Hey Godfrey, Mcpurp. I don't think anyones arguing here. We may have emotions around the subject of the discussion, but I don't think it's anything more than discussion. So all's well in my book. We just disagree. And I think everyone was just busy yesterday, you didn't bog down the thread.

Head's up... I never messed around with the moon... but maybe something to think about?

Good to see you Philltubes.


Well-Known Member
One of the guys at work the other day asked me an interesting question, he wanted to know if I take the cycles of the moon into consideration when planting or harvesting.

I don't, do any of you hard core horticulturalists?

Please feel free to bump this question up once in a while, I'm really curious to hear from the club members on this one.
Heads UP. Ive read somwhere that your supposed to plant on the new moon. I read it in a guerilla growers guide somewhere here on RIU. The author was saying that the earths mysterious enerigies effect the plants and every living thing including us. Kinda tripped me out a bit. Not to knowledgeable on the subject but very interesting. I believe theres a new moon once per month. Correct me if im wrong. Peace 1BMM