• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Club 600


Well-Known Member
just joined the 600 club form my auto aks hope this grow goes good, happy growing
Welcome my friend. Got any pics dam612. We wanna see your girls!

And no GG... nothing sketchy about dealers here in cali... at least overall. Always some shady dealers of course. A lot of people are just buying from the dispensaries and turning around and selling that. We have delivery sevices round where I live... both legal (medical) and non-legal. Got business cards and everything, lol.

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For me it's the same as getting nothing. And it really bummed me out that this guy let greed get to him. I should of respectably got at least 4 oz. Now he misses out on award winning strains (clones) and I lose a brother. And now he is just a friend. This guy harvest 1.5 lbs for the first time in his life and it was proper herb, again for the first time in his life. Respect was not there in the end, and no respect is disappointing.
It's all about respect with me.
Another grower I helped was kicking me 1 oz per plant every 1-2 weeks. He was getting a nasty dirt tasting 1.5 oz per plant if that. In 2 months he was getting 4+ oz per plant 1-2 every week. I told him in at the gate that my price was a O a plant if I get him 5 o per and 1/2 per plant if it's under, he agreed and we Rocked it out. Once he got the hang of it and felt comfortable, I walked away from his garden with a smile.
I tell my son, "never burn a bridge, ever. Because you never know when you made need to use that bridge again".

It's worse than getting nothing, in my opinion it's a slap in the face. GoldenGanja13, you are obviously a person of high integrity and quite a bit of style bringing him over two of your nicest strains to smoke, but none to have. A very nice touch. It's all about integrity, honesty and keeping ones word. Quite a few of my friends struggle week to week, it's a shame, but I do what I can to spread around the fruits of our gardening, with no strings attached other than to be a person of integrity, keep your word. My vietnam vet buddy just left, he was here to drop off the fifty bucks he owed me which I completely forgot about, a man of integrity. To our credit, me and my partner have now been through four or five grows, we still split everything fifty/fifty, help each other with trimming, share our knowledge and observations, our nutes if one needs something from the other, etc, I'm sure you get the picture. We've now gone several months without having to buy anything and even let some go at very reasonable prices. I've achieved my goal of not having to buy off the street, anything more in my opinion is to be spread around for others to enjoy. Just don't play me as a chump and everything will be ok with me and you. Pay it forward.

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Well-Known Member
just joined the 600 club form my auto aks hope this grow goes good, happy growing

Well dam, welcome. I'm pretty sure you'll find the folks around here more than willing to lend a hand if needed. Welcome to the best thread on RIU.

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Dealers. I cringe every time I see that word used. It just has a bad vibe surrounding the word, like it automatically denotes a negative aura, a shady atmosphere. I just don't like it. So what makes a person a dealer and are dealers a good or bad thing?


Well-Known Member
is it sketchy to buy bud from dellers in cali or some shit?!?..
no i dont think so alot of dealers are sketchy where ever your at. but i dont like the prices in cali. i was down thei on multipule ocasions and every time it was sold for 20 bucks a gram. and the prices i have seen for the dispenseries down theri are just as much if not more. i havent sen all the dispeneriy prices though so i cant really bag on that. but im sure prices are all about the same no matter what one you go to.

Dealers. I cringe every time I see that word used. It just has a bad vibe surrounding the word, like it automatically denotes a negative aura, a shady atmosphere. I just don't like it. So what makes a person a dealer and are dealers a good or bad thing?
i dont really tend to think so theri is a lot of dealers. car dealers,alcohol dealers, diomaond dealers all types of stuff that doesnt neccaserly demote them. but i do see when u say dealer and are talkin about pot or other drugs. i think their are some good dealers and bad the bad one rip you off or attempt to rob you. the good ones hook u up fat all the time. and in my mind a dealer is anyone person who is selling at a price higher then what they bought it for no matter what is being sold and bought. say i buy a gun for 50 bucks witch is a pretty good deal for a gun depending on its condition, and then i turned around and sold it for 150 now that would make me a dealer but only if i kept doin it u know like every day as a job not as just helpin some freinds out with some pot or somthin
In Washington, we're trying to get signatures for I-1068. If we get enough, it goes on the November ballot. The ballot would "Remove state civil and criminal penalties for persons 18 years old and older who cultivate, possess, transport, sell, or use marijuana." Marijuana would no longer be defined as a "controlled substance." Civil and criminal penalties relating to drug paraphernalia and provisions authorizing seizure or forfeiture of property would not apply to marijuana related offenses committed by persons 18 years old and over. The measure would retain current restrictions and penalties applicable to persons under 18. We need 241,153 signatures by July 2, 2010. For more information go to www.sensiblewashington.org


Well-Known Member
Dealers. I cringe every time I see that word used. It just has a bad vibe surrounding the word, like it automatically denotes a negative aura, a shady atmosphere. I just don't like it. So what makes a person a dealer and are dealers a good or bad thing?
To me 'dealer' just means someone who deals in drugs. Nothing bad with that (in my book). Like mcpurp said, some people deal in diamonds, some cars, some insurance (gag, lol dst)... it's just a term used to describe an occupation someone has. Now like any word out there it can be used by anyone for anything... which makes it hard to find a common definition. To me a 'dealer' is someone who takes seriously their occupation of supplying a product to a certain market. Whatever that is. People who don't take it seriously and just mess around may call themselves dealers, but to me they are just people hooking up their friends. Not dealers.

So is dealer good or bad. Neither. However there are good and bad dealers for sure. What makes one a good one is someone who has consistant prices, supply, and quality. Even if the prices are high, as long as they are consistant... it's called a free market. If the prices were too high, he would go out of business. If he's not going out of business, he's just taking advantage of the market. Not this is a big distinction... he's not taking advantage of people.... but the market. There's a difference.

If a coke dealer has a coked up feind at their house and a not coked up feind at their house... and they sell the coke to the one high for twice the price because he know's he wants it... and can take advantage of his high state, then that's taking advantage of people. But if he sells each a gram for $100... yeah that's a crazy price... but the customers have the option of taking their business somewhere else. Yes... the other dealers may be more shady, but you get what you pay for sometimes. It's all just business in my mind. Just happens that the product they deal in is illegal. You can't say that alcohol and fast cars don't kill people. They do. Doesn't mean the car salesman is a killer.

I admit I simplified concepts and made some blanket statements, so don't bash me for supporting people selling crack and pcp. I wish they wouldn't. But as a business model they aren't necessarily doing anything wrong (at least to me).

And to mcpurp... I'm not sure what you are on about prices. I've been paying $20 a gram for more than 15 years now. That's just how much it costs here. Eighths are $50, sometimes $60, but the 60 is better than the 50. Some co-ops charge as much as $80 an eighth. Again... taking advantage of a market. There are or were over 1000 co-ops in the LA area. Price too high at one... go to another. Obviously the prices aren't too high, or they would go out of business or lower the prices.

And one more thing. I don't think anyone in the world can say that prices are going to go up, go down, or stay the same if pot is legalized. There are arguments on both sides... but the only way to find out is to legalize it. Then we can go from there. Can't stitch a hole in a blanket that hasn't even been made yet, feel me.


Well-Known Member
BEAUTIFUL my main gnome. I'm coming over right away... you are definitely going to need someone else to sample that with you, lol.


Well-Known Member
well its just that were im at and where i live prices are almost cut in half if not more.i mean 20 bucks a gram shit. i get 10 bucks a gram on a day where i would have to buy from an unknown dealer. when the regulars are in its usually more like 5 bucks a gram and eighths go for 25-35 depending on season of the year the quality doesn't affect the cost unless its really shitty (wich is rare in my parts). and people are over paying but they'd rather buy it legally for a high then buy it illegally for the same price if not more. and you are right about the prices goin up or down it could go either way, but i think the government would love to rake in all that cash that they could use for them selves its a cash crop and the government is soon enough gonna bank in on it.

and gnome grown those plants look fucking delicious great job and enjoy smokin them beauties


Well-Known Member
oh me me i want one so bad...

espeacialy out of that either brand new bong or freshly cleaned bong either way i want one. enjoy it


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a sick set up!..ive thought of a few differnt ways to make flushing easyer but never but my brain storms into action! "waiting for a few ladies to drain then more flushing" lol
This is when I am doing only one at a time. I put a booster seat inside to keep water draining freely.

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Jigfresh my partner/brother here in the six hundred. Maybe it's that I'm older, maybe it's that I was a junkie for years and I got my heroin from dealers. Whatever it is, when it comes to any kind of drug, the word dealer to me conjours up pictures of reefer madness in my mind's eye, not necessarily the way I see the word dealer but as the public sees the word dealer when the word marijuana is also in the same sentence. I try to ask questions in ways as to not influence ones answer one way or another, that is when I'm being serious as I am with this question. I agree, there are many kinds of dealers that have no negative implications but you know as well as I do that when the news gets a hold of a hot drug bust and the 'dealer' was apprehended it's like they just caught John Dillinger. Personally, I think everything should be legalized. Alcohol is and has been legal for years, on average I drink a beer once every year or three, the issue of its legality does not concern me any more than the legal standing of weed does at this moment. I completely disagree with the way the government of the US has chosen to make me a criminal because of my choice of get high, so I disregard their decision and do my little thing in the privacy of my home.

I would rather be considered a grower, like a farmer, who provides a product, like tomatoes, that people are willing to pay for with cash money. I do not like the idea of 'what the markets will bear' kind of commerce. People with big money do that in the oil speculation business and we all pay out the arse for it. I rather like the fair trade way of doing business. If I'm the owner/grower, I'm going to make money, the next decision is do I want to pursue this for the love of money or for the love of what I'm doing? If I'm after the money, it's what the markets can bear, if I'm after satisfaction I know I'll get it from the sheer joy of spreading around the product of my farming at reasonable prices that working people can afford, I'm going for the satisfaction of sharing.

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One of the guys at work the other day asked me an interesting question, he wanted to know if I take the cycles of the moon into consideration when planting or harvesting.

I don't, do any of you hard core horticulturalists?

Please feel free to bump this question up once in a while, I'm really curious to hear from the club members on this one.