What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
Good morning! I made some homemade stuffed shells with ricotta cheese and ground sausage with a marinara sauce and topped with fresh motz. It was very tasty! I have been up since 6 am and it is now 830 am and I have had nothing but too much coffee. I am jittery and feel kinda weird but I will update you on my breakfast later if I eat any. Thanks for coming out God bless you goodnight.


New Member
croissants and chocolate milk for breakfast :)
Ummmmm .... ew? :lol: They just don't sound like they go together!

home made meatballs and spaghetti tonight
Eating the Flying Spaghetti Monster tonite ... :clap: Noodly appendages and all.

Good morning! I made some homemade stuffed shells with ricotta cheese and ground sausage with a marinara sauce and topped with fresh motz. It was very tasty! I have been up since 6 am and it is now 830 am and I have had nothing but too much coffee. I am jittery and feel kinda weird but I will update you on my breakfast later if I eat any. Thanks for coming out God bless you goodnight.
That sounds good est... the shells I mean. Man, I have been there with the coffee jags. Have some......eggs. :lol:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ummmmm .... ew? :lol: They just don't sound like they go together!
eeryone has milk for breakfast, on the whole
everyone loves croisants for breakfast
the only thing better than a croissant for breakfast is pain au chocolat
i gotta live cheap so i mixed it all up. same thing at the end of the day haha. (not to mention croissant will last a few hours, pain au chocolat need to be eaten while hot else the chocolate just becomes crappy and brittle)


Well-Known Member
Dr. Crackerjax This man been shot and is dying! Give him 1 dozen boiled eggs stat! I'm not 137 years old for nothing! It's the eggs You lack...the freaking eggs! geeeez! Thank you Dr. crackerjax you have saved another life with your love and passion for eggs.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha leave it up you to come up with hilarious pic like that! I had a slim jim appetizer and now I'm eating some country ham.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
had a bacon and brie toasted chiabatta 2 pints and a spliff for lunch. frickiné awesome, as the french might say........................ but probably wouldnt.


Active Member
a fellow mac hater ..... good to know i am not the last of my kind. everywhere i look i pods and i phones ... they suck !!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, don't get me started on macs. fucking jumped up piles of poo. the newest macbook is hitting 104C which is hot enough to boil water, that's stupid, all in the name of a swish case.

people can praise their mac products all they want but at the end of the day it's largely to do with sheer ignorance and willingness to be a sheep if it means you're apparently cool. i tend to laugh my faces off at friends with imac's etc, and they don't get it. went to a friends parents to see a couple of puppies, and i was chatting to his step-dad about his ma's iphone, and it got back to macs, and i voiced my dislike for their business methods, he said haha, well at least there are no viruses for mac, and as such need no anti-viral software, i laughed hard, he came back with "well my imac isn't going to get a virus now is it" and i laughed even harder. it amuses me shattering mac owners beliefs, they felt so proud, and then they suddenly seem so silly :lol: