stopped watering before harvest but... help!


Active Member
so i figure the last two weeks of harvest should go without watering if possible especially since my ladies are sitting in 6 month slow release soil and they're only just over 3 months old. they swelled slightly and crystal'd up nicely since i stopped watering but now the biggest top is bent over a little because i slept in and it got to 100 in there before i could open it up. wondering if i should just give it like a cup of water or something. i swear i see a few amber heads with the 100x microscope but i'm not sure because of the yellowish light that came with it instead of the led.

any thoughts on this? should i water?


Well-Known Member
Yes, letting your plant dry out will hurt yield, and your plant likely needs water as it would have lost a lot in the heat. From a pure biological standpoint your best bet let her drink. It may slightly change the flavor of the buds (this is highly debatable) but a decent cure will assuredly make up for it, and you will get more bud!

Cheers, and good luck.


Active Member
cool man, so i actually harvested 1 of them because i hadn't noticed the hairs had all receded and could hardly find any white hairs left on it. watered the rest and hopefully there will be 3 more ready in a week or so. the rest took longer to start budding but have decent size nugs on them now. maybe 3 weeks or so for them -.- all white hairs. all the same age. pics here.



Active Member
haha, thx man. can't wait til this stuff finishes curing, yummmm. dried a little nug of it in the microwave and it was bomb and tasty.


Active Member
you are supposed to stop feeding 2 weeks before harvest, not stop watering.
the reason i was confused about this is because in SeeMoreBuds' "how to grow 8oz of bud for $100 or less" they stopped watering on day 59 and harvested on day 68 but they said "this may be the last day of watering". i was thinking that it had something to do with the 3 month slow release soil they used. and i read somewhere on here that the buds fill with resin when they are deprived of water in the last days before harvest.


Well-Known Member
I dont now if i'd trust something written by someone using slow release soil that is supposed to last months. I dont ever see any of the pro's on here do it and/or advising it.


Active Member
Slow release soil is horrid, get yourself some Fox Farms, use the appropriate nutes and you'll be golden with some fat colas.


Active Member
i'm thinking they probably used that soil to keep the price under $100 because i dunno when it was written but they had 9 45 watt cfl's and those things are like 10-12 bucks a piece around here. but ya, my new batch of clones is sitting in Rootz soil which is supposed to be the hot thing out with bat guano and all types of stuff bud likes. and got the veg and flowering bat guano. hopefully have better results.


Active Member
oh and perlite. but ya, they yielded 8 oz from 3 plants flowered at about 5 inches tall. which is probably a ton more than i'm looking at with my 8 plants under a 400w hps =/


Well-Known Member
How many weeks did you flower for, total? In a couple of your pics, it looks to me like you may have cut them down a bit early... They don't look like they finished filling in with true bud mass... I may be wrong. They do look good, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to talk shit at all. It just looked to me like they could have filled in a little bit more.

I have to let my girls flower for 11 weeks. They look really good after 10 weeks, but I've noticed that if I let them go another 4 to 7 days after 10 weeks, they still continue to fill in with bud mass, and the trich's continue to get more dense. The strain I grow is white rhino. I can actually harvest at 9 weeks, and the pot is excellent. BUT, to truly see the "whiteness" of the white rhino strain, I have to be patient and wait at least 10 weeks, to 75 days or so... But those last 10 to 14 days makes all the difference in the world.

Sorry, I'm rambling.. hahahah. Your buds do look tasty, none the less... and I'm sure they're stoney as hell!!! :)


Active Member
thx guys. i accidentally manicured a little nugglet off and dried it in the microwave lol. shit was still tasty as hell. i actually had them in 12/12 from start to finish but they germinated around Jan. 15. wasn't near a perfect grow either. had some problems with spidermites until i got serious about it and had some ph problems. the last two weeks though, those plants just didn't seem like they were swelling anymore. only new noticeable growth was some new baby leaves on the top. thx for the advice i'll try letting the rest mature longer but they seem like they're gonna produce so much less than these other two i dunno if it's even worth letting the slow bastards (same age) finish. the buds just barely started looking dense and swelling. maybe i'll start a new thread for that but anyone have an opinion on slower plants from seed?


Active Member
i was nearing the end of my first grow. (400w hps with no can imagine the results). i didn't have a separate room for veg and still don't but this time i'm using the sun for veg. hopefully i get more off these next plants cuz right now it costs me more to grow than it does to buy. at least these are clones from the club. hopefully these guys are honest and have good clones cuz their top shelf buds are 395 or more. frickin robbery.


Well-Known Member
why isnt adding ventilation possible? thats a very important thing when growing. not beating you up or nothing but thats just how it is. you must also control your temps from the hps, i'd suggest a cool tube. You will need to do that if you plan on tossing the ones your vegging in the sun under it for flower. you will not have enough room most likely and they will get to close to the light and end up in really bad shape:peace:


Well-Known Member
you should be able to grow enough to get your investment back and more in like 1 or 2 grows with the 400w hps, an oz or more a plant is not even close to a hard goal to reach. a plant in a proper hps setup that is....


Active Member
well i didn't have ventilation on my first grow because the guy at the hydro shop said i didn't need it. i have plenty of ventilation with 6" ducting now. since just after my first harvest. they did love it but i'm still like jeez i know i didn't screw up that badly to have such bad yield. even worse, if i don't prop the door of my grow room open on a 75 degree day, it'll be 90+ in there. i live where in a couple months it could be 110 making my grow room 130-140? . looking at ac units but i really think i might as well just cut a hole in my pockets. or sign my checks to pg&e. i can only have 6 mature plants legally and i smoke a qp every 2 months. i have about $1000 invested into the grow room but i just don't have any faith i'm gonna be able to cool it down.