Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
you mean to tell me that just because i used a holy ghost writer, he won't bow before me? what a maroon.

did i just date myself?


Well-Known Member
the nicest thing about being god is that i am all things to all people. i am evil and i am good, i exist and i am a fantasy, i am creation and i am destruction, i am loved and i am hated. consider me as you will, i will continue in some form for as long as i am needed. should this reality no longer have a need of me, i will quietly retire to the other room and leave you to squabble amongst yourselves. being the alpha and the omega, i have no need of form or even purpose. it is enough that i am here when the weak soul needs a crutch or the wayward needs some reminder of what is right. at my worst i am the excuse of tyrants and the justification for abominations. i am the foul remainder of past sins and the bright promise of what is possible. use what is needed and leave the rest.
Not to hurt your feelings, um, GOD, but you could step away and we wouldn't even notice your absence, because well, your presence has no evidence our feeble senses can detect, so, basically, um, GOD, we wouldn't know you had left...


Well-Known Member
Not to hurt your feelings, um, GOD, but you could step away and we wouldn't even notice your absence, because well, your presence has no evidence our feeble senses can detect, so, basically, um, GOD, we wouldn't know you had left...
that's fine with me. in october we'll see who is right and who is wrong. i may decide to be merciful, sparing you all so that you can later destroy yourselves. i am beyond proof, i am beyond your reality. those fools who claim to know me are only deluding themselves. i am whatever illusion you need to deal with your limited understanding of all that is around you.


Well-Known Member
that's fine with me. in october we'll see who is right and who is wrong. i may decide to be merciful, sparing you all so that you can later destroy yourselves. i am beyond proof, i am beyond your reality. those fools who claim to know me are only deluding themselves. i am whatever illusion you need to deal with your limited understanding of all that is around you.
Hello darkness, my old friend...


Well-Known Member
Hello darkness, my old friend...
one of our major steps into adulthood is the ability to walk the darkness without fear. some of us never shake that fear altogether, but most of us manage it. some day we may be able to walk through the darkness of the unknown without need of that false sunlight of superstition. i suppose some of us will always need a flashlight.


Well-Known Member
one of our major steps into adulthood is the ability to walk the darkness without fear. some of us never shake that fear altogether, but most of us manage it. some day we may be able to walk through the darkness of the unknown without need of that false sunlight of superstition. i suppose some of us will always need a flashlight.
I do not fear the dark, I embrace it. I can not fear something until I understand something's nature... But the unknown is sexy because there are no lies, or manipulation available...Only facts waiting to be discoveredI know, I am NOT the human example you designed. But you knew that...So I love your dark places! :lol::lol::lol:If I wake up tomorrow with tits, I will understand that I have offended GOD...


Well-Known Member
I suggest you answer some questions so you don't continue to display your trollness. Like where do you get the idea that an ice asteroid is the leading theory on how the earth obtained it's water or even a link showing us it is really scientific theory at all.


Active Member
The "greatest" scientific mind on earth suggest two theories. In case you were unaware those are the big bang & ice Ateroid/Comet whatever you want to call it theory.


Active Member
Those theories are an automatic fail before they even begin to explain themselves. The universe was once the size of a pinpoint? Everything from NOTHING eh?


Well-Known Member
Quick someone give this boy the attention he craves.

You are as mature as your avitar suggests little buddy. (Though I must admit it's an unquestionably fine ass and nice peek at a perfect looking snatch, its still juvenile as can be)

The universe and others outside ours are cyclic, expanding and collapsing or if you prefer being crushed until they explode again and crush others ad nauseum forever on a very very long time scale again beyond your little jesus based comprehension.


Active Member
once again, matter was created from energy

your "something from nothing" is fail because energy is something

why have you decided to throw away your brain


Well-Known Member
He's going to say the energy then came from nothing and so doesn't make sense, or the energy came from god 2000 years ago.
