Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
With cheesecake.

Just ran into a dude at a BBQ that grew bubblegums outdoor this year too. Wish i could roll a fatty and see who's tastes better!
hell yes knicks, u keep good company,.. BG is a strain that I will grow in my lifetime, it's a gnarly strain..

And other dude, yep planetskunk has worked for me, a tiny bit pricey but they get them thru which means money well spent


hell yes knicks, u keep good company,.. BG is a strain that I will grow in my lifetime, it's a gnarly strain..

And other dude, yep planetskunk has worked for me, a tiny bit pricey but they get them thru which means money well spent

Sweet will place an order and see how we go..


Well-Known Member
knickers i think i'll say what i like, bitch is balls out crazy and it concerns me. there aint many people i will say this about, but she should be nowhere near cannabis. at all.

but since she is so stuck to the thread i'll be off it, there's you're peace. enjoy her!


Active Member
Perhaps if you read some Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost (or was that in a PM?) and other literary works, I might not seem so crazy to you...? Everything has a context, and you seem oblivious to the context of some of my 'random' posts.

Some of them are flat out random because I was bored.

Maybe it was yeats rather than dickinson....whatever. There is meaning in everything, and everything leads to everything else.

G'night peeps.


Well-Known Member
Meh everyone can do or say whatever they like obviously. I thought we had invested our time and thought into creating a positive environment for us Aussie growers. Seems pretty malodramatic to make such a fuss over something that is so simple to ignore, especially if the ignore function is not even being used.

What a waste.


Well-Known Member
Yeh BG knickers, I think my post got missed.. Hell strain.. Have u had it b4 or wot made u choose it?

And I hope we can all chill to some barnesy, good song


Well-Known Member
I had tasted bubbleicous and it smelt fantismical. Did some research and figured I'd go with the most prestigious source, hence Serious' Bubblegum. It also fit the bill of being easy to grow and clone, hardy, and a functionable smoke.


Active Member
It all seems really very silly to me, too. What's the problem? We have at least one thing in common, so let's focus on that. Our differences in values, education, intellect, modes of expression and outside interests should be second to our passion for the wonderful gift nature provided for us - MJ. Isn't MJ interesting enough to get us through our problems with each other? I'm not here to argue with anyone, I just want to learn about and share my experiences with MJ.

So look, I will be around the forum, I will post less than I used to and I'll try to contain my obviously over-da-heads references to things you don't know about...and hopefully that'll give you 3 the space to use the forum as you like.

Tig which strains you thinking of buying?

Seriously this time, goodnight and sweet dreams to all.


Well-Known Member
Yeah SL it's not very paranoid and is more relaxing than couchlocking. Not trippy or distracting, makes me more concentrated I find.