Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I like that song street, but they flog it on the radio stations here.. I hear it on average of about 3-4 times a day...


Well-Known Member
i'm about to fim/top - wont be talkin bout that on my journal anymore, just coz i'm new to training doesn't mean i'm new to growing and i dont need every douche and his cat who knows how to spot overwatering or stretching telling me how to roll my grow lol


Well-Known Member
My seedlings are always slow to take off, I get alot of deformed, yellow and necrosis leaves... But then they hit their stride and come on strong and by 4-6 weeks u couldn't even tell, they look like anyones 4-6 week babys..

I've just come to accept it really, I usually get 100% thru, regardless of shitty beginings.


Well-Known Member
Todays the day the Lone Rangess's life comes to an end. Not really sure what i am doing so off to read about what needs to be trimmed. I hope you all had great weekends.


Well-Known Member
you'll be grand rocky, congrats :) i always find trimming calming

yeah streets, lace - i'm not bothered, i always have blips n blops and we need to remember i'm using an entirely new set of nutes and coco mix, so yeah i overwatered them a lil, and yeah i'm trying to get the balance just right coz the feed chart leaves them wanting nitrogen lol but meh, meh

i just dont like the people who pop on yer journal and go oh hey, you're doing this wrong blah blah blah, nah - not cool by me. i think you gotta show peeps respect on their grows even if you spot something you think they are doing wrong. i mean this person told me i need more light! 400w hps on 7 seedlings and i need more light! thanks SO much man, suck a fuck lol

i've been feeling a little off the last couple of days, smokin something at the moment that bangs of lemon and puts me to sleep almost instantly lol i had 3 nanna naps yesterday ffs. getting ready to no longer work. whoo. i've registered with a volunteer organisation in my area, i'm gonna hang with the old folk a couple days a week. it kinda goes in hand with the degree i'm studying

i'm gonna watch that soul sister video again lol cheery fuckin thing


Well-Known Member
Thanks Kmoo. I hope so. I know its a beginner question but i thought someone might be able to tell me what to do next. I have trimmed all the fan leaves off that had no trichomes on them. Do i keep trimming the rest of the leaves. I am not interested in making hash however. Here it is on my kitchen floor. Also a close up. Its not very chunky or dense but i hope it will get me stoned just a few times.



Well-Known Member
most peeps have different ideas on trimming. i grab each one at the point it joins the main stem and cut it there - then trim the big fuckers off it and manicure it then hang to dry. workin my way up the plant

here we go, this is more my current mood lol



Active Member
Hehe camera as crap as expected, this is the only pic that turned out ok, it's of my best girls luckily. Hopefully you can see it! I'm still really yukky ouchy fluey, feel like shit, so if this doesn't work I'll have to try again when I'm feeling better.

Jeff Buckley does my fave version of that song...



Well-Known Member
if a tree falls in the forest, but no one is there to hear it - did the tree still fall?

yes, but no one cares :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Looking good yadayada.

Kmoo either ignore her because you don't want to read her rants or please just leave it if you don't want to be involved in the convo.

The bitchiness is just getting silly, and that's directed at everyone.

Edit: it's getting silly because there is a whole system designed so that we can't happily live our lives. We don't need to be at each others throat with e-thug bullying. I'm paranoid enough about the powers that be to start petty BS with strangers who have god knows what resources at their disposal.


Active Member
Thanks knicks, yay be nice to have ya guys talking to me again. And I didn't mean to piss ya all off, just I guess we got different ways about us and different ideas about how things should go. The PM I sent to people after Kmoo and I had a wee spat about the number of posts I put up was meant to be a nice PM - I was genuinely asking for people's opinions so that if indeed a lot of people were annoyed by me, then I would have backed off...

Anyhows, peace peoples one here ever made it on my ignore list, the only person on any forum to make me that angry is an idiot on RIU who seems to pick fights with everyone, and what's the point of engaging with that?

I'm so glad you like my girl! The camera, I have to say, cost $10, so that it takes any pictures at all is a miracle, but getting the focus right is a fecker because it doesn't actually have a focus control...haha.

Anyhows, off to bed poor yada sicksick. Be great to chat with you guys when I'm better if you're up for it :-)


Well-Known Member
With cheesecake.

Just ran into a dude at a BBQ that grew bubblegums outdoor this year too. Wish i could roll a fatty and see who's tastes better!