Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
Ok then, well at least you exist and we can't say you don't and we can't prove you aren't your own god either so have fun with that.
Not exactly a healthy mental outlook though. Could be a real problem if you really believe it.


Well-Known Member
Or if you have to get along with other people but sound like a kind of nutcase that most people avoid, then it's a problem even if nobody controls you.
I think you're just playing with us though...


New Member
That's simply narcissism Doc.... :wink:

It's outside the definition of the word G*D as well. You should pick another term.... since it really is inaccurate.

There is a big difference between "I am my G*D" and "I have G*D inside me". The first quote is not a serious thought. The second is delusional.


Well-Known Member
I guess who know me and my message all in a nutshell too huh? So please tell me more about myself, amuse me
If you wanna know who my god is, I'll tell you right now, my god is ME. I create my own destiny. Some fairytale, huh?
don't go gettin' yer knickers in a twist.. i never claimed to know anything about you, i merely pointed out the rather obvious tactic of redefining god to suit an agenda. that's exactly what you've done, you've turned the concept of an intelligent creator of heaven and earth into your own personal universe of one. i couldn't care less if you want to worship your own ego, but any discussion on the existence of god must contain a common definition of the term. call the ego - the ego, call evolution - evolution. don't go calling it god because it happens to suit you and then claim everyone else is ignorant because they don't see things your way. that's just pseudo-spiritual crappola.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cracker...Just curious...if you do not believe in god...then why the "G*D" thing like it's blasphemy???

I refuse to capitalize god and often use "dog" instead...cuz I like dogs...and I can see them!

Just curious.



New Member
Leo is correct... You will notice about the most I will actually spell out is crap...:lol: Everything else is altered. *** for most... except ARSE WHICH JUST SOUNDS FUNNY TO ME....:lol:


Well-Known Member
That's simply narcissism Doc.... :wink:

It's outside the definition of the word G*D as well. You should pick another term.... since it really is inaccurate.

There is a big difference between "I am my G*D" and "I have G*D inside me". The first quote is not a serious thought. The second is delusional.
From the one who professes to not have a soul...figure it out Jack.;-)


Well-Known Member
yeah, give Babs a "little" credit. l DO know how to read into it, but please don't cry about cheap grammar shots while you are saying, "shut the fuck up."