Attention Atheist

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so god = religion?? I learned something new today

depends on who you ask, god can mean evolution. depends on who you ask, god can mean just about anything at all
You guys should Netflix the Invention of Lying- the Ricky Gervais movie- it's not that it is a very good movie per se, it has it's moments though. Ricky Gervais on the whole is wickedly funny. Anways, The real thesis of the movie is that the man made creation of a deity aka "the man in the sky" was made to comfort people, those dying and those suffering. It makes people feel better to think that there is a Heaven-whether it is Grandma and Buddy the dog waiting for you or 40 virgins. Now, that being said- man takes that idea and runs with it- using this invented deity to scare people, to impose rules on people, to tax people with offerings and tithes, etc. And it snowballs from there.
Most of the worlds wars past and present are because of religion. 'my god can beat up your god' and 'my god said to kill you because you ______ (fill in the blank)'
It's all a rouse and people that buy into the idea of religion are the victims of a charade. It's all about money and power, greed and deception- and they wrap all up in a nice little package called Religion.
Oh yeah- another great movie is Bill Maher's Religulous- Netflix that one too!
i can prove to you haze, that a duck exists

it eats, swims, flys, quacks, and shits

can you prove that god exist?

god does not speak, eat, breathe, shit, walk, crawl, or do anything for that matter

you know why i dont believe in unicorns? i have never seen a unicorn skeleton (or fossil)

you know why i dont believe in god? no evidence...

you keep believing in your jesusaurus rex, and ill keep not believing

i really dont understand how you expect to change peoples opinions when you have yet to post ANY research at all... in order to claim truth, you need to provide EVIDENCE to back up what your saying, otherwise i can sit here and tell you my piss turns to gold when it hits water... now any rational person would say "prove it"

and if i were to say "well i just know it happens" that is not evidence...

you should really work on that diploma, hard to get a job without one
I'll know one thing. Say god is real. Say god created everything. why would he make pedophiles and have those pedophiles represent him. If he is real he supports pedophiles or he is one. Ohh and one more thing. "God" can go fuck himself:finger:. He hasn't done a damn thing for me or anyone else. Watch the news!
You guys should Netflix the Invention of Lying- the Ricky Gervais movie- it's not that it is a very good movie per se, it has it's moments though. Ricky Gervais on the whole is wickedly funny. Anways, The real thesis of the movie is that the man made creation of a deity aka "the man in the sky" was made to comfort people, those dying and those suffering. It makes people feel better to think that there is a Heaven-whether it is Grandma and Buddy the dog waiting for you or 40 virgins. Now, that being said- man takes that idea and runs with it- using this invented deity to scare people, to impose rules on people, to tax people with offerings and tithes, etc. And it snowballs from there.
Watched it last week

News Magazine Headline: Finally- A Reason to be Good
god can mean evolution. depends on who you ask, god can mean just about anything at all
if you can change the definition of "god", then you will always be content in the fact that your belief can never be disproved. this seems to be the last resort of those who are just bound and determined to turn creation into a spiritual matter. if god is mindless energy or the natural processes of change, then it is not the self-aware force that is the accepted definition of "god". it becomes something else entirely and we abandon one discussion for another.
This is just the latest modern squirm tactic. Think anyone thought that way 100 years ago? :lol: Go back a few hundred and they'd be running after Dr. G. for blasphemy. Now? Now it's whatever ,,,,, a sign that religion is losing it's grip.... the control is less centralized.
I totally agree. Long ago, people thought the sun was some magic spirit floating around. Not as long ago, christians took all of their myths literally - talking burning bushes, the magic guy talking to people and giving them fucked up tests, demons/devils, etc.. Now, people take a lot of the least believable stuff to be parables and metaphors. It's all eroding. Sometimes it seems to be happening in geologic time... but with change in the world being so exponential, and being so rapid these days, I think we'll see the erosion continue to happen faster and faster. :clap:
Don't count on it man. There are still more religious channels and or programming on all tv cable and sat systems than all the hbo north south east west hbokids stars, cinemax, etc etc combined if you really add all that crap up and people are flocking towards crazy fucked up fundamentalist tv evangelist tools and fear mongers like old Rush etc. Same with radio, I get more cristian rock and talk than all real rock and stuff I would like combined.

Only when you spread HIGHER education around on a massive scale does that shit start to decline and we don't educate half our population to even high school equivalent let alone the whole rest of the world.

Faith and ignorance go hand in hand.
Yah, I don't know that it is lessening per se..... but the fracture is there.... and fractures tend to spread under duress. Man has a strong desire for myth.... not easily overcome...most cannot do without it.

But...the central command is disintegrating....which means less influence. No one cares if someone has a personal's when they all join together and try to change the world to fit their where everything becomes violent and quite insane.
if you can change the definition of "god", then you will always be content in the fact that your belief can never be disproved. this seems to be the last resort of those who are just bound and determined to turn creation into a spiritual matter. if god is mindless energy or the natural processes of change, then it is not the self-aware force that is the accepted definition of "god". it becomes something else entirely and we abandon one discussion for another.

Ya, typical response.... I guess who know me and my message all in a nutshell too huh? So please tell me mire about myself, amuse me
This is just the latest modern squirm tactic. Think anyone thought that way 100 years ago? :lol: Go back a few hundred and they'd be running after Dr. G. for blasphemy. Now? Now it's whatever ,,,,, a sign that religion is losing it's grip.... the control is less centralized.

Ya, go figure:roll: I guess you know all about me too. Amuse me
Notice I didn't insult you personally only stupid ideas and if you've read any of my posts you can tell I'm not actually a child.

Speak up and be heard man, I just want to rake your ideas over the coals not you. You are the one who put it out there like you had something to say so say it.
Never the less Doc.... what I wrote is true. You take that position because it's the fall back position.

In the end... ppl will start to say... "MY" definition of G*D ..... which is basically a white flag.

It renders the result of "no" definition.

If you like the fairy tale of a G*D ... just admit it.

Basically, western man has gone from the ONE truth ... to... oh, any ol thing will do.... I have my OWN G*D.

Fragmentation usually occurs under pressure.... and the religious are feeling the pressure. Ppl are starting to finally examine what their parents blindly followed. It's causing the retreat from the ONE G*D... to "I have my own G*D and you can't touch it".

Frankly, I prefer reality to wishful thinking. I need no "invisible dude" or "mystical aura" or "SilverF'nSurfer" or "jah" ,"yah", "dah" ... doo doo doo.....deee deee deee doh doh DOH!!