northeastern lights
Well-Known Member
i modelled it after the one i bought from the hydro store. intead of sprayers mine uses laser lines. basically a 3/8 tube with small holes that spray across and splash the other side. very dependable. mine has 3 rows, 10 per row. 3 inch net pots wiht neo discs. the one i built i used the smaller fenceposts. it works but i should not have skimped. other than that i used 3/4 inch plumbing 900gph pump and my res is 28 gallons or so. basically identical. stink is getting a pound per unit but i get 2.
After chatting it up with the guys at my local shop I'm torn between the laser lines and the misters. I found 4.75 inch fence post at Lowes so I think I'm def going with the bigger posts as opposed to the 4 inch. Do you think the 2 or 3 inch cups makes that much of a difference?
Fuck! After all these years of growing It seems I'm at square one again, well with the setup anyway. Just looking for something easy and VERY productive, wink wink.