Money Laundering

stack it up retire and move out of country I mean really how many young rich people move to those tropic places like the bahamas or philipiens. (i know i cant spell) my friend uncle has a house in the philipiens huge ass manson he paid 10k for then he has a maid that does ANYTHING for 3$ a day. save ur cash move to a poor country live like a king
Almost all of the ideas on this thread are quit offense, I know most of the bros are just throwing out ideas.

I'm not a commercial grower, but i know business. I've made money in Real Estate, investment banking and merchandising. First thing, if your lifestyle doesn't reflect your income, big time red flags will be raised (if you're a target of an investigation). So paying your bills with employment income and supporting your lifestyle with cash is never going to work in the long run...too many loose ends.

The best way to turn cash (regardless of where it's coming from) into legit wealth is in Real Estate. I've personally flipped 5 houses (legitimately). Here's how it goes. You buy a house as your principal residence that needs repair . You hire contractors to make repairs and pay cash for most (but not all), only you are the guy who did repairs as far as anyone is concerned. All materials are bought by you and you keep receipts. Over the span of 6 months or a year, you put a 100k into your house, of which 2/3 is labour and you increase the value by another 100k or more. Profit will not always be the same...but your investment will be reflected in the new value of the home. You sell the house and make your profit. You move onto a bigger project and so on. In 5 years you create a million or more from your Real Estate venture.

Keep tools in your garage and learn a thing or two about the reno business. When you sell your house, all funds are managed by Lawyers and your bank is in the loop.

The plan is fool proof not withstanding a few mistakes along the way. It really doesn't matter if the cash you are using comes from legitimate sources or not, there is no way for anyone to know, because you did the work yourself and the proceeds are as a result of sweat equity.

As mentioned, I've already done this with legitimate funds and actually did most of the work myself, but no one would have known if I hired out some or all of the work.

Clearly this strategy does not provide instant results that many may be looking for, but if you think like a businessman rather than a person with a hole burning in their'll succeed in the long run and your wealth will be legitimate...

Hope this helps...


Love your idea. Well definitely try this out this year. And for all you of you out there. I was stupid when I was younger...(which was not too long ago) and had over 20k in the bank and had never worked a day in my life. I deposited it really slowly and nothing ever happened. I then realized it was a bad idea and slowly withdrew it. So guess I was just lucky. I have my own business now. Can't wait to buy my first house. :-P
i just read this whole f*cking thread..... wow im impressed with the sh*t you can find on the internet... never in a million years would i think i could find my thoughts on a web page.. but back to reality.. after reading everything; theres only two things i have to say.. 1 at the level of cash you speak of, if you dont know how to properly manage it.. you dont deserve it. plain and simple. 2 there is no one/ right way to stash dirty cash. to each his own. what may work for one, may not work out for another and vice versa. whatever you choose to do, remember that your freedom is all you have and risk it wisely. C4C
Here is a big tip for u. Be the first in line to pay ur taxes. Don't give them a reason to look in the first place. I learned that one the hard way. Secondly, the bank is not ur friend. The bank is another hand in ur pocket, and the first to flag ya. Third, if ur gonna hide it in ur house, don't leave it all in the house, cuz if u get busted they have free dibs on ur place and ur stash, and will be held against ya.

I like how this guy thinks. He's 100% right.

When doing dirty work.. no matter what it might be! You never want to give any kind of authority figures a reason to look your way ya dig? That's the number 1 reason why so many people get caught.

Secondly.. most people for some stupid reason.. will go out and break the law.. and then go about bragging to friends or whomever about what they did. That's the second reason people get caught.

If your going to break the law.. trust me and do yourself a favor... keep your trap shut about what you did. Don't even tell your closest friend(s)!!!! That's how it all starts.. once you open your mouth and start bragging to people about what you just did.

If you learn to not brag about what you did.. and only keep it to yourself.. more than likely you WILL NOT get caught.

It's all common sense really..

Ok, so I didn't even consider filing federal income tax this year since I was an unemployed student. However, I have been putting small amounts of money in the bank. Should I be concerned?
Ok, so I didn't even consider filing federal income tax this year since I was an unemployed student. However, I have been putting small amounts of money in the bank. Should I be concerned?

what is small to you ? I would say 200-300 a month isnt out of the ordinary, say you made it doing stupid things like running rrands for people or cutting grass, or something like this (home cleaning of cars)

good luck
I would have to say you already made a huge error...... Dont go on the internet and ask people
how to launder cash..... You have probably already been flagged......

On the flip side, go to a casino--> input cash in a slot machine----> play a few rounds---> cash out and walk away.
Jay-z ..... the master at this. I am very suprised no one is saying entertainment industry, which was made for this. Most artist did and or are doing this. I own a studio anyways... how the F*** are they going to know
Go around and buy all the bullion dealers and coin shops silver and gold. Precious metals by law are not taxable by the fed. Store the metal in a safe place and resell it back to the bullion dealers and coin shops as you need funds. Declare your capital gains on the precious metals and the IRS is none the wiser. Holding cash is like holding water, its value evaporates the longer you hold it. Metals will hold their value.

bury that metal!

Slick, and it WORKS.


Big, think this through IN EVERY respect. You open your car-wash business. You're going to need to get (depending on the state) insurance. In some states you only need this if you have 1 employee (other than yourself) others it is manditory. Get a degree or licence. Whats better than taking out student loans when you know you have the money already to pay them back. This is a long term option and not for everyone. I say licence because if you had (enough money) to start up a little car lot and got your licence to sell cars, thats a commodity with fluctuating stock/prices. Nothing big, you could open up the seedy little business on the corner in the industrial area that sells $500-$10,000 cars. Nothing big and remember "Wu-Tang financial"? You have got to DIVERSIFY. Another option (though riskier on airplanes) is "smuggling" money out of the country. I dont know if you have a wife (or brother, sister, mother, uncle) that you trust with your life or not, but walk/drive/fly it across the boarder. DO NOT DO IT IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS! These are notorious for smugglers and it is really suspicious when transfers go back and forth. Set limits. How much you want to earn, spend. Make goals vacations, trips, houses, and even retirement. REMEMBER you dont want to live "the life" you cant with illegal money, its fucking stupid. Whats the good in spending 3 years making a million if you go to jail for 10 and have it confiscated. AVOID Insurance: They have their own laws, system, AND investigators. Police/Feds: Obviously. Investments: The IRS is not stupid, SLOW, but not stupid. Lines of Credit: BUILD THESE LEGIT!!!, theres no reason not to except impatience and greed! DO Rent to Own: It NEVER hurts to ask. Ask the owner if he minds small payments over a couple years to buy a house. DEGREE/LICENCE If you had a contractors licence you could buy houses, fix them up, flip them. Add 5k to the price when you put it in the bank. Depositing 150k legit with 5k illegal is almost unnoticible.

What ever you do bro you know the only one who will be in that jail cell feeling bad for you when you get caught is........yourself.

EDIT* Customs does have dogs trained to detect money.

Customs has dogs trained to smell money?! I never knew that! I mean, it makes sense... but I didn't think they'd spend the time training dogs to do that. Damn. Learn something every day.

Wait, wait, wait... I was just about to + rep you for that; not saying that I don't believe you, but I don't believe you. :lol: Please, show me another source with this same information so I know it's true and not just hearsay from another paranoid fellow pot-head. :D
ironically thinking about the dogs finding money, just bought a german shepherd pup for narcotics detection. I am a private K9 handler. but using him for a different approach.
Ill try to source it for the good of the community not a "rep". When I was learning to fabricate stone we had a shop that had been built by the "Raines and Shine" guys here in AK. That is actually both of their last names. They were hugeee drug dealers here smuggling in TONS of BC every day. When these guys got busted they had property in Ukraine, million dollar race cars, houses, guns, cars. Just.....Beyond beyond......heres a link more about them. PAGE 19

Anyway they were slick for years untill they started killing off their own people and they got caught. So they had built ALOT of businesses a car wash (Named Rains and Shine lol) a couple construction companys, and they built "shop" units the type people rent out to start a little construction company or auto shop whatever. I happened to work in the shop that had been theirs when they operated out of that building. They had built it way different, two doors facing opposite ways, cameras on every door garage (there was one for the rest of the entire complex) locks with bolt locks on doors, and it was a double unit. Christmas day right after they got busted someone had broken into our shop, hadnt taken anything, but there were HUGE holes in the insulation every where. They even knocked a drill press over trying to get to a panel they ripped right off the wall. And our shop REEKED like weed. After ATF and the FBI did an investigation APD did one as well. The FBI "person" whoever told my boss, the owner of my company, that the dogs had detected marijuana, cocaine, and money.


Have you smelled US currency? It does have a distinct odor. This makes me think of that three6 song when LordInf says "I smell some money in his had, take his side arm" we gonna take you to the triple six club house
Good story. I like that.

Yeah, I agree. Money does have a very distinct smell (like weed). So I know it's very possible for dogs to be trained to do it. Shit, my wife is trained to locate weed and money by smell! :lol: However, I didn't know that the Feds had "cash dogs". I didn't think it would be worth it. I mean... how often do they need a dog to sniff out large quantities of cash?! So is there like half a dozen of em in the country, and they and their handlers get flown around everytime they suspect they need to find money? Idk... it's just an eye opener to me. That's all. Either way, I enjoy it. Adds to my paranoia. + rep. :)
No idea bro, this honestly is the extent of my "money sniffing dog" knowledge. You wouldnt think there'd be too much demand for them, right? Who knows.

EDIT* On hot days in the summer our shop always reeked like weed, after this happened we closed the shop while the boss was out and we patted down every inch of insulation looking for left behind goodies. We were thinking about getting an infrared hunting scope and looking at the walls...maybe there might have been a slight difference in the heat transfer? But co-worker hurt himself bad and boss ended up not paying me on time so I had to quit.
I have not read whole thread so this might have already been methioned but here goes.

Follow these stages it works well

Get a Storage unit for security purposes chech that the normally pull down metal door locks properly.

Purchase a good comodity any of the following:

You can not live in a storage unit but you can make it like a lounge or chill out area. making the storage unit like a get away from the missis is the best option but can raise subspitions. anyway i will post ideas of what sanorious you can portray in following posts. But the main idea is to be able to hide the commodities in the storage unit and not to have a paper trale.
You could set it up like a longe for exaple two sofas on the side walls coffee table in the middle and selves and a kettle or mini fridge makes it more realistic as storage units come with power suplies.

As a garage get a cheap old classic car have it in the middle or to the side. Get away car if cops know that your a dealer and follow you.

Or just a storage unit with nothing in it except your comodity.
Ok so you have your commodity what do you do know.
Well with pure hard cash to take any scent of drugs off of it. spray money with water lightly and allow to dry slowly this take away alot of any scent then place in a plastic bag with mint leaves for a day or two then take it out and place in a box or breif case. if in a longe set up put money in side cabanets or in a breif case under a sofa or coffee table. in a car set up put money in the boot of the car either in boxes or in bags. if you want to go for a empty unit ideaput money in boxes if your confident that no one will ever know but the best idea is to put the money in none lugage bags without wheels. the only down side with Cash is that you do not get any interest where as
Silver bullion adverage yearly increase is 6%
Gold bullion adverage yearly increase is 16%
Rhodium bullion adverage yearly increase 12%
Platinum bullion adverage yearly increase 10%
Palladium bullion adverage yearly increase 7%
Diamond per carat adverage yearly increase 2%
With bullions with the empty storgage unit you can just stack them up in the middle or in a bag or box.
with the car set up put it in the boot of the car to allow for a get away.
with the lounge set up put bullions behind a sofa or remove a brick or two and place the bullion in the hole then plaster or paint the bullions. the idea of removing the bricks can be used for cash but just put it in a wooden box first.