What would you do if someone broke into your house and stole your harvest?

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Well-Known Member
I actually know someone that this happened to just recently.
To top it off he knows who did it.

What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Put black jellybeans on their front lawn at night spelling out "I hate [insert racial slur]". When his sprinklers come on, the lawn will be dyed permanent until it grows out and gets mowed.

Oh and steal his family to sell to foreign sex slave traders! PROFIT


Well-Known Member
I have dogs and ADT w/video surveilence. If I was ur friend, I would concider drastic life changes. Like MURDAH!!! Or a drive by with a super-soaker:):)


Active Member
i approach his front door with a baseball bat in hand, casually knock on the door, and when he answers, HOME-RUN. Then i would tape him up, and squeeze his nuts with plyers till i got my weed back.


I would call my local police and report the theft, and the suspect's ID if I knew who it was. Then I would hope the justice system works. I would also examine my weaknesses in security and plug the leaks that allowed the break- in to happen.

If justice is not served in the courts, there are a few ppl out there that will kick the crap out of just about anyone for an oz. ... not that I would ever think of doing such a thing :fire:


Active Member
I know sometime in the next hour I'd be screaming "what have I done!" then after that I'd see him a lot later.... on a missing report


I would also like to say one more thing people need to consider when deciding to use deadly force. I am a gun owner, and I would use deadly force to protect myself and others in my home from immediate deadly threats- but when it comes to this issue:

1.) The penalty for attempted burglary is not and should not be DEATH. As in any other home defense situation, the MORAL thing to do is to try to keep the situation from escalating if humanly possible. Having someone lay on the ground with their hands on their heads at gunpoint while I dial 911 is the preferred outcome for me over shooting one or more persons to death in my home over it. Anyone who thinks the penalty for attempted burglary should be DEATH is being a bit harsh IMO. I know that some states say it is perfectly legal to shoot a stranger in your home whether they are a deadly threat or not, but I do not agree. Taking a human life is serious business, and needs to be avoided if possible.


Active Member
I would also like to add that if someone is able to break in your house and find ur garden, they must have seen it before to know where it was. Never let anyone know about ur garden, only creates jealousy and a desire for it.


Well-Known Member
I would also like to say one more thing people need to consider when deciding to use deadly force. I am a gun owner, and I would use deadly force to protect myself and others in my home from immediate deadly threats- but when it comes to this issue:

1.) The penalty for attempted burglary is not and should not be DEATH. As in any other home defense situation, the MORAL thing to do is to try to keep the situation from escalating if humanly possible. Having someone lay on the ground with their hands on their heads at gunpoint while I dial 911 is the preferred outcome for me over shooting one or more persons to death in my home over it. Anyone who thinks the penalty for attempted burglary should be DEATH is being a bit harsh IMO. I know that some states say it is perfectly legal to shoot a stranger in your home whether they are a deadly threat or not, but I do not agree. Taking a human life is serious business, and needs to be avoided if possible.
I am a registered CCW cardholder. The first thing they teach is, even if someone breaks into your home. If you are not in danger of death, you may be in the wrong. Unless a weapon is pointed at you. It may be concidered manslaugter.
Not to mention, the civil lawsuits you can get, from the grieving family. As well as possible negitive reactions like, termination from a job, eviction from your apt, removal of your child from school.
Now, with all that said. If hes in my house, BANG- BANG muthafucha! Ill throw a knife in his hand, and say i was in immediate danger. Bang bang:):)

liam :)

Now, with all that said. If hes in my house, BANG- BANG muthafucha! Ill throw a knife in his hand, and say i was in immediate danger. Bang bang:):)
lol imagien if it was ur son climbing throuhg the window because he forgot his keys then wat ? :confused:


Well-Known Member
lol imagien if it was ur son climbing throuhg the window because he forgot his keys then wat ? :confused:
You don't just run in shooting up your house when you hear a noise... assess the situation first, peak and see whats up... THEN go wappa wappa wappa dump a clip :lol:


New Member
I'd go jail style on him at 1st, good ol' bar of soap in the sock, till I busted every rib and tooth outta his fucking head, then stomp his legs, give him a nice soccor kick right under the chin.........
Then burn his house down..........
Cause you know it'd have to be a "friend" or someone you know really well to know you even have a grow going.
That to me is hella worse than being a stranger.
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