What would you do if someone broke into your house and stole your harvest?

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Well-Known Member
lol imagien if it was ur son climbing throuhg the window because he forgot his keys then wat ? :confused:
1st off, I am VERY responsible with my pistols. I dont carry them on me, even tho I can. I wouldnt just be shooting blindly, as im no moron. If my alarms went off ( which are SUPER loud) and my Rots couldnt stop the intruders. I have major problems.


Well-Known Member
Ahaha, I probably would as well.

I changed my original post because I misread the treads title. If it was after the fact, I would call the police since my grow is legal.
I'll give em 1 warning,,,

When I rack that frigging 870 and a hull goes up the throat it makes a very distinct and bone chilling sound. Safety is off. I'm on. Perp moves just a titch and he's swiss. Gawd forbid I grab the '97 and rack one while holding the trigger. Instant swiss. ooops.

Hell, my dawg's would have a field day and I could watch the reruns. And sweet jayzus what ever else happens they better pray they don't piss off Red, that there would be a show!

It's my home. My wife is inside. I'm inside. Crazy shit happens.

But not on my fucking watch! Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.
And besides that, I don't have six friends to haul my dumbass to a hole in the ground. Light a match and stand back. I'll fire up the whole county on my way out.

And to top it all off, after 28 years in the friggin crotch I think I learned when and when not to shoot an asshat.

early a.m. is when a tac team will hit ya. Loud noises, doorbuster, maybe a flashbang or two. All at the front door. It's the sneaky freaks that you have to set up for. Know your zones. Secured perimeter whether it's beams, trips or motion cams. And dawgs. Couple a mean dawgs that don't like anyone. Broken glass on the brick wall is a great deterrent. Motion sensing lights and did I mention get some mean dawgs?

Paranoid? Me? O'l BB?





Well-Known Member
Trespassers WILL be violated.
Survivors (if any) will be violated AGAIN.

Since I know what knee pain is all about, I like to start there and empty the clip on the way up. Give them something real to feel for the next 1.5 seconds. :twisted:

Nice hardware! S&W or Ruger??


Well-Known Member
Nice hardware! S&W or Ruger??
Thanks. S&W 1911 .45 ACP with stock Crimson trace laser site grips. Added a TLR-1 rail mounted streamlight. Bright as hell. Does double duty: The heavier front end greatly reduces recoil and keeps me at 2" groups on average. :)

This is the only one I'll publicly show, ever. The rest are by appointment only. ;)


Well-Known Member
By appt only! Lol

Awesome pistol, I know it well. My uncle has a 945 acp.45, its a little smaller but they are both flawless.
I asked my wife for the new Kimber CDP 2, for my B-day. Doubt ill get it:(


Well-Known Member
By appt only! Lol

Awesome pistol, I know it well. My uncle has a 945 acp.45, its a little smaller but they are both flawless.
I asked my wife for the new Kimber CDP 2, for my B-day. Doubt ill get it:(
Sometimes it's more fun to ask for forgiveness, than permission.:fire:




Well-Known Member
I would also like to say one more thing people need to consider when deciding to use deadly force. I am a gun owner, and I would use deadly force to protect myself and others in my home from immediate deadly threats- but when it comes to this issue:

1.) The penalty for attempted burglary is not and should not be DEATH. As in any other home defense situation, the MORAL thing to do is to try to keep the situation from escalating if humanly possible. Having someone lay on the ground with their hands on their heads at gunpoint while I dial 911 is the preferred outcome for me over shooting one or more persons to death in my home over it. Anyone who thinks the penalty for attempted burglary should be DEATH is being a bit harsh IMO. I know that some states say it is perfectly legal to shoot a stranger in your home whether they are a deadly threat or not, but I do not agree. Taking a human life is serious business, and needs to be avoided if possible.
who says you have to use a lead slug and lethal force?
rock salt is a marvelous thing, my friend....
as are rubber bullets. imagine 3 rubbers or rock salt loads from a 12ga at close range in quick succession... victim would prolly wish he had been shot for real.


Well-Known Member
I had a break in where all of my plants and bud were taken. I called the cops. They came and took pictures, dusted for prints, and took detailed records of all the plants, pot color/size, jars... Didn't catch the people but pretty impressive. If you're legal it is your obligation to call the police if your bud is stolen. The county I live in actually has that as law and there's no such thing as half legal.


Well-Known Member
Start growing again, and kick myself in the ass for telling ANYONE about it.

Violence is not the answer when it comes to anything dealing with marijuana, cause as soon as it hits the news, boom... 10 steps back in the legalization effort.

Glad to see everyone thinking about the "whole picture" instead of the "me, me, me picture" :neutral:


Well-Known Member
this happened to me a while back and it was a friend of the family. they were only able to get half of my harvest and it was a week early. I gave sum one a qp and they put him in the hospital


I don't have friends and i don't let people no where i live.

but you've got sense at least... .and a nice signature to boot......

the rest of yall are really not making us look like harmless potheads with all of your killing/shooting talk.:-?.. The fact of the matter is that marijuana is still an illegal drug, and as such, if you are PRODUCING/HOLDING it in your domicile, and you have people that you let know about it, then you are running the probable risk of someone at least plotting on how to steal your shit....

very few states allow you to actually shoot a home intruder without criminal prosecution, and even then, it is only for an "inhabited dwelling", and when you are there...... If someone is coming to jack your grow, chances are, they are gonna try to do it in the middle of the day when you are not home so there is no risk of confrontation..... you weren't there, so have no "self defense" stance, and are just a murderer/thug if you seek out to kill someone for stealing your illegal goods.....

but growing or not, you come invade my home in the middle of the night when my family is here, I will go primeval on someones ass and beat them within an inch of their life with whatever i happen to get my hands on in order to be sure they'll still be here when the cops get here.....

-closed cause all this violent talk is counter productive to "the cause"-
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