Attention Atheist

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That is the point dude, there is no such thing as "half ape/half man", nothing on Earth has ever existed, and you're walking around with a creationist understanding of evolution so you wouldn't know the difference anyway.

Just like when Kirk Cameron presents his "croco-duck", by using these examples, you guys only show your ignorance.

Go study the actual theory, what the scientists teach, not what a creationist "scientist" taught you, and you'll accept it because it'll be obvious to you, just like it's obvious to me, and to 99.9% of other biologists on the planet.

You just proved how confused you really are.

So what your saying is we "Apes" woke up one morning and were magically human?

We all know now that you're the one who desperately needs to go study.
"Fellow Atheists"

:lol::lol:Please have your rings pointed towards 37° 14′ 24.73″ N, 115° 49′ 6.81″ W 37.240203, -115.818558 at 09:00 IDT...That is all.

Sigh... I already slipped my ring to my dog with her dinner....

I'm going to point her arse in that general direction tonite and hope for the best. Some of the message from G*D may get through I'm afraid. I suggest you buy stock in Ovaltine.... cause the message from G*D is sponsored by them. G*D loves Ovaltine....and blood...lots of blood.
Sigh... I already slipped my ring to my dog with her dinner....

I'm going to point her arse in that general direction tonite and hope for the best. Some of the message from G*D may get through I'm afraid. I suggest you buy stock in Ovaltine.... cause the message from G*D is sponsored by them. G*D loves Ovaltine....and blood...lots of blood.

Children usually make up farytales............

Tell me you dont act like children please.
You just dont stop proving how childish you are.
If you are not under the age 13 you should feel really ashamed. I know 10 year olds that are more mature than you.

Keep em comin:-P
You're totally right, 420. A virgin got pregnant with God's child. With having such an awesome father he was given awesome powers, such as walking on water and curing the blind. As he continued to walk the earth spreading the world with goodness, his father (God, who is actually himself) let jesus get murdered... in return we're all allowed to sin.

Can't believe i didn't realize this earlier.
God waits billions of years to have a son...And he ends up nailed to a cross! WEAK SAUCE!

Side Joke!: God approaches Adam and asks if he "Wants a partner who will do all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, chores. This companion will also draw your attention with beauty unmatched, what do you think?" Adam thinks for a while and returns with a question. "What's the catch?" God replies,"I need 1 leg, 2 arms, and a rib." Adams screams, "Fuck THAT! What can I get for a rib?" :lol:
I never wanted any living creature to suffer on behalf of my actions so your idea is void...A contract is not valid unless both parties agree and make their mark in front of witnesses...No...
You know what bothers me? not that anyone believes in God, but that the Earth wasn't here 20,000 years ago!!!??!

Most of them "religious types" will tell you that carbon dating is a lie. They can't seem to wrap thier heads around the fact that carbon has a rated decay time.... It saddens me because I have an old dude at work I banter about with on this very subject. He's a smart old fart when it comes to building and co-ordinating orders and stuff but he says I'm a fool for believing in carbon dating. I almost fell over when he said that because I know how it works. Its like he doesn't believe we as people don't have that ability, but yet we split an atom over a city and fuck some shit up. I just don't get it. He uses all kinds of devices to measure so why can't he see that carbon dating is the same thing? I'll tell ya why. Because if he knew, then that would change the whole way of his thinking.

Religious types say our science is flawed because it constantly changes. But thats what learning is isn't it? New Ideas and new outcomes. In a time when religion was law and government alike, they controlled the education aswell. They taught everyone that the world was flat.
Even Jesus thought the world was flat.

But that was wrong. Someone had to prove it to the masses by a vast experiment (granted based on $$$ trade route) but still a risk against popular belief. And walah! new part of the world!
You're totally right, 420. A virgin got pregnant with God's child. With having such an awesome father he was given awesome powers, such as walking on water and curing the blind. As he continued to walk the earth spreading the world with goodness, his father (God, who is actually himself) let jesus get murdered... in return we're all allowed to sin.

Can't believe i didn't realize this earlier.

Im glad you see things my way, and dont forget that he was murdered by your kind.Too much pride to accept reality.

You children have no argument whatsoever.
You know what bothers me? not that anyone believes in God, but that the Earth wasn't here 20,000 years ago!!!??!

Most of them "religious types" will tell you that carbon dating is a lie. They can't seem to wrap thier heads around the fact that carbon has a rated decay time.... It saddens me because I have an old dude at work I banter about with on this very subject. He's a smart old fart when it comes to building and co-ordinating orders and stuff but he says I'm a fool for believing in carbon dating. I almost fell over when he said that because I know how it works. Its like he doesn't believe we as people don't have that ability, but yet we split an atom over a city and fuck some shit up. I just don't get it. He uses all kinds of devices to measure so why can't he see that carbon dating is the same thing? I'll tell ya why. Because if he knew, then that would change the whole way of his thinking.

Religious types say our science is flawed because it constantly changes. But thats what learning is isn't it? New Ideas and new outcomes. In a time when religion was law and government alike, they controlled the education aswell. They taught everyone that the world was flat.
Even Jesus thought the world was flat.

But that was wrong. Someone had to prove it to the masses by a vast experiment (granted based on $$$ trade route) but still a risk against popular belief. And walah! new part of the world!

So science actually found a fact? No.

It will never happen.Get over it.

Maybe itl happen tommorrow, or the next day, or the next............. Shit were gonna be waiting a while
So science actually found a fact? No.

It will never happen.Get over it.

Maybe itl happen tommorrow, or the next day, or the next............. Shit were gonna be waiting a while

If science is full of shit, say a little prayer, and dump some Lilly/miller noxall vegetation killer concentrate on your plants...Don't worry...GOD will protect your plants and science says they will die but science has no facts sooooooooooo, on your mark, get set....GO!

You're silly, but you make me laugh, so I like you...