Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
and you never answered my question; do you think my cousin cromagnon went to hell because he was born before the need for religion, born before jesus christ?


Active Member
We evolved from apes RIGHT? simply put yes, man evolved from cro magnon who evolved from Neanderthal who evolved from ape

There is no such thing as half man half ape right? theres no such thing as half man half ape, no. but you and i are 98% simmilar to apes DNA wise(that is if you believe in dna:roll:)

So we evolved overnight from full ape to human is what you are saying. no one said it happened overnight; im sure it took 1000s of years

This is where you are wrong, apes did not evolve into neanderthals
Not sure if you guys we aware but there are millions of species on this earth. there are also 100s of spieces of humans on this earth if you really want to get down to it
that is where you are wrong, neanderthals did not evolve from apes if they did we would have found proof.

Yeah and so are pigs, are you saying we were once pigs?

There is too much complexity for everything to have came from a trylobyte, it is simply not in the realm of reality.

And you ignored my first question, name me a book with more morals and lessons, and a book that can teach you how to be as rightous as the bible does.

The lips of the rightous teach many, but fools die for want of wisdom.


Well-Known Member
i didnt ignore your first question; i answered it before you asked it.

art psalms by alex grey is full of wisdom and lessons; read it some time


Well-Known Member
He is not your cousin just because he lived before you, he is identical to you.
if he were identical, he would be homosapien, not cro magnon. the differences in genus are enough to make him non-modern human

and is hell full of cro magnons? because they didnt get a chance to worship, they went to hell right? for not believing the same thing as you?


Active Member
There is too much complexity for everything to have came from a trylobyte, it is simply not in the realm of reality.

replace trylobyte with god and the statement will make more sense

if god wanted us to worship him he would prove himself real... he would just show up and be like alright you guys fucked up

but he isnt going to do that, its rather difficult when you dont exist

now your going to go on about FAITH blah blah blah you gotta believe blah blah blah

if god wants me to believe his bullshit , he will show himself

till then, he, you, and all other religious people can stop spreading your hatred and thought pollution


Well-Known Member
replace trylobyte with god and the statement will make more sense

if god wanted us to worship him he would prove himself real... he would just show up and be like alright you guys fucked up

but he isnt going to do that, its rather difficult when you dont exist

now your going to go on about FAITH blah blah blah you gotta believe blah blah blah

if god wants me to believe his bullshit , he will show himself

till then, he, you, and all other religious people can stop spreading your hatred and thought pollution
hes going to say something like "the lord works in mysterious ways" which by the way is a form of manipulation to quell anyones doubts

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
My theory is that our spinning solar system is just like a cell inside of our galaxy. And our galaxy a mere cell in a galaxy cluster. and after that im not sure what the hell goes on but maybe those galaxy clusters are a cell in some huge plant thats on a massive world in a solar system thats like a cell in a galaxy....or maybe im just high:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok whether you believe that the bible is the truth or not, you would be a fools fool to deny the fact that there is not one book on this earth that comes close to teaching all the morals & lessons that the bible teaches....not even close to being close.
to begin with, the bible is not one book. it is a series of writings compiled over many years, composed by many authors and translated from a multitude of languages and oral traditions. it has been added to and subtracted from for centuries. almost every religion and philosophy has a similar tradition. most of those other writings contain the same sort of moral training as the lessons of the bible and many of them predate the bible by centuries.

We evolved from apes RIGHT?
the theory is that we evolved from a common ancestor and it is just that, a theory. unlike the absolutes of religion, science does not demand easy answers.


New Member
Exactly UTI.... atheism isn't so much about denial as it is willing to admit you don't know the answer.

A BIG difference. One reason the religious need to change that explanation t one of denial, else they look like the egotists ... that they truly are.

If you can't admit you don't know something...AND you cannot actually prove why you do believe without any evidence.... you look moronic.


Active Member
i didnt ignore your first question; i answered it before you asked it.

art psalms by alex grey is full of wisdom and lessons; read it some time

like I said not even close to being close.Alex gray couldent even begin to teach half of the righteousness contained in the bible.

Man o' the green

Active Member
I have at least 15 year growing experience. I come from a family full of growers, I only posted one side grow journal here.

I have mastered some strains that would blow your mind, lemme just name one

Two words, mountain kush. The most lovely strain I have ever tasted, & ill tell ya ive tried the best of the best, this strain you will never even know because of the elevation, climate and superb secret organic recipie it takes to master I am no experiment grower like you.
Your hubris and self-righteous attitude towards your fellow man does not seem to be limited to spiritual matters. It alienates, and does not help in spreading any spiritual message. And if you are not spreading a spiritual message, you are only stirring up hate and resentment by arguing your personal interpretation with absolute conviction.
Whichever book you are referencing, seeing things through man's words of god's intent is only part of the puzzle. Many of the religious do not believe that god has a direct hand in the world, and must do his will through man. Accepting anything that man does ( including writing and maintaining the scriptures ) as infallible is contrary to our nature; as we exist to question everything.
The specific 'facts' being correct or not is insignificant to the overall message that religion gives us. Arguing that certain 'facts' presented as part of a moral lesson are not justification for belief. Belief comes first, and the supporting 'facts' become irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
alex grey and a single hit of LSD would open your eyes more than any number of bible testaments torrah koran exct ever could

your just not giving the man a chance, because you disagree with me and my beliefs, therefore disagree with my input