Attention Atheist

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Oh that fekkin dog.... I should have known.

Wait....don't take my book! Everyone needs to have a book! How am i supposed to think if i don't have a book to tell me how to do it???

OMG... I just had an epiphany !! It's the books... We need more of them.

I will be sending the dog to you and the ring. just wait a few days...the dog will pass it to you....I'm going to slip it into her dinner tonite..... decode that!
O....K..... :lol:

I am powerless now anyway. I've been stripped of my powah. So if you are living in between lat 25 and 27 and long 75 to 85 .... you have until tonite to go outside and listen to the true message of G*D. I have taken down my part of the net block.
I... C...a...n...'...t ....M...y...D....o....g ...A....t...e... M...y....S....t....a....s....h.
he only ate it because he has no thumbs and can't operate a lighter. i've also noticed that most bongs just aren't dog friendly, they aren't built to accommodate the canine facial anatomy. if we can develop a self-lighting bong for dogs, the incidence of dog related stash destruction could be greatly lessened.
if dogs recognize their need for thubs they will evolve within the next 1000 yrs

i think double pawed cats are developing thumbs. my friends cat actually picks things up with her little thumbed paws
BS.... my dog has her own bong!! And I'm keeping it with me, so be prepared for one pissed off pup with a ring up her arse and no weed fix.

I am powerless now anyway. I've been stripped of my powah. So if you are living in between lat 25 and 27 and long 75 to 85 .... you have until tonite to go outside and listen to the true message of G*D. I have taken down my part of the net block.
did you really think we were so foolish as to not have backups for all of our operatives? the agents of the evil god creature are everywhere and, knowing that even we are liable to be infiltrated, we have taken every precaution to make sure its message will never again interfere with man's quest for perfection. we have redundant systems upon redundant systems upon redundant systems upon redundant systems.... well, you get the idea. besides, there are at least two hours of enzyte commercials to sit through before its message actually begins.
Oh crap... see, I'm on the wrong guys are too smart.

I need a group of ppl who aren't too hot on thinking for themselves....hmmm...which group could that be?
hey haze, want to see a half man half ape?

this is my cousin, cro magnon, he died several thousand years before there was religion. do you think he burnt in hell for being athiest?

oh and i laughed my ass off when you told someone to open their mind and be more... what was the word?...

oh yeah "narrow minded fool "

No but he believes that you should for thinking that he was covered in hair like an ape.

Cro-magnon is exactly the same as us just
old school.He is not half ape like you think.
No but he believes that you should for thinking that he was covered in hair like an ape.

Cro-magnon is exactly the same as us just
old school.He is not half ape like you think.

That is the point dude, there is no such thing as "half ape/half man", nothing on Earth has ever existed, and you're walking around with a creationist understanding of evolution so you wouldn't know the difference anyway.

Just like when Kirk Cameron presents his "croco-duck", by using these examples, you guys only show your ignorance.

Go study the actual theory, what the scientists teach, not what a creationist "scientist" taught you, and you'll accept it because it'll be obvious to you, just like it's obvious to me, and to 99.9% of other biologists on the planet.
No but he believes that you should for thinking that he was covered in hair like an ape.

Cro-magnon is exactly the same as us just
old school.He is not half ape like you think.
dude your covered in hair im covered in hair; thats what makes us mammals

exactly the same as us? then why arent the homo sapien?

oldschool my ass
Folks...why are we on this guys thread?
well, it was here and it really wasn't being used for anything productive. it just started out as an excuse for haze to showcase his ignorance, so i guess we decided it should be put to better use. i've been storing old tax records and emptying out overflowing ashtrays here. it's kinda nice to have a space like that for all the useless refuse.
I say we use the ignorant thread for positive measures...We're super heroes...I call the name "Mighty Dank"...:lol:
"Fellow Atheists"

:lol::lol:Please have your rings pointed towards 37° 14′ 24.73″ N, 115° 49′ 6.81″ W 37.240203, -115.818558 at 09:00 IDT...That is all.