The UK Growers Thread!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hehehe ttt i use my boost as soon as flowers start forming, 1-2 weeks after flipping the lights week 2 start slowly building up to max strength, hope this helps?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
wicked bo! i shall buy some on the morrow! my cheese are well into their flowering now and the next 4 are all rooted now and vegging :)

i think i'm going to become a cryptic


Well-Known Member
evening people. went fishin, caught nowt, dont care, didnt have to sit in house with girlfriend, fuckin bliss. just chillin on the banks of a scottish loch with the sun dappling the water and gentle breeze blowing the smell of a well dried and cured la woman around . almost silence apart from the chatter of birds and the occasional swish of the rod cast. absolutely serene. im so fuckin chilled ive got dry ice smoke wafting off me. i truly feel sorry for people who live in cities and large towns and dont get to experience this.


Well-Known Member
2 blokes walking down the road, bloke1: you are a cunt, youve always been a cunt and u will always be a cunt, everything about you makes you a cunt, an utter cunt and a complete cunt. infact if you entered a cunt competition you would come 2nd. bloke2: why wouldnt i come 1st? bloke1 BECAUSE YOUR A CUNT


Well-Known Member
My wife suggested for my birthday I have a threesome.

I replied "Do I get to pick both girls?"

And then the fight started...


Didn't think i'de ever find a thread on here for us english lads, gonna be startin my grow asap with a hps and 2 CFL's, gotta do it outside in shed so it's gonna get mighty cold you see so gotta wait till weather starts to warm up a bit and I need to shove a bit of cash to side for my experiment otherwise i'll be growing off scraps.

Hopin the heat off HPS will combat the coldness of the night, if it does then I can bring my shit together.


Well-Known Member
Didn't think i'de ever find a thread on here for us english lads, gonna be startin my grow asap with a hps and 2 CFL's, gotta do it outside in shed so it's gonna get mighty cold you see so gotta wait till weather starts to warm up a bit and I need to shove a bit of cash to side for my experiment otherwise i'll be growing off scraps.

Hopin the heat off HPS will combat the coldness of the night, if it does then I can bring my shit together.
not all english mate couple of scots and at least one welshman buddy. u.k= united kingdom;3 kingdoms: england,scotland&wales(not too sure how it technically works with ulster coz its not a kingdom):weed:


Well-Known Member
think it mite be a good idea to insulate ur shed with glass wool, itll keep ur temps a bit more stable. i wouldnt grow in a shed up here coz its too cold but right now i'm giving my plants there 12 hours light at night to try and stabilise my temps as well, fuckin weathers drivin me nuts had fuckin temps up at 39o c down to fuckin 18o c, bastard thing is all over the place but i keep tryin different shit with fans and windows and all fuckin sorts....funny thing is the plants are fuckin thriving and growing like fuck!!!ah well just have to keep fuckin around i suppose, it wouldnt be half as much fun if it all went smoothly.


Well-Known Member
hey Dura i used molasas today mate for 1st time. Mixed 4 teaspoons in boiling water then added to 15 litres of water and nutes..
It raised the ec alot, so had to add more water.. fingers crossed..


Active Member
2 blokes walking down the road, bloke1: you are a cunt, youve always been a cunt and u will always be a cunt, everything about you makes you a cunt, an utter cunt and a complete cunt. infact if you entered a cunt competition you would come 2nd. bloke2: why wouldnt i come 1st? bloke1 BECAUSE YOUR A CUNT


Well-Known Member
hey Dura i used molasas today mate for 1st time. Mixed 4 teaspoons in boiling water then added to 15 litres of water and nutes..
It raised the ec alot, so had to add more water.. fingers crossed..
i would say it worked for me lpool but i dont have any real solid evidence to support that, i didnt do a scientific test but i will say this , i got a significantly higher yeild and more mellow smoke than my buddy who had grown almost the exact same way as i did; same strains, same tent set up, same nutes, i went a little longer on time and had a bit more light although i also had hermie problems that he didnt and that would have slowed my growth rate down a good bit( the hermie issue was nuthing to do with the mollasses, im blaming it on poor genetics from the greenhouse seed bank because my grow was done absolutely perfectly, not being big headed there, what i mean is i DO NOT fuck around opening tents when lights are out and I DO NOT stress my plant out, im not one those people who are constantly fuckin around fussing with my plants, i check them, feed them and leave them, thats a word of advice for any newbies reading this, LEAVE THE FUCKERS BE:cuss:, it just causes problems if u dont).
best of luck mate, im certain i could see a marked difference in the usual growth rate of the main colas, they seemed to swell up really quickly.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
btw heres an example ;my mates la woman gave him 2.5 oz ........i got 7. no shit and i wouldnt have believed it if i hadnt seen it with my own eyes, 7 fuckin oz from an old school organic soil grow, i was fuckin bouncin about like a preist in a nursery.


Well-Known Member
3 women are stuck on a island there is a luxury island 100 meters away the bruntte girl goes first she does 10 meters gets tired and swims back the next women a ginger swam 30 meters got tired and swam back then the blonde women goes fifty meters gets tired and goes back.....


Active Member
btw heres an example ;my mates la woman gave him 2.5 oz ........i got 7. no shit and i wouldnt have believed it if i hadnt seen it with my own eyes, 7 fuckin oz from an old school organic soil grow, i was fuckin bouncin about like a preist in a nursery.
Whoa, that's fuckin sweet dude


Active Member
Morning, good news, one of out Cali hash is really growing, but after 2 weeks nothing from the oher Cali or a train so I took the seeds out and the Cali just fell apart, think it was over watered BUT I put the a train in paper towels and it germed in 2 days. :D the other 3 Cali germed too which is nice.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Q for the canna coco users do u have problems with plants going yellow in all stages of life an really bad near the end of flower not the normal amount just want to no some other schedules that people use coz my plants in flower are unhealthy an my veg plants also look a bit unhealthy think am under doing it
am feeding 7.5ml a&b to 3ltrs of tap water 12ml boost to 3ltrs that's wat the canna website says but the bottle says different also no each strain is different but this happens with a varity of strains?

yeah ur under doing it mate my gals get 4ml per litre as soon as they over ten inches