The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My secretary said, "I wish you would stop treating me like some kind of sex object".

I said, " ... Huh!? ... What?", "Sorry, I was staring at your arse. What did you say?"


Well-Known Member
alright dragon, please dont use that word around here mate it makes me break out into a sweat and i start feeling ill. i mean the w**k word. christ man have a heart sum of us on here havent done a shift in years, i know most of the job centre staff by first name and you would not believe the shi tive had to go through to avoid get a job; going to the docs and registering as an alcoholic and all sorts of devious dodges, i mean its not easy having to come up with new excuses all the time. it takes it out of me and i become surly and abusive......hold on...thats just my normal state.


Well-Known Member
I was mortified and livid to hear a colleague making an off-the-cuff joke concerning the 9/11 attacks today.
In blind fury, I spun on my heels and tore into him:
"Excuse me, do you find the September 11th attacks funny? Would you still find them funny if I told you I lost two friends in those attacks?"
Instantly shocked and sympathetic, he said "I'm so sorry, I never even realised. Were they in the towers?"
I said "Nah, they were flying the fucking planes."


Well-Known Member
I went to the doctor's the other day and found out my new doctor is a young female, drop-dead gorgeous!

I was embarrassed but she said, "Don't worry, I'm a professional - I've seen it all before. Just tell me what's wrong and I'll help you in any way I can."

I said, "I think my cock tastes funny..."


Well-Known Member
My laptop's got some brilliant facial recognition software.
When I make my cum-face, it automatically closes all the porn tabs I have open.


Well-Known Member
Im fed up with the excuses woman come up with to avoid sex.
Im washing my hair,
Im tired,
Im your Sister.


Active Member
Mornin. Crappy day today, was really nice yesterday, the high street looks like something out o silent hill with all the fog and mist today.

mr west

Well-Known Member
We got a nice bit of shine in the middel, tyime for a joint me thinks. Any one got plans for the 20th next week? I hope evgeryones gotta smoke lined up for cannabis day lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
chopping 2 strawberry haze tomorrow morning. i most certainly hope i'll have a smoke ready :lol:

anyways, toothbrush and then to me brum brum! have a good day westy katt riffix etc


Active Member
Yeah, we're having a couple friends over for a sesh... I'll have to decide on something special to serve for dinner, but aside from that I'm gonna do a space cake and we were thinking of doing a flower arrangement in the shape of a weed leaf for some reason lol


Well-Known Member
morning campers, kids are still off school so i've gotta play the family man and waste petrol by going runs to tediously boring places and paying for over priced soft drinks and then gettin fleeced at gift shops, listening to 'are we there yet?' and gettin driving tips from my muppet girlfriend( who doesnt hold a driving licence and cant push a fuckin shoppin trolley in a straight line0 eventually leadin to tears and tantrums( mine probably) and the inevetable drive home in silence........cause i'll have abonded the fuckin lot of them at a bus stop.....when what i'd really rather be doin is gettin wasted and tryin to get the panties off a barmaid..... i mean wouldnt u rather have a dad that did that.