Half of US pays no Fed tax.


New Member
I just want you to know that I have reported this post for your anti-Semitic comment. The media is not dominated by Jews - that is an anti-Semitic stereotype. In fact, Hitler made similar statements in Mien Kompf.
Reported his post? What an Idiot. Report this one as well you snivelin snitch. Where I come from, your actions would be met with violence. Snitching for menial reasons is sissyfied and truly not the merit of manhood. If you saw someone physically attacked, that would merit snitching, but what you are about is just chickenshit nonsense. People like you need a lesson in real world justice. The reason the world is so fucked up now is because there are way too many dorks like you running things, so get your grubby little fingers to walkin, and walk all over me. If we were to meet face to face, I'm pretty sure that even at my age, I could kick the shit out of you. BTW, you're dead wrong, the media is definently dominated by jews. They are the ones behind the scenes controlling content. I am so sick of chickenshit bastards like you running the show. Idiots like you think their Ideas are the only ones that count. You have no respect for your fellow humans. You exhibit a superior attitude that bears no semblance of continuity with reality. Now that I've complimented you, maybe I should look to your faults, LOL. Report away fuckwad.


New Member
Med man.... always a voice.

zero content...but he has a mouth.

Boy you were really missed here.
Hey Crackerass, you know I'm just playin with you retards. If I took this shit seriously, I'd for sure go postal.. There are a few people on here that actually believe they are better than others, I think you know who you are. The one thing that pisses me off though, is idiots like you that bought the right to negative rep the poor brothers, and shitheads like Rick white that snitch out everyone he disagrees with. Other than those offensive traits, and the cooperation of RIU in these endeavors, this is basically a cool site. Just because a few unfettered assholes think they own it, RIU, there is sometimes, some valid discussion. I prefer the titter tatter of ad hominem, makes me feel like a stud, you know, depressed childhood or some other psych event. I'm ready for some explosive interaction with the right, nothing would make me happier than to bag a few CEOs, LOL. Maybe get some of that bonus money for myself, buy a ferrari, some cool clothes, and cruise up and down the strip collecting young beauties (thanks Viagra). Ahhh, the rich life. Am I jealous, Are you kidding? Since I have half of the being rich and good looking down, I'm looking for the cash, and yeah, I'm way too old to go earn it, and actually, even if I were young again, there exists not much opportunity to get wealthy, I'm not "connected" as they say. Snivelin, no. Just voicing facts.


New Member
Like I said... total mouth...zero content.

just keep posting.... let me know when you have something to ADD to the thread on the subject matter.

Or you can keep trolling ... ur choice.


New Member
I asked med man to shuffle off if he didn't have anything to add to the thread.

i must say...he was a good troll...he shuffled off.

I always ADD to the threads. "Some" Ppl ( a small minority I assure you) just don't like the tune I sing.... which is always 100% accurate.


New Member
uh huh... ... :roll:

Just because I can run down all of your lame ideas and concepts....

what's next guys? you all gonna cry?

try just becoming a bit more informed about how the world works. It's what I do for a living now...and I do quite well with it.


Well-Known Member
I always ADD to the threads. "Some" Ppl ( a small minority I assure you) just don't like the tune I sing.... which is always 100% accurate.
I'd start a poll to prove your ass wrong if I knew it wouldn't get closed.

Do I have your permission Cracker?

I'll copy this question word for word;

Is CrackerJax 100% right on the majority of his posts?



(I'm even giving you the benefit of saying "majority" and not "all" like your pompous egotistical ass claims)

And hey, you're the one who made the claim, so put up or shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
how is it anti semitic??

anti-semitic would be to say something derogatory about jews.

all i said was that the jewish controlled media would report on something that would help their cause.

just like faux news reports on anything that supports the conservative cause.

and it is not a stereo-type, FYI. it's a matter of fact. plenty of major publications in the united states are known to be owned and operated by prominent jewish families.

nothing wrong with that.

an anti-semitic stereo-type is: "jews are greedy". there IS a difference. and before you attempt to 'report' me for the anti-semitic comment, it's being used as an educational reference, since you don't know what's an anti-semitic statement, i'm teaching you.

you really have to take that stick out of your ass.
If your going to be an ass hole, don't make your self look stupid while doing it. One would be hard pressed to find many lucrative industries that did not involve Jews. While it is true that Jews are prevalent in the media, just as in medicine, law and numerous other fields, it is absolutely an anti-Semitic stereotype to suggest that Jews "control" the media.

Perhaps, you should take the time to learn the history of this claim and the fact that this was one of the key arguments used in support of Nazi extermination of Jews. It was claimed that the Jews infiltrated and took over the media in order to pollute the minds of the youth as part of their greater conspiracy for global domination. Hitler ranted about it extensively in Mein Kompf. He probably got the idea from older anti-Semitic literature.

Funny how an ancient stereotype used to justify genocide can linger to the point of becoming an off the cuff comment that people just blurt out as assumed fact.

Oh and BTW, while some of the big media Moguls are Jews, most are not. Ted Turner isn't. But, why is it you never hear the term Christian controlled media? Maybe it is because the religion of the owners of these outlets isn't really an issue - unless they are Jews. So when Christians own a major media outlet, there is no particular reason to specify this fact. But if they are Jews; well that is worth specifying.

What if in response to every article written by a black man about Obama, it was pointed out that the author was black - would that sound racist or just factual?

In fact, I think one of the media giants in this country is a black man - forget his name. What if we referred to his outlets as the Negro run media? Would that sound racist?


Well-Known Member
Reported his post? What an Idiot. Report this one as well you snivelin snitch. Where I come from, your actions would be met with violence. Snitching for menial reasons is sissyfied and truly not the merit of manhood. If you saw someone physically attacked, that would merit snitching, but what you are about is just chickenshit nonsense. People like you need a lesson in real world justice. The reason the world is so fucked up now is because there are way too many dorks like you running things, so get your grubby little fingers to walkin, and walk all over me. If we were to meet face to face, I'm pretty sure that even at my age, I could kick the shit out of you. BTW, you're dead wrong, the media is definently dominated by jews. They are the ones behind the scenes controlling content. I am so sick of chickenshit bastards like you running the show. Idiots like you think their Ideas are the only ones that count. You have no respect for your fellow humans. You exhibit a superior attitude that bears no semblance of continuity with reality. Now that I've complimented you, maybe I should look to your faults, LOL. Report away fuckwad.
Oh my - and you blow your father with that mouth?