• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Half of US pays no Fed tax.


New Member
Break given.... you can't remember everything.... as long as what you do remember is accurate... you get an A there. :clap:


Active Member
The last study I know of that touched on taxes in relation to the black market was from the 80s. Look up the Grace Commission Report.



"The commission found that : one third of all income taxes
is consumed by waste and inefficiency; one third is not
collected due to the underground economy; and 100 percent of
all income taxes are absorbed by interest plus government
contributions to transfer payments."

"With two-thirds of everyone's personal
income taxes wasted or not collected,
100 percent of what is collected is
absorbed solely by interest on the
Federal debt and by Federal Government
contributions to transfer payments. In
other words, all individual income tax
revenues are gone before one nickel is
spent on the services which taxpayers
expect from their Government."

There is a hell of a lot more than 50% not paying federal taxes. What would the percentage be if the underground economy were to be included?


New Member
yes, I have said many times.... giving ur money to the govt. is just like dumping it into a black hole... it is never seen again.

That's a good reason to turn over the economy to them... right? :lol:


Well-Known Member
you are still on very thin ice.

i will give you this, ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL (and nothing is ever equal) a person raised by great parents has a better chance than the same person raised by dolts. but thats as far as i will go.

i have 3 siblings. 2 of us turned out pretty good, 2 of us are derilicts. keep your comments to yourself as to which group i fall in :-P

same parents, same house, played same sports, at same school, hung around same people, ate dinner as a family most of the time, attended church most of the time, and we are very close in age, 6 years between oldest to youngest. yet 2 very different results.

There is no easy answer to why some children from a given home turn out different that others. Mainly, because it is a huge mistake to assume that parents treat all their children equally. The psychology in these cases gets pretty deep and involved.

But you should be careful not to assume that your family is representative of all families. You more than likely come from a home with decent values and a reasonable level of functionality.

There are many homes across the US that are just utterly dysfunctional and lack any semblance of proper values. If a kid grows up in a home in which violence is the chief means of getting what one wants, that child is going to learn from that example and have a real tough time in life.

A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that their own personal experiences are common to everyone else as well - this just isn't the case.

If you look at people in prison (which has been studied extensively) you do not find a bunch of guys who come from good homes who made a choice to be criminals. What you find are guys who come from dysfunctional chaotic environments. People learn how to conduct themselves according to their environment. In fact, doing so is necessary for survival. People who grow up in the ghetto become animals because to survive in that environment, one must be an animal. To expect them to act differently is illogical.

This isn't stuff I'm making up - it is well studied psychology. And this is why you constantly hear me promote the need for traditional values. If you want to raise good men, you need to give them the proper environment to mold themselves into.

jeff f

New Member
There is no easy answer to why some children from a given home turn out different that others. Mainly, because it is a huge mistake to assume that parents treat all their children equally. The psychology in these cases gets pretty deep and involved.

But you should be careful not to assume that your family is representative of all families. You more than likely come from a home with decent values and a reasonable level of functionality.

There are many homes across the US that are just utterly dysfunctional and lack any semblance of proper values. If a kid grows up in a home in which violence is the chief means of getting what one wants, that child is going to learn from that example and have a real tough time in life.

A lot of people fall into the trap of thinking that their own personal experiences are common to everyone else as well - this just isn't the case.

If you look at people in prison (which has been studied extensively) you do not find a bunch of guys who come from good homes who made a choice to be criminals. What you find are guys who come from dysfunctional chaotic environments. People learn how to conduct themselves according to their environment. In fact, doing so is necessary for survival. People who grow up in the ghetto become animals because to survive in that environment, one must be an animal. To expect them to act differently is illogical.

This isn't stuff I'm making up - it is well studied psychology. And this is why you constantly hear me promote the need for traditional values. If you want to raise good men, you need to give them the proper environment to mold themselves into.
promoting christian judeo values is the way to go, no doubt. i just get very nervous when broad brushing everyone because it isnt that simple.

and studying prison pops isnt necessarily conclusive of anything.

for instance, are you more likely to get arrested selling dope in the ghetto or the upper middle class neighborhood? the ghetto because thats where cops are.

its generalizing a group that i beleive is wrong. everyone has the ability to succeed in their life. success not defined as typical society measures, nice house car picket fence, but as human beings.

there are people from ghettos doing great things, and there are people from upper calss doing evil things.


Well-Known Member
for something to be true there has to be EVIDENCE.

sorry, but just because you say it's true, doesn't make it true.

he's not providing a source, it's not a bonafide attempt at reporting the truth.

it's a supposition, only being repeated over and over to cause harm to the POTUS, even if HE KNOWS IT'S NOT TRUE.

that is called SLANDER. at least in this state.


Well-Known Member
and don't even try to defend him on this

obama is not a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer, neither are his buddy's.

where I am right now, jeff could go to prison because he is knowingly spreading information which would cause harm to the reputation of a person. in this state you can be held liable even if you think what you're saying is the truth.

the 'voluntary ignorance' defense won't work, or ' i thought i was telling the truth'.... it doesn't fly. a claim as the one your making, Obama's buddys sympathize with terrorists would most definetly be splattered all over the Jewish-dominated american media, yet try to find me a story. maybe alex jones, or beck can connect the dots, if that......

you keep saying shit like this on public forums and you're gonna get the knock and talk from the state department, and you're ass is going into rendition......

watch your mouth.


Well-Known Member
Jeff, I hear what you are saying. You have it backward about where one is most likely to get busted by that is beside the point.

What you, like many are not seeing is that there are many people who's brains have been so strongly conditioned toward failure oriented conduct that they are literally incapable of making healthy decisions. A good analogy would be a guy who suffers brain damage in a car accident and people expecting them to snap out of it. The damage caused by bad parenting can be every bit as bad. Have you honestly never met such a person?

Think of what would happen if you sat down with two rival street gangs and tried to explain that there is no reason for their violent ways and that they would all benefit from learning to love one another. While it is nice to believe this could be accomplished, it would in reality fall on deaf ears because the people you would be speaking to have brains that have been wired differently.

Although in the most basic sense, we all have the same opportunity there are people who due to their brain not being properly developed can not make the choices necessary to take advantage of those opportunities. It's like the old saying - "that dog ain't gunna hunt."

But you see, the important part of what I am saying is that we realize that if one's mental state was not properly developed from childhood, all the money in the world isn't going to change their self destructive ways contrary to Liberal beliefs. No, the only hope for helping these people is to get to them before their brain is forever destroyed. And barring radical steps such as removing kids from their homes, the only way of doing this is to teach people to be better parents. This means promoting things like a strong work ethic, moral conduct, self discipline, love and kindness. Only people who learn these things in childhood can make good decisions and work toward good things. The child who is unfamiliar with these things has zero hope.


Active Member
here i will make it easy for you

terrorist- william eyers

terrorist sympathizers - jeremiah wright, louis farrakan

tax cheat- timothy geitner....and about half of his cabinet.

how is that dork?
Thanks for breaking it down for us jeff....it's ayers and geithner by the way.

War profiteer- Dick Cheney
War criminal - Donald Rumsfeld
Asleep at the wheel - George W. Bush
Global village idiot - jeff f


Well-Known Member

here is where the voluntary ignorance argument will fall through the ground

here's what wikipedia says:

''Investigations by The New York Times, CNN, and other news organizations concluded that Obama does not have a close relationship with Ayers.''

  1. ^ Shane, Scott (2008-10-03). "Obama and ’60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/04/us/politics/04ayers.html. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  2. ^ "Fact Check: Is Obama 'palling around with terrorists'?". CNN. 2008-10-05. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/05/fact-check-is-obama-palling-around-with-terrorists/. Retrieved 2008-10-12.
  3. ^ "Palin hits Obama for 'terrorist' connection". CNN. 2008-10-05. http://m.cnn.com/cnn/lt_ne/lt_ne/detail/178228.

there's the sources.

voluntary ignorance is not a defense in cases like this jeff.



New Member

Notice the difference. All actions done to protect the USA.

No terrorists...no communists...no bombers.

i'll take the patriots.... all day long.


Well-Known Member
and geithner is not a tax cheat. another non-issue. *yawn.....

a tax cheat is somebody who purposefully hides income in other countries banks in order to not report it. a tax cheat is criminals who don't collect sales tax on drug transactions.

timothy geithner had IRS problems due mainly to a mis communication with the people doing his taxes. anybody who's dealt with the IRS knows how they have a special way of 'extending' what should be a easy process to tack on fees and interest. what should've been a quick process got drawn out quite a bit, but geithner never had the intention of not paying, or defrauding the US. There was a mistake, and he corrected it. he did get by with not paying some undue taxes from the early 2000's....

the non-issue fell through in his confirmation hearings, because everybody realized it was just a mistake and shit happens.....

then there's the whole day care thing. i'm sure he's not the only one to try and make questionable deductions to his income, and guess what? the IRS caught wind and didn't let him do it anyways. can't blame him for trying though.....

jeff f

New Member
and geithner is not a tax cheat. another non-issue. *yawn.....

a tax cheat is somebody who purposefully hides income in other countries banks in order to not report it. a tax cheat is criminals who don't collect sales tax on drug transactions.

timothy geithner had IRS problems due mainly to a mis communication with the people doing his taxes. anybody who's dealt with the IRS knows how they have a special way of 'extending' what should be a easy process to tack on fees and interest. what should've been a quick process got drawn out quite a bit, but geithner never had the intention of not paying, or defrauding the US. There was a mistake, and he corrected it. he did get by with not paying some undue taxes from the early 2000's....

the non-issue fell through in his confirmation hearings, because everybody realized it was just a mistake and shit happens.....

then there's the whole day care thing. i'm sure he's not the only one to try and make questionable deductions to his income, and guess what? the IRS caught wind and didn't let him do it anyways. can't blame him for trying though.....
well if you dont like geitner why dont you try to defend his other buddy tom daschle...why dont you tell us how his conformation went.....

why dont you explain away his "minor" irs problems.

dude, seriously take the bull ring out of your nose. you have completely lost all ability to think for yourself. all you do is defend defend defend the govt. you sound like a boris, or victor, vladimar....am i close?


Well-Known Member
and thanks for showing us all your true roots of a bigoted anti semite. perfect.

you guys used to have a monopoly on what gets said...not anymore pal. conservatives are here to stay and we arent going to be intimidated by tyrants like you.

now go back to your basement and continue making your little pipe bombs with the rest of your progressive buddies.
tyrants, blah blah blah blah.

you know what you said was pure bullshit. i've reported you for slander already.

a simple google search would show you that Obama and Ayers do NOT have a close relationship. Geithner made a mistakes in his tax returns, he's human, not a criminal.

Man o' the green

Active Member
you know what you said was pure bullshit. i've reported you for slander already.
What Are Defamation, Libel and Slander?

Generally speaking, defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Slander involves the making of defamatory statements by a transitory (non-fixed) representation, usually an oral (spoken) representation. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.
Typically, the elements of a cause of action for defamation include:

  1. A false and defamatory statement concerning another;
  2. The unprivileged publication of the statement to a third party (that is, somebody other than the person defamed by the statement);
  3. If the defamatory matter is of public concern, fault amounting at least to negligence on the part of the publisher; and
  4. Damage to the plaintiff.

1) You would need to prove that the statement is false by making your verifiable personal information known to be judged.
2) It was posted for a third party ( true )
3) The defamation is not of public concern and doesn't make RIU liable.
4) You would need to prove damage, which would only exist in terms of your avatar, not your person.
5) You would need to establish that what was asserted was clearly stated as "fact" instead of "opinion"

Let's not make petty insults into something more than they are.