what is the best non-violent form of revenge

I say take everything that everyone has said so far (that is non-violent) and use them all!!!

this bitch deserves everything you throw at him times 1000000000000000000000000000000000 man what a fuckin prick!
he likes his truck? put anchovies down his wind shield defrost vents. nasty smell dosent come out.
drop his oil plug
take his lug nuts
grease his break pads
put sand in his differentials

or just slip a guy $100 to hit him with a pipe
What I used to do when I was an angry little punk (but was heavily into the automotive scene here, so all my revenge plots were car based...which sounds like it would work for you) was buy aircraft remover and pour that all over the car which will strip the paint down to bare metal. It also eats light plastic and thick rubber so do with that what you will.

Another thing I used to do was remove peoples valve stem cores with a little valve stem core remover you can get at any decent auto store for like $3. After you take out the valve stems the tires will deflate super fast so you have to rush to put the cap back on before they loose all the air and look like you did something to it. Only put the cap on slightly, when he runs over a bump the air in the tire will be to great for the valve cover and the tire will almost literally fall off the rim from the pressure. Hard to get it to work properly (usually just looses are super fast and they get a flat tire), but when it does its amazing. If anything they will be confused as hell because almost no one knows you can just remove someones valve stem. Most people spend forever trying to either A) inflate the tires again, which is impossible because the air will just rush back out, or B) buy new tires.

Something that is simple and easy though is smashing in just 1 of his windows (NOT THE WINDSHIELD) because it will cost about $200 or so to fix per window, and peoples deductible on their insurance is about $500 so that is all out of pocket money.

Finally, if you have a small amount of automotive know how you can pull his oil pan drain plug, let most of the oil run out of it (into something you can take away so he wont notice a giant oily mess under his car), plug the hole back up and hope he drives it around for it a bit. If he does not notice the oil light fast enough and pull over he can destroy his engine.

All these work, just depends on how big you wanna go.
fuck it beat him down tie him up shit on his face then strip him naked pour honey all over his shit covered badly beatin body then to top it off put his pot plant stealin bitch ass next to the biggest meanest red ant pile then kick the pile right on his dick look him in the eyes if u can depending on how much shit u use and tell him why he deserves it then take a pic and leave the pic is for his old lady:leaf:
or u could loosen the lugs on his rims all the way out that is some real funny shit especially if they can get goin at all 5 mph is some real funny shit
to me, its not about the fact that he stole 5 lbs from you. and that you need revenge.

Its about how much he will steal from you in the future, if nothing is done. you think he will stop at twice with no consequences? i think not.

take a couple pounds of shrimp, and stick them in a blender, then pour the shrimp shake somewhere in his car. the windshield vents sound good.

You could try getting a high powered bb gun. and shooting out his windows from a distance. do this repeatedly randomly every couple of months till you feel better.
Try this out dude. https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/311576-get-back-rippers.html#post3903731
I hope that thread doesn't get me banned. Its nasty but effective.

i seriously like that mate i don't see the difference between doing that to the plants in your garden and putting barbwire on walls to stop people entering your property, plain and simple if some1 gets hurt stealing something off your property they deserve it and worse,
and for for the theiving little bastard leave a petrol can at his front door with matches on top and fuck his 4x4 up and if you can get them post bullets through his door and write theif so he know's what it for best of luck mate which ever way you go
cut off his thumb with a bolt cutter if you feel merciful just do his little finger. Then tell him he has 9 more chances. No witness or bolt cutter and an ali baba and you should be fine.
We have all lost weed over the years one way or another, we can't go around shooting all the deer and rabbits. So simply apply what the deer would do when you protect your crop, they move on, you need to move on. Simply protect your crop from this type of intrusion, by either relocating or simply booby trapping your stash. Just booby trap wisely, you don't want to hurt any innocent people. Maybe while he lays there in agony he will have an life altering experience, and come to his senses about his life. Just remember, our prisons are full of people, a lot go in ok, and come out bent, don't create a monster.
Heres a list...
- slash his tires
- key his car
- bleach all of his lawn
- grafitti his house or car
- threaten him so he will give back your herb
- steal the tires to his car
- break the windows on his car
- break the windows on his house
- steal something valuable from him

my personal recomendation would be to make makeshift napalm (mixa lot of sytrofoam with gasoline, the styrofoam disssolves into the gas making a goo like substance) then smear it on his car or driveway. You can right a message on his driveway, write in big letters thief or draw a huge boner with it and burn it. Or write/smear on his car hood with it and burn it. This works really good because after the napalm burns it leaves behind a rock solid black residue that is near impossible to get out. If you burned it on his drive way they have to actually chip the concrete out where it burned.
Month 1 - hatchet in door, strip his paint
Month 2 - pop his tires, etch his windshield
Month 3 - skunk spray, cheese on his apolstery
Month 4 - sand in the gas tank, drain his oil, drain the tranny or the differential.

I say fuck up his nice car, its one of the worst ways to feel pain.
put grinding paste in his gas tank it works well a lot better than sugar I know i have done it it works very well
look, you have to act on this or stop growing medicine, by allowing this (as you referenced crackhead or tweaker as is more prevalent in my area)to rob you multiple times you have given him a dependable soure of obtaining his drugs his attacks on your garden will only escalade with his addiction(which through inaction you are partially enabling) my personal reccomendation gather up your friends take him into the country, and give him a good old fashioned ass whoopin,and put the fear of god in him but since your (non-violent)i say leave 1 plant out in the open (provide the opportunity)and cover it in finely ground fiberglass insulation and auto upholstery adhesive(it will kill the plant but slowly) if sells this stuff and he will(hes a drug addict)he will get the living hell kicked out of him(best of all he knows your responsible and you cant be implicated, whats he gonna say he got beat up trying to sell stolen poisoned medical marijuana also get a good security system we are in a tricky situation while we need our medicine the safety of our selves and our families must remain foremost:finger::cuss::wall:bongsmilie:bigjoint::lol: