Hey Dragonhey guys still planning on hitting cod later but already stoned lol
RAINZ unlucky with the liquids mate but at least it went out due to some good green,that looks like some lovely bud mate, my ps3 wont let me login on riu i have tried a couple of times but no dice
BU5T4 i'm awful mate i never play on it sober lol the couple of times i haven't had a smoke i was pretty good but that's not very often, we should all meet up on their and see who's the worst lol
well i over dryed my weed yesterday it's still sticky but not as damp as i'd like, i went to work and checked it in the mo and it still felt like it had little way to go and didn't get back til about 10ish in the night and through that day it dried alot my final weight on the blue cheese was 12.2 ozs off my stunted 1 in the middle i got 19gs dry lol and the rest was off 4
Thanks mate, not doin to bad for my first propper grow.WOw dude fucking nice plants man.
Thanks mate, not doin to bad for my first propper grow.
Hows you doin mate ?
Yeah weather is playin havoc with my temps, im kinda hopin for more cold spells for another month lol, had to take out one of the 125cfl sidelights out yesterday, was gettin way to hotWell i dont have a grow going at the moment because i cant grow indoors. I finished my old crop on near years eve.
Will start vegging though for outdoor season soon but the weather is unpredictable!!!
Thats really nice u got going escpecially for your first grow. real nice man!
Yeah weather is playin havoc with my temps, im kinda hopin for more cold spells for another month lol, had to take out one of the 125cfl sidelights out yesterday, was gettin way to hot
You found ur secret spot yet, or u gonna look closer the time... and any idea on what strain ur growin.
lol, like the idea of you walkin round with ur ladies in a backpack, then plantin on them on a whim, just dont forget where u plant them... and yeah, the waitin is killer, i got another 5-6 week till i can chop, soooo fuckin far away lol, then you have the drying time and curing time, we are definately in it for the long haul lolYea ive got my strain, its a bagseed that some mates grew last year it handles the outdoor brilliantly. ive seen it been grown before tried it out which is nice.
As far as spots go... im gonna veg and just look nearer the time i will probably just put a plant in my backpack and walk around ( it will be nice weather ) with ma dog and just plant wherever i think is a nice spot.
I think ive got one really nice spot sorted at the moment. i cant fucking wait. But its also gonna take so long till harvest![]()
Glad your well matehey smart i'm good cheers mate very stoned lol yeah i'm pretty happy mate wishing i threw the stunted 1 out now and threw a cfl in it's place but a lesson learned lol it smokes nice and does the job and has a very strong taste, your girls are looking lovely mate they're flying along not much longer left then mate,i know i know it's all relative when waiting for weed a minute feels like an hour lol, i wish i had an xbox i love my ps3 but nearly every1 i know got an xbox you never know mate i'm trying to convince the misses we need 1 so we could find out pretty soon fingers crossed, i'm gonna have a bash on cod in a little bit when the misses has finshed watching her soaps i think it's time to shake the cobwebs lol
If ur sayin hopefully it will last you, my guessing is it wont lolah mate i hear ya. i've got the main cola of two plants left and nowt else. hopefully that will somehow see me through till next weekend. should be harvesting mid week. i just couldn't care whether these two are ready or whatnot any more, feck em! anyone remember when i put my dwc into flower?deary meee
soz mate had to pop out for 2mins it's been crazy down my house 2day i just turned my phone on silent i sent 3 texts this mo and have had about 20-25 calls sinceGlad your well mate
Wrong forum to be on when ive quit weed till my grow has finished and quit smokin today, all this talk is makin my mouth water lol, high insight is a wonderfull thing mate, but think of it this way, when you run out, if you hadnt had the runty one, you would of ran out sooner lol
5-6 weeks, not long, bloody eternity lol... yeah you should def try n get a 360, such a better machine over the PS3, barin its lack of BlueRay player and payin for online play, part from that, its perfect.
I got the wolfman to watch later, gonna cook tea when she gets in, then bath n snuggle up on the sofa with the film, then bed coz fuckin work in the morning lol.
no it wouldnt of happened.Hi guys, I have just joind the site, and looking forward to conversing with you hardcore smokers. I am just about to start my first grow and will be looking to sell also. In my experience most people dont know very much about weed and will just buy it regardless so i am looking to capitalize on this by ushering in a new era of quality/fair dealing whereby you get the full 8th or Q etc along with your aloted amount of crystals (not this flavorless stalky shit that always seems to be around)...... marry that with a consistantly quality strain of weed, this hopefully will secure me a large and loyal customer base. I have a question if anyone would feel obliged to answer, if you could grow any strain of weed what would you grow?, baring in mind as i will be selling i will be looking for a high yielding plant, from my research i have landed on cheese as a happy medium between potency and yield.... does anyone agree or disagree? also any tips for a first time indoor grower would be much appreciated............ and finaly just reading some comments about the legalization of weed in this country, i would just like to add to that, how can govenment say people can consume the drug of alcohol responsibly and legaly but not smoke responsibly? if there is such a thing as irresponsible smoking! just to hit that point home i am currently in my flat recovering from a kicking from three Geordies, was out last night in Newcastle and apparently i "Looked at this lads lass" the next ting i know im pissing with blood and out cold in a bar they had stamped all over my legs, body and head........now i take it with a pinch of salt now, that shit happens all the time in newcastle, im quite good at taking a kicking but if everyone in that bar was stoned are you tellin me that would have happened???
U alrite mate, i totally agree we should all meet up on there and see what a team of stoners can do! sound like a good yield btw i love blue cheese lolhey guys still planning on hitting cod later but already stoned lol
RAINZ unlucky with the liquids mate but at least it went out due to some good green,that looks like some lovely bud mate, my ps3 wont let me login on riu i have tried a couple of times but no dice
BU5T4 i'm awful mate i never play on it sober lol the couple of times i haven't had a smoke i was pretty good but that's not very often, we should all meet up on their and see who's the worst lol
well i over dryed my weed yesterday it's still sticky but not as damp as i'd like, i went to work and checked it in the mo and it still felt like it had little way to go and didn't get back til about 10ish in the night and through that day it dried alot my final weight on the blue cheese was 12.2 ozs off my stunted 1 in the middle i got 19gs dry lol and the rest was off 4