Bubble Gum. CFL & Flourescent. w/Pics


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and J.W. i would love to see the pics you have, thanks.
Sure thing man, here they are. It's an addicting journey, I'll tell you that. After my very 1st ever grow a few years back, I was surprised to realize that not only was growing somewhat easy if you actually care and prepare, but i's also almost as enjoyable -- and, in some ways, more enjoyable -- than smoking.

As for the pics. . .

The 1st one was taken towards the middle of flower week 6, smack dab in the middle of that swelling I was talking about. It was the one that I topped the very tip of (the other one I didn't top the apical tip). I made this cut and also a couple more subtle ones on this plant, really just to compare the two and also to see how well this strain took the cut, as it was my 1st Bubble Gum grow -- but certainly not my last. The one I topped in a couple spots gave me 1/2 oz more, but that ONE HUGE BUD on the other plant's grow tip was some of the greasiest most pungent weed, so it's apples and oranges.

The next five pics are the girls about one week from harvest, about the middle of week 8. I harvested mine at about 9-1/2 weeks, which is a little late, but I used Son Agro specialized flower bulbs, which tend to cause a longer flower, but slightly bigger, denser buds.

If you look at the titles of the pics, you can see the dates , followed by the times, that the pics were taken. A handy, albeit unintentional side effect of cell phone pics. I learned her traits with those two grows, so my next grow of Bubble Gum -- whenever that will be -- is gonna rock the house. Any other questions, hit me up brah. Good luck, and ENJOY THOSE PLANTS!!!


wow man that looks great, and i am excited to get to week 6 and see the swelling. This being my first grow, I can surely say that it wont be the last, Growing has shown to be a fun learning process, and will definitely be something i will be doing in the future. Also this being my first grow, I have learned a lot and feel much more prepared to tackle a slightly bigger grow next time around, maybe three plants instead of one. Still learning more and more as the days progress, again thanks for the help and reply.


Well-Known Member
wow man that looks great, and i am excited to get to week 6 and see the swelling. This being my first grow, I can surely say that it wont be the last, Growing has shown to be a fun learning process, and will definitely be something i will be doing in the future. Also this being my first grow, I have learned a lot and feel much more prepared to tackle a slightly bigger grow next time around, maybe three plants instead of one. Still learning more and more as the days progress, again thanks for the help and reply.
That's what it's about man. The moment you tell yourself that you're done learning about this plant is the moment that you're weed is as good as it's going to get. I enjoy every minute of it, and probably always will. Hard to believe when I look at this plant that it's actually illegal! For some of us, anyway (sniffle. tear.)
couple questions, does anyone have an idea as to how much longer she has till she is ready, i was thinking probably about 2-3 weeks, does that seem right? Also should i flush, or just feed with water and molassess for the last week and a half or so? I have been feeding with chemical nutes, but only for about 2 to 3 weeks, and before that was just letting the ffof do its thing. any info would be appreciated, thanks.