Bubble Gum. CFL & Flourescent. w/Pics


Well-Known Member
My goodness sir, your plants look outstanding!

She looks so healthy and mature, and those budding end just made me drool.

I used to not be Pro Pot, actually... i didnt even really care but these little plants are truely amazing with that they can do, yours is a prime example.

Good luck on the next few weeks!


Well-Known Member
Do you know what strain she is? or is it a seed, i looked back (no glasses on) and didnt see it, but looks amazing regardless.


Well-Known Member
Maybe just a little high, above the picture was posted 2x, it happens... sometimes our computer doesn't like BB Code (how this site displays pics)

Plant looks good :hump:
Does anyone have an idea to how much weight my one plant might pruduce? This being my first time I don't know what to expect.
Does anyone know why the tips of some of the leaves, mainly th ones near the top cola, are looking burnt (Can be seen in the second picture that i just posted, day 32). I transplanted into fox farms OF, a little over a month ago, right before i switched the lights to 12/12, and because of this haven't added any nutrients till yesterday. I fed yesterday with a low dose of Jack's 12-36-14 african violet fert. I also have shulttz 10-15-10, but didn't use it. next feediing i was thinking about adding epsom salt to the mix, as all my nutes lack Mg. I know Jack's 10-30-20 would have been better, but they were sold out, and at the moment i am broke so can't afford to go get it, just gonna have to try the AfricanV fert for now. Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Yo buddy,

I grew this strain last summer. I loved the final product, and received many a compliment. I remember she stretched like crazy, and although she recovered quickly, was pretty fussy. I ended up harvesting two at the same age. She really starts packing on weight about week 6, so all the nutes you really wanted her to have by then should have been built up to in the previous weeks (as I assume you're going to start flushing in week 7). I wouldn't worry too much about the leaf edges. Maybe you overfed her or didn't buffer the roots when you transplanted her into the hot FF Ocean Forest. Remember, cannabis -- especially organic soil-grown cannabis, takes quite a while before changes appear, so don't make too many at once. I'd advise to give her a couple water feedings in a row and monitor your pH closely. Should do the trick, or at least give you a better idea of what's up. She looks great man! If you want some pics of what mine looked like, I'd be more than happy to post them for ya. As for yield, mine were kinda on the low side, as she's no Big Bud, and I induced flowering when she was only 18". I got roughly 3.5 oz out of one plant and 3 oz out of another. The one I topped later in vegging gave me the 3.5, but otherwise, the two girls were strikingly similar. It was 6.5 oz of primo frickin' smoke though, so you're in for a treat. The curing jars smelled like fruity pebbles.
wow, thanks bro, i love fruity pebbles. That helps a lot, i guess i'll chill for a wetring or two, and then re-assess the situation and feed accordingly. If i got 3oz from my girly i would be super stoked, but as this is my first time anything is awesome, and I'm just glad that things gave been going relatively smooth. I've been trying the less is more approach, but sometimes I can't help myself.