1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Ha thanks DST - sometimes i need a translator lol it all gets lost in there between shiny things and teacup poodles and glowy green boxes

right i best go mute myself for the evening lol bit too stoned twould seem


Well-Known Member
yes true i have taken some oxy also. i'm in pain, it makes sense.

apologies for whatever warranted devil faces lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ive been taking it easy on the scripts lately but i have been getting baked and pissed daily, have to take it easy on one or the other or im a mess come the weekend. then it begins!!!! cant frickin wait for easter

fuck the rebirth of some gadgie in a stone room im off friday and monday and im getting WRECKED! think a henry of the marching and a half oz of ganj should see me through, a slab of beers from the cash n carry might be in order too.

the misus has arranged a girls night out friday too muuwhahahahahaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
yeah i've been back on the fags!!! since the mo in law was here. we're packing it back in very soon, i hate that the gross feckin things have such a hold over me that i keep goin back lol but i love a smoko while driving by myself, window down smiths blaring haha. but yeah, a cleanse of sorts it necessary i think, after i get past the sickies i'd say it's time to start takin slightly better care of myself lol

im probably getting myself a bit extra wasted lately coz i've been totally off meds for about 4 weeks now and i'm retraining my brain on the seratonin front lol first time i've been off them in a very long time so overall i'm actually quite pleased with myself, i think they're fecking horrible and i'm quite sure they were what was causing the migraines.

hope you have yerself a marvelous easter don!!! the kids are going to my mums saturday night, and hubby and i have a weeks worth of download tv to watch lol the speed limiting ends in like 10 minutes!! YAY - after the night of stoned madness we will have to get up early to put easter bunny prints all over the garden and hide loads of chocolate eggs for the hunt but still, night without the kids! a rare treat

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i've been back on the fags!!! since the mo in law was here. we're packing it back in very soon, i hate that the gross feckin things have such a hold over me that i keep goin back lol but i love a smoko while driving by myself, window down smiths blaring haha. but yeah, a cleanse of sorts it necessary i think, after i get past the sickies i'd say it's time to start takin slightly better care of myself lol
the devils own fingers of death lol ive been smokin more of them lately in my j's but i mean a ten deck of tabs lasts me near a month. im bonging it at yem
im probably getting myself a bit extra wasted lately coz i've been totally off meds for about 4 weeks now and i'm retraining my brain on the seratonin front lol first time i've been off them in a very long time so overall i'm actually quite pleased with myself, i think they're fecking horrible and i'm quite sure they were what was causing the migraines.
does good to keep it straight for a bit levels you out so you can go off kilter again eh :lol:
hope you have yerself a marvelous easter don!!! the kids are going to my mums saturday night, and hubby and i have a weeks worth of download tv to watch lol the speed limiting ends in like 10 minutes!! YAY - after the night of stoned madness we will have to get up early to put easter bunny prints all over the garden and hide loads of chocolate eggs for the hunt but still, night without the kids! a rare treat
oh believe i intend to have a wicked easter! i might even start tonight hahaha best not to be honest :(

hope you and your fam have a great one! i might paint some hard boiled eggs this weekend when wrecked for a giggle.


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'll be dodging hailstones this easter....wtf is happening, I keep asking myself why did I buy a house under the sea when we are in the middle of climate change.....ah fuk, location location location, FAIL!

Do kids still roll Easter eggs these days? or is it just drunks and joints they roll....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah im sure most would class moving to Adam as WIN WIN WIN mate

never heard of rolling easter eggs like man, i presume you mean hard boiled?


Well-Known Member
hahahah im sure most would class moving to Adam as WIN WIN WIN mate

never heard of rolling easter eggs like man, i presume you mean hard boiled?
aye man, is there any other type of easter egg, hahaha, we didnae get chocolate in Scotland until the 80's as part of Thatchers ploy to soften us up for the Poll Tax.

boil yer egg, paint it up all pretty like, then smash it down a hill....is it only mad people in Scotland that do that??:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
never heard of rolling easter eggs like man, i presume you mean hard boiled?
i knew scotland was Gods country, you lot don't even know what easters aboot, hahahaha.

Lesson: Ken hoo that wee chavvy bloke Jeeshush ah think they cried him, well he wiz stuck behind thon big roond stane, it hud tae be rolled awaw like so he kid git oot naw!!! that's why we smash they eggs doon the hills...Or is that the 2nd easters day, or tweede paasdag as I now call it...ah fuk, I don't know anymore, always been a bloody heithan...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Don i use clay hydro pebbles in autopots. I shove about 3 or 4 inches of em in the bottom and layer plagron batmix and clay pebbles, roughly 2 inch layers. Did you go for the singles? I had the douvles and imo they are too close to each other and i only grow little uns

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
aye man, is there any other type of easter egg, hahaha, we didnae get chocolate in Scotland until the 80's as part of Thatchers ploy to soften us up for the Poll Tax.

boil yer egg, paint it up all pretty like, then smash it down a hill....is it only mad people in Scotland that do that??:mrgreen:
my mate lives in Ramsbottom, north of Manc. They still have the tradition there about rolling hard boiled eggs down the hill. Aparently you cant move in the village when its on (this weekend i think). They do it from Peel Monument (wanker who invented the pigs) Only place i've ever heard of that does it lol.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i know of this "tradition" only through reading the dandy, i tihnk, don't think it was the beano. the strip soon evolved into having simply too much turkey :) fuck that you can only ever have not enough cranberry sauce, not too much turkey :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i knew scotland was Gods country, you lot don't even know what easters aboot, hahahaha.
hahahahah dude i had a sunday school upbringing i know my biblical onions
Lesson: Ken hoo that wee chavvy bloke Jeeshush ah think they cried him, well he wiz stuck behind thon big roond stane, it hud tae be rolled awaw like so he kid git oot naw!!! that's why we smash they eggs doon the hills...Or is that the 2nd easters day, or tweede paasdag as I now call it...ah fuk, I don't know anymore, always been a bloody heithan...:eyesmoke:
hahaaaahhhhh baaaaaaaaaaaahhhhaaahaha aye jeezues the original NED
Don i use clay hydro pebbles in autopots. I shove about 3 or 4 inches of em in the bottom and layer plagron batmix and clay pebbles, roughly 2 inch layers. Did you go for the singles? I had the douvles and imo they are too close to each other and i only grow little uns

well i held off ordering cos it would arrive over the bank holiday so i think i might have a word and see if i can get a deal on the seperates. cheers for the heads up i had been wondering if it would suit my trees but im going doon the lst route hmmm decisions decisions....

my mate lives in Ramsbottom, north of Manc. They still have the tradition there about rolling hard boiled eggs down the hill. Aparently you cant move in the village when its on (this weekend i think). They do it from Peel Monument (wanker who invented the pigs) Only place i've ever heard of that does it lol.
well im going to get mashed and have a go at making some easter eggs i reckon it will be a riot full of drugs. in fact peeps im callin it im going to start an easter egg thread comp fo shizzle peeps back in a hour or two with a link for the masses!
i know of this "tradition" only through reading the dandy, i tihnk, don't think it was the beano. the strip soon evolved into having simply too much turkey :) fuck that you can only ever have not enough cranberry sauce, not too much turkey :)
dude i swear youve got adhd your posts are so disjointed
Dons thread = the food thread.
hhahah just call me dealiah gin and ton though maybe gordons would be better suited he's similarly a right twat.

hey hey hey awesome Kmoo! there like flies to shite