First Grow on a budget


Well-Known Member
Fixed the grow room to fix problems! I added a fixture with 12 lights and all the other lights. The temp is fixed to stay under 80 and I tried to lower PH with vineger and added plant food to try to correct things and messed the plants up. So today I transplanted them into better soil with a more netrual PH and added lighting and such !!! Hopefully this will help!



Well-Known Member
Next time you want to lower the pH of your soil try scratching in a little bit of aluminum sulphate, iron sulphate, or sulfur. Do it a little at a time, it's easier to add a little more than to take some out. Scratch it in, water the plants and check pH before your next watering. I'm still a noob my self but this is the method I'm using, it's working and my plants have been looking better. Oh and if you need to raise your pH use dolomite lime. Go easy with that stuff man it'll raise it way up with just a little.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wish I would have known that ha ha I poured way to much vineger in to drop PH! Where would you buy something like that? I am still trying to find PH down to use but since its winter its hard to find

I guess im just gonna have to order some off the net:hump:


Well-Known Member
I was able to get a simple ph protector at gnc. I mix it with a combo of red sea buff at 5ml each per 60 gallons of water. This keeps my ph at 5 or so in my aero drip. not sure how you would mix it for soil but the ph protector drops are cheap like 3 bucks a bottle and the buffer is 8 bucks at foster and smith.


Well-Known Member
well I have 12 23 watt (=100 watt each) CFL's along the wood beam, I have
I have four 45 watt (=150 watts each) CFLS on the Y connectors, and I have one 45 watt (150 watts) cfl in the silver lamp and one 23 watt cfl (100 watts) in the black lap connected to the side of one of the pots.

so 524 = 2050 watts….is that right?
You have enough light....I am also noticing that you are using aluminum foil - I think you should upgrade to a heat resist foil, mylar, or foylon - you will get better reflection for your plants. Also I would get a few reflectors for your lights to maximize direct light and reflection for your plants. Even distribution of light is very very important. Doing so will enhance growth and flowering.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of using that other stuff ober the foil...Where could I pick that up? Home depot or something? I think im going to go look today. I found some pretty cool reflectors in someone elses grow journal that im going to add to the y connectors. turns out my little grow on a budget is slowly losing the budget portion of it ha ha


Active Member
hey i got the reflectors at wal mart and home depot, theyre called clamp lights, only like $8 each.

and i have the same temp/humidity gauge too. i dropped it in a bucket of water and it totally quit working. i took it all apart, dried it in the oven, reassembled it, and it works perfectly again. what a buy.


Well-Known Member
Ha ha only wal mart can provide that kind of quality!!!! I love the temp gauge! thanks for the reflector info too! I definetly need to pick those up that would work ten times better then my tin foil
I just purchased temp gauges at walmart today also....very inexpensive - so worth it!!!

Jash you will find...getting the good quality supplies will make your grow so much more better and enhance quality.


Well-Known Member
well some sad news, two of the three have passed on to a better place:sad:
but on the bright side (ha ha) we got more reflector things for the lights and some other stuff planted new seedlings and also the one we have left is growing great!


This is your first grow right? If so, you're on a learning curve....keep in mind you're learning as you go. What I have found is that it's best to have your plan and equipment laid out before introducing plants - minimize shock and trauma to the plants.

I know what you mean - every grow needs a budget and it's easy to go over budge if you're not careful but you need good equipment for a decent operations for yourself.

My friend and I are in $5000 already and that is not including our trip to Amsterdam next Month.


Well-Known Member
This is your first grow right? If so, you're on a learning curve....keep in mind you're learning as you go. What I have found is that it's best to have your plan and equipment laid out before introducing plants - minimize shock and trauma to the plants.

I know what you mean - every grow needs a budget and it's easy to go over budge if you're not careful but you need good equipment for a decent operations for yourself.

My friend and I are in $5000 already and that is not including our trip to Amsterdam next Month.
^^i agree with her last few posts. i tried cutting corners at the beginning not getting lots of meters etc, and i ended up paying for it.

btw (new avatar) i can see your bewbs @_______@


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am deffinetly learning a lot more as I go on, ( I also purchased some “cool” lights on ebay to replace some warm ones) We have started a plan for the other seedlings being put into the little green house first to sprout and grow a little and then transfer to the bigger pots. We just don’t know which soil or mixture to use now. We have black potting soil ( so far working very well and has 6PH) peat moss, seedling starter, and mushroom compost. Also our budgets have opened up for better stuff. Is this a good start? After the transplant I guess just grow it from there!
I would love to go to Amsterdam so much! It sounds like an awesome trip!:joint: