first time bubbleponic with led & cfl grow


hey guys so here we are day 7 after they sprouted and/or day 10 after they germinated...

one of my plants seems to be having a little slower start as its buddy but showed its first root coming out of the basket towards the reservoir this morning!! so i d day she s 3 days behind so far.. My other one seems to be growing perfectly well and is developing a healthy root network about 15 cm long..

keeping my ph between 6.3-6.5 and will flush tomorrow

i will restrain putting in nutes for another week or so no point to give them nute burns. got some foxfarm micro-grow-bloom

my humidity levels at canopy level are between 40-65% and temps 72-78

any comments are welcome!!



Ok... Here are the 10 day pics...
I am going to heed your advice O and get at least 1 more airstone. My temps are consistently in the mid 60s so I dont know what to do about the CO2 boost. I think I may get one anyway. I wouldnt hurt either way would it. I am hoping it could at least help.
Anyway, if you dont mind check these pictures out and give me some good advice.

Incidentally today at day 10 I added
6 tsp of Fox Farm Big Bloom
2 tsp of Superthrive

All to a 12 gallon reservior.
Hey Man!
although i m a newbie and this is my first grow, i did my share of research and definitely and additional airstone wouldnt hurt, the more oxygen the better your plants will grow, but get one that makes micro bubbles... check my latests picts out we re pretty much in the same time window that great!!! :)

keep me posted on your grow man, let me know if i cant try and help you with anything else!!


Ive been reading a lot of threads. Just keep reading and looking at diiferent sites online. make sure you see something a few time before you try it. found one place that said to add some bleach to the water. Ya that won't kill them or anything.


Active Member
Hey All.
Does anyone know if I can hook up 2 airstones to 1 pump? I have one now but I think I either need a larger airstone or 2.

And I ned a co2-booster. Anywhere that offers them cheap?


Well-Known Member
yes you can add another stone but remember your pump can only put out so much. I use the 5" round ones and only use one per bucket. Each one has its own pump. If your pump makes say 10psi and you add another stone each is now only getting only 5psi so in the end you have the same results. I guess you could have the stones on either end of the res but dont see what the point would be. If you want one pump to run a few stones get a good pump with diverters so you can run a line to each stone. Hope this makes sense. Good luck


Well-Known Member
here we go again with the "great light debate" lol. I switch from 24hr to 12hr. I have a veg area and a flower area. In the veg are plants in various stages of life from seedlings to cuttings to 1 footers ready to flower. In the flower tent its the same thing, some in a week so far some in 5 6 7 or 8 wks. So i just harvest a plant in the flower room and replace it with a 1 footer from the veg tent. Some guys swear by slowly lowering the light down to 12hr from 20 or 24hr others like me just toss em in 12hr. lots say you need to have some dark to let them rest others like me say 24 is fine. Just goes to show you more than one way to skin a cat.


guys both my plants look totally different from one another please let me know what you think is going on ??
please give me your opinion since idk if they are both ok if one is messing up or both... one seems to have a redish tip as the other one is pale looking...

flushing today



Active Member
Hey... If you check the site there are sections for mj plant issues. Thats what I usually do. But I know how frustrating it can be searching for your exact problem. If I come across something that looks like yours I will let you know.


Hey guys I think I figure out what was wrong. Since my ph is constant I don't think that s the issue 6.3-6.5.. Temps are between 70-80. Humidity 40-60%... So I concluded that it has to be wind burn since my 2 occilating fans were running 24/7. So I switched one of and will see what happens now... Will post picts tomo


Active Member
im a noob and i only put some seeds on some damp paper towels to germinate today, and ive had a little grow experience in the past but no where near enough to be knowledgable, however new growth means that for the most part the plants are healthy. as for the windburn theory im not so sure, your plants dont look overly different via those pictures but im not sure.
either way your doing alright, i can only hope that when i finally start my grow ill be doing as well as you! as long as your plants dont get worst id say just keep an eye on them and keep doing what your doing.



Active Member
Hey man. How's it goin? Calm down a little. And get rid of that tin foil. I got here from your lnk for help. I have tin foil in my hoopty cabinet but there is no heat. Here's a link to one of my favorite threads.

Good formula on page one. I don't know much but I'll try to help when I can. A little tip. I answer most all of my questions by calling or going into the local hydroponic stores and nurseries. They can tell you just about everything. And you have an immediate answer. I'm subbed. I have interest as well because I have a 3x3x7 tent showin up tomorrow. I'm soil though. Be fun to watch. Good luck and I'll be watchin.


Active Member
Ok you know the deal if you read from the first post so I'll tell you what the deal is as of today. I am at day 14 and I changed all the water in my res. What a pain in the ass though. Unhooking the lines and cleaning up after spilling the water around was a real hassle. And the res is really heavy with all the water inside so trying to be easy not to damage the expensive cabinet that I know I overpaid for was a real chore. Took about an hour and I got everything back working with new water. I let the water run for about 20 mins before I added the plants. I noticed that some of the drippers were not running that great so I screwed the tops off and pulled them from the main line and they were pretty dirty. Probably from the nutes and the slow drip I have them on. I cleaned them and blew the lines and all was ok. One problem though was that one of the drippers is not able to shut no matter how tight I turn so I have that 1 dripping to the side on the rocks. It seems to be getting pleanty of water anyway with the fogger and drippers all is moist.
After getting everything all sparkly clean I added about half the recommended for my tank size Grow Big and Big Bloom to a gallon of water and mixed it up good and then poured it in. I waited about an hour and checked my levels and I was at perfect PH and my ppm's were at about 600. So I added some of that Bushmaster they supplied to the res and then mixed up some spray grow (also supplied) and sprayed the plants too. I turned the fans of for about 30 mins to make sure I didnt have spray just laying on the leaves and then I turned it all off again. But today for the first time I had a good whiff of that sweet smell when I opened the cab after about 2 hours. Nice!!! Im thinking/hoping it is the White Widow showing off to her neighbors?:bigjoint:

Anyway I havent used the Moon Dust at all in this attempt. I think it may have locked my roots up in my first grow so until I get better at working with it I will just store it. And I had the Fox Farms products from my outdoor grow last year and it turned out really nice for a first grow. REALLY NICE!

Anyway here are the pics for 14 days let me know what you all think? The first 2 pics are the WW and Northern Lights from seedbanks. The rest are from my outdoor grow last year which turned out well so I saved the seeds.


Well-Known Member
not sure if its the led or what but your rockwool dont look right. It looks like its growing something. Am I nuts?


Ok you know the deal if you read from the first post so I'll tell you what the deal is as of today. I am at day 14 and I changed all the water in my res. What a pain in the ass though. Unhooking the lines and cleaning up after spilling the water around was a real hassle. And the res is really heavy with all the water inside so trying to be easy not to damage the expensive cabinet that I know I overpaid for was a real chore. Took about an hour and I got everything back working with new water. I let the water run for about 20 mins before I added the plants. I noticed that some of the drippers were not running that great so I screwed the tops off and pulled them from the main line and they were pretty dirty. Probably from the nutes and the slow drip I have them on. I cleaned them and blew the lines and all was ok. One problem though was that one of the drippers is not able to shut no matter how tight I turn so I have that 1 dripping to the side on the rocks. It seems to be getting pleanty of water anyway with the fogger and drippers all is moist.
After getting everything all sparkly clean I added about half the recommended for my tank size Grow Big and Big Bloom to a gallon of water and mixed it up good and then poured it in. I waited about an hour and checked my levels and I was at perfect PH and my ppm's were at about 600. So I added some of that Bushmaster they supplied to the res and then mixed up some spray grow (also supplied) and sprayed the plants too. I turned the fans of for about 30 mins to make sure I didnt have spray just laying on the leaves and then I turned it all off again. But today for the first time I had a good whiff of that sweet smell when I opened the cab after about 2 hours. Nice!!! Im thinking/hoping it is the White Widow showing off to her neighbors?:bigjoint:

Anyway I havent used the Moon Dust at all in this attempt. I think it may have locked my roots up in my first grow so until I get better at working with it I will just store it. And I had the Fox Farms products from my outdoor grow last year and it turned out really nice for a first grow. REALLY NICE!

Anyway here are the pics for 14 days let me know what you all think? The first 2 pics are the WW and Northern Lights from seedbanks. The rest are from my outdoor grow last year which turned out well so I saved the seeds.

They re looking good bro!! yea changing the res is a bit of an issue, but if you can get an extra set of hands to help you the process will be much smoother... idk whats wrong with my plant they seem discoloured for some reason although i havent added nutes yet, i m using bottled water.. what water u using??
I m getting my foxfarm micro-grow-bloom tomorrow or so.. but i still cant figure out what is wrong with my little babies.. some ppl told me it may be caused by the alluminium foil i had so i changed it to a simple white sheet of paper now just to cover the rockwool so i dont have algea building up..
i mean my plant are growing but somthing is discolouring them and im having issues figuring out what it is..

how high above the plants do you have your leds?

Keep me posted!


Active Member
OK first on the rocks/hydroton. The seem to lose the brown color as time goes by. It is not growing anything on it though. They were a rust color all the way around when I started and now they are losing some of the color, but nothing added on them to make them look like that.
As for Schwarz---I use distilled water and have been from the start. I bought 14 gallons at first and now I just refill the containers with tap and leave them open for a few days until I need to use them again. It worked for me with my outdoor grow last year and they recommend it on the site here somewhere. As for the LED's---I have had them 2 feet high and 2 inches from the tops. When I had them high I didnt notice any real progress, when I had them real low, the growth was good, however the light doesnt spread out to all my plants as well. So now I have kept them at about 6 inches steady and it seems to be working. With the LED's it is a real hassle to get the lighting right. They say, and it is true that you can actually let them touch the plants without damage. However unless you have a ton of them you could only really do that with a few plants. I have 14 plants and 2 lights so I find 6 inches is good for now.
As for the problems you are having with discoloring---I would have to defer to someone with more knowlege than me. I am a newbe and only am learning myself.
Hope some of this helped though.


not sure if its the led or what but your rockwool dont look right. It looks like its growing something. Am I nuts?

i dont think so it look ok to me i mean nothing other then my plant growing out of it.. any guess on what is causing the issue?


Hey schwarz, I'm using the bubbleponics system too, and I also just started my 1st grow as well about 9 days ago. I'm gonna subscribing to see how yours turns out