Blimie he's rite. Not. And I didn't kno brits ate beans must be insider knowledge u gained while blowing one as a child
Not quite I did my research like inteligent people do before they open their mouth on topics. What is schwag are u guys really still defendin this moron. Geez I hadn't realized how much this place had filled with idiocy. But with threads like this how could u.You know duude you were once a stupid ass dumbshit yourself so your a hypocritical stupid ass dumbshit cock sucker mother fuckin bitch ass ho........get it?
Yeah rotted lol. I'm just not stupid enuff to show the world m.y harvest ill leave that to the dummies. My plant where picture perfect thru out what makes u think I really lost the. I'm blowin big blunts of super lemon haze az we speak. I do get my rocks off by messin with nancy boys call me sick
4x4 tent and u probably can't even get a gram a watt so I can see why u would think its nuthin. Read the shit before u talk the shit pussy it was soil and dwc.
Oh I was rite peeped ur grow 11 zips off 600watt not even close to a gram a watt. U should dial ur shit in and get at least standard results before u run ur mouth watch out for my new gro its sure to put u to shame. I'm gonna call it lst madness. There will be agent orange, sage, rocklock, and chocolope so lookout perfectfag my girls are cumin for u like that plant that tryed to smoke shorty in scary movie.
I don't need redemption in the eyes of retards. I cum here now just to get sissies like u riled up. And those vids were for myself while I was messin with my journal puss i.e. music and the others are just sum youtube gold I felt should be shared. Go watch a couple u uptight cunt
This is sweet isn't it. Nice avatar by the way. I was usin that same one a while ago. Best movie of all time.This is comedy gold... I love the "this is what's wrong with this forum" statement followed by pages of worthless ranting. Please e-flex more... I need the laugh
Just keep bangin out that schwag storm. Its idiots like u that don't let plants fully mature or get all the way ripe that forced me into growin my own.
Just keep bangin out that schwag storm. Its idiots like u that don't let plants fully mature or get all the way ripe that forced me into growin my own.