why do you just take up to the highlands and tell her she can see something special if she leans over then give her an elbowshes not feelin to well, i better take her to the doctors, anyone know where harold shipman is
or you could use a classis scottish phrase i heard many years ago,why do you just take up to the highlands and tell her she can see something special if she leans over then give her an elbow
PUNCH HER IN THE VAGINA - at least i think thats what it meensor you could use a classis scottish phrase i heard many years ago,
I still don't fully understand its meaning but here goes.
ye should chib that bitch in the puss
lol.very good. a chib is a noun and a verb, as a noun its a weapon, usually a knife, as a verb its the action of usin the aforementioned weapon. puss is face. there you go lads,translation complete lol. ahd raither pit ma fuckin steel tae capped bits richt in her fuckin coupon.or you could use a classis scottish phrase i heard many years ago,
I still don't fully understand its meaning but here goes.
ye should chib that bitch in the puss
I so imagine groundskeeper willy saying it toolol.very good. a chib is a noun and a verb, as a noun its a weapon, usually a knife, as a verb its the action of usin the aforementioned weapon. puss is face. there you go lads,translation complete lol. ahd raither pit ma fuckin steel tae capped bits richt in her fuckin coupon.
Hey Dura,I live in an old mining village,like you,my pupa was a miner too,my town was a hard place to grow up like most mining towns.I know exactly how you feel,I fell out big time with my exes father,according to him the miners strike in the 80s was the miners fault,Maggie had the right idea he said,those bastards left me and my kids in darkness!Cue a big argument!Is all the land getting developed around your area?Thats what its like here new houses everywhere.skrewdriver, lol, i just got one of there albums the other day, first time ive listened to them since i guess the early 90's, fuckin terrible. i was kinda into the full on nazi shit at that time but it was more to piss off other people, especially the fuckin middle class socialists my college was full of, christ i fuckin hated those patronising cunts, im born and bred in the mining areas of ayrshire, u actually cant get more bloody working class than me, my dad and my grandfathers and great grandfathers worked down the pits and i had to listen to the sons and daughters of fuckin lawyers, doctors and business consultants tellin me alout the fuckin down trodden masses, so i turned into uber skin'ead and fuckin ranted like adolf at a rally, spouting some incredibly offensive shit, like no trials for suspected ira terrorists, just summary public execution for the entire family as a deterent, pmsl, it was fuckin great fun, sum of the older students and lecturers could work me out but i recon i had most of them believing me, and more than a few scarily enuff agreeing![]()
yeah lotta new houses going up but all the council ones are being knocked down, whole streets are away. the village has less than half the population that it had inthe mid 80s, i moved away myself but not that far just a few miles to a larger townHey Dura,I live in an old mining village,like you,my pupa was a miner too,my town was a hard place to grow up like most mining towns.I know exactly how you feel,I fell out big time with my exes father,according to him the miners strike in the 80s was the miners fault,Maggie had the right idea he said,those bastards left me and my kids in darkness!Cue a big argument!Is all the land getting developed around your area?Thats what its like here new houses everywhere.
i dunno dragon with all that rep malarky i couldnt give a fuck how much rep i got or dont got lol im hear to read up n have a chat m8.hey sambo just having a look at your rep thread it's warming up on there lol what you reckon mate bitch fights coming up lol?
lol i meant about the london pair arranging a meet mate i thought it was great arguing like little girls loli dunno dragon with all that rep malarky i couldnt give a fuck how much rep i got or dont got lol im hear to read up n have a chat m8.