The Fab 5! DNA Genetics


Well-Known Member
Sure do! Imma say that back right biggun, has a HUGE COCK he wants to show u! My males from the skunk train . Grew huge fast, faster than most males ive had from other strains. Save some pollen.. U have the genetics to do some shit:)


Well-Known Member
shit dude.. im hoping the biggest, sleestack, is a female.. I really dont have the room to save any males :(


Active Member
Your girls are looking mighty fine =D I will for sure keep any eye on your progress... Thx again also for your positive comments in my thread. Really appreciate it =]


Well-Known Member
I don't remember reading it or not but did you take clones? If not you really should because its not like these seeds are going to be for sale ever again. I find that all the crosses root well except my Kandy Kush cross it's been in my bubble cloner for 2 weeks and only 1 out 5 is barely showing roots.


Well-Known Member
I didnt intend to but now that u say that maybe I will.. I'll need to get some rooting gel next time im at the store..


Well-Known Member
JN, ive found that if the fan is pointed up towards the bulb it helps with the temps ALOT more. love the G fan tho. and congrats on the daughters. :wink:


Well-Known Member
ya ive also noticed that.. once i clear out the males i intend to get another fan in their. the only reason i have it like that is cause i wanna strengthen the stems for now..


Well-Known Member
ya ive also noticed that.. once i clear out the males i intend to get another fan in their. the only reason i have it like that is cause i wanna strengthen the stems for now..
Fan making stems stronger is one of those myths that won't die,,,,

It doesn't :bigjoint:

Aiming it at the light is best way to go, circulates air and keeps temps down

also best if fan is low blowing up


Well-Known Member
yea kinda sounds like an urban legend to me too. But I know air flow is good for the plants.. or at least ive read that it is. Its not hot in my closet right now, maybe mid 70s, but if it starts getting hotter I will definetely point it up towards the light.. Thanks for the comments guys :)