spider mites

just curious I used Ortho ecosense insecticidal soap to kill those f'in spider mites. I'm about two to three weeks from harvest. Will the smoke be non- poisonous? If I need to spray them again what is a good choice for near harvest plants. Thanks in advance my green brothers and sisters


I would personally be afraid of spraying anything of that nature onto my plants. For the future I would get some lady bugs or a couple of praying mantis. Most garden shops carry something to this effect.


Active Member
Neem oil is a natural oil and thats what i use for mights and it works great! Because most mites/bugs breathe through their skin, the oil will cover them not allowing them to breath and is much better for your plants then chemical sprays. Another way to get rid of mites is lady bugs. Some hydroponic stores sell them and they work great!
Neem oil is a natural oil and thats what i use for mights and it works great! Because most mites/bugs breathe through their skin, the oil will cover them not allowing them to breath and is much better for your plants then chemical sprays. Another way to get rid of mites is lady bugs. Some hydroponic stores sell them and they work great!
Do you think three weeks from now, that insectcidal soap will have dissapated it's not a systemic soap says you can spray up till the day of harvest with vegetables. I wont use it again tahnks for the reply. Smoke on...


i would not be spraying that late into flowering. that is my personal opinion. i prefer predator insects to kick ass instead of chems that late into flowering. i use a neem oil, einstein oil, (this is how i use it) within the first couple weeks of flowering via foliar feed. what did work for me late in flowering for spider mites was a predator insect called Phytoseiulus Persimilis, google it. i was told lady bugs would take care of it, and they did not work for me. for me lady bugs did like aphids. maybe also consider predatory nematodes by natures control in oregon. they will feed off the eggs that are laid/put into the soil which is where more spider mites will birth. you use one pack of 1million nematodes with a watering, into soil not foliar.