Biggest Mistake I Won't Make Again.

H.R. Shove N Stuff

Active Member
Not thinking Ph was a big deal. 1 dead plant and a few others showing deficiencies of certan nutrients. Now with some Ph down and a ph testing kit, everything is rocking!


Well-Known Member
I was told about the Lucas Formula, but apparently I didn't understand what I was told, or was told incorrectly. Anyways, for the first month of DWC hydro growing, the only nutes I was giving my plants was General Hydroponics Flora Micro. I didn't realize that you had to use the Flora Bloom at the same time. I thought I was suppose to use the Flora Micro during veg, and the Flora Bloom during flower. A month in and I'm scratching my head going, "why are all my plants yellow?" hahhahah. Umm, how about lack of nitrogen dumbass. Well, good did come from this. During the 2nd month I spent so much time reading and learning, that it's helped my growing culture immensely!!! :-)


Well-Known Member
Thread is awesome!! Please keep it up everyone. I am a newb and havent even started setting up my growspace. I have done atleast 40+hrs or research in the past week and a half. I will need all the input I can get. I do med research for a living so I am meticulous. The more info the better! Thank you all!!


overpicking sun leaves, on my 2nd room, they got phosphorus burned and turned yellow, (so over-nutritizing as well) I picked everything that wasnt green (40-50% of sun leaves.) that was stupid as fuck. live n learn,

good idea on the threader, nice one!


Well-Known Member
Feeding high-P food right after the switch to 12/12, when they still needed a lot of N -- burned the shit out of em. They were fantastic plants for 5 weeks up to then; blew up a perfect 1st grow.


Well-Known Member
dont s'pose you have a picture? that would be mint!

(mint means awesome for those that don't know)

sorry bro, I lost all of my old grow pictures when went down. I wish I had kept backups, I did a 4 plant strawberry cough grow that was killer. Best grow I ever had under 1 KW.


Well-Known Member
This thread is wonderful...I haven't started yet, but I have alot of my equipment...NOT ALL of my equipment i.e I was gonna half ass it on the ventilation, but after reading this thread, im just gonna postpone starting until I have everything right...Keep em coming!!!


Well-Known Member
i think i've done about 80 percent of the things listed here..
oh and be careful when LST. I just broke the top off of one of my girls recently. It was a nice portion. fucker.


Active Member
My first big out outside grow was Way2 Big.I counted over 400 befor I got caught.Oh Well.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High...


Well-Known Member
used mg to feed plants and gave thenm way to much died with in hours lol, i was so pissed off because i was gunna put it in to flower in like 3 days lol. My tip would be never give ur plants nutes it ur baked lol


New Member
-1st grow cut alot of fan leafs off
-growing in the ghetto, where the cops are always around my house, and I mean walking around my house cause stupid little fucks decide to jack cars and run through my back yard into the woods.
-flushed when it was a defficency and thought it was lockout
-using Shultz incecticide, burnt the fuck outta my plants
-not growing with a cool tube. (which I still don't have)
-growing too many plants in a small spot
-growing with cfl's (ahahahaha, I know I'm gonna get flamed for this one)
-moving plants from outside in
- being too scared to give too much nutes and have deffs
there's a few and I've done alot more.......


Active Member
starting first grow since my last one two years ago when i met my wife....they all died the last time......starting all fresh built an awesome box i learned to build watching you tube...great site...germinated seeds not all sprouted so i started more but am using them pellets you soak in water and they expand i put sprouts in them but i had soaked the shit out of the pellets and they was to dam wet and im pretty sure that was the problem cut the pellets open to see wat was going on with the seeds and they looked rotten kinda week ass root i learned from you tube to slightly squeeze the pellets so most of the water comes out of them before you put you sprouts in them and dont water them to often since they retain water VERY well and i learned a 4 foot flourescent 2 tube shop light fixture works very well to start the seedlings rather than using my cfls in my grow box this site teaches you a shit load thanks yall!!!