Biggest Mistake I Won't Make Again.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if everyone could share their biggest mistake they made when they began growing, just so others won't do the same.

I'll Start

One of my biggest mistakes was buying soil from wall-mart.


Well-Known Member
My biggest mistake was growing a plant above my head. Almost dropped it like 6 times, then I did drop it and it landed upsidedown and crushed itself.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I won't be the last, guaranteed almost everyone has done this,,,,harvested early!

Live and learn.

Am I Norml

Active Member
I was wondering if everyone could share their biggest mistake they made when they began growing, just so others won't do the same.

I'll Start

One of my biggest mistakes was buying soil from wall-mart.
i get soil from walmart all the time lol mine is just have to watch WHAT soil you get..

my biggest mistake was on my very first grow...i let the plants grow out of control and they so tall and lanky i had to tie them up and stake them up and didn't yield shit.. keep those lights close guys/gals .. your yield will suffer if you don't .. bongsmilie


Active Member
biggest mistakes i made: over fertilizing, poor soil choices, and poor ventilation. I almost killed my first plant and made it go hermi.


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Staff member
Start growing before you have all the required equipment and then trying to play catchup with ventilation, fans, odor control etc... If you're realistic you can do this to some extent, but many tend to think they can "cheat" (early on me included) on the ventilation/temp equation.


Well-Known Member
Big mistake is trying to half ass it. dont waste your time and money on things that wont yield much in the end (aero garden). if your going to take the risk in the first place do it right the first time.


Well-Known Member
Underestimating ventilation and air circulation requirements (no online calculator can do this for you), and not going hydroponic soon enough.


Well-Known Member
i regret not finding riu sooner . i wince when i think of all the wasted summers with poor genetics and an overall poor outcome . riu turned my outdoor around despite the shitty rainy summer last year .


Active Member
Start growing before you have all the required equipment and then trying to play catchup with ventilation, fans, odor control etc... If you're realistic you can do this to some extent, but many tend to think they can "cheat" (early on me included) on the ventilation/temp equation.
what he said, plus not doing nearly enough research
i regret not finding riu sooner . i wince when i think of all the wasted summers with poor genetics and an overall poor outcome . riu turned my outdoor around despite the shitty rainy summer last year .
I think I made most of them. I caught them all quickly but, I overwatered, under airiated water, over fertilized too early, had my temps too high. The worst though was thinking tap water through a filter was going to be fine. Through years of reading and preparing, I had missed the absolute of perfect Ph. I was basically watering them with lemon juice.


Well-Known Member
MG organic potting mix, I know that there are folks here that swear by the stuff and pix of nice grows. It just didn't work for me at all.


Well-Known Member
lol im still making mistakes. im growing in a closet with no ventilataion and a oscilating fan for circulation. temps are constantly 90 ish. next time im growing in the spare room so i can get a little more airflow. also ittook me forever to get my seeds to break ground because apparently i wasnt gentle enough


Active Member
Underestimating the power of a good lamp.

I vegged my 6 girls for +3 months under a 250w then found out it wouldn't be enough for flowering. I got a 600w 2 weeks ago, in time for flowering, but just think how good they could have been under a 600w the whole time...

Anyway, the plants are HUGE as hell... Btw the 600 is so hot it burned a few leaves while I was moving the plants around lol



my mate used soil that was open & in his shed, he still had a great yeild but problems with soil critters!