And a DAMN GOOD ONE at that!
thanks you sir for the kind words
I sent a pm to riddleme to get his view.
cool i think he can help
Jerry and DST helped me out. Said to play it by ear and give them water only. They think it will be ok.
thats good. i hope so cause no lady deserves that
But I am happy to gear any advice you come up with...
ok i 'm going to do some research
Looking good, GG! Beautiful bud porn!
as the southern's say thank you darlin'. oh btw i 'm watching the hempy . i will learn for you then give it a try its looks fun
They are still doing great goofy. Should be a great harvest coming up. I really cant wait to try a lemony strain out. Keep up the good work.
thank you sir. i hope so because she taking her sweet time about it .
now on to the update
temps 77/71 rh @ 20% / 39 %
ppm / ph 1240 - 5.9 1 gal water added
when i was in the garden tonight i noticed a few things
1.the dna is smelling up the place it has a super lemony scent .now she starting to get a little sticky.
2.she has more red pistols showing
3. i saw a bud that looked like a fist
4. trich are 97% cloudy no amber yet
5 . fan leaf stems the size of a # 2 pencil
6. one ppp bud laying over . i guess it got ot heavy for the stem to support it . that weird cause my ppp buds were a lil fluffy
how about some fun folks . care to take a stab and what the dna will yeild ?
now for a lil bud porn

does that look like a fist or am i just way to baked

stem size

bud laying over to heavy i guess

tha light showing the density of the buds