NUBE HERE !!! Help Appreciated


Active Member
I'm with big on the lights too at the moment. You only need one 1000W over a 4x4 tray. and while they are recovering keep the light up a bit high until you see nice green growth again and then start dropping the light to a comfortable level.

Hmm I owuld prefer to maintain a certain electricity usage level for the power company.. To remain consistent and not up and down alot... I will certainly take this advice into consideration... I have to admitt I almost feel I am there as far as new lush green growth.. No new burns.... So thats why I started lowering them a bit.. All the plants have at least 3-4 sets of good fan leaves now and another 3-4 burning up ones... Still only thinkig 1k? If I go 1 K I am assuming I should use the MH or should I offset them like I do now.. MH 6am-noon HPS noon to midnight?

Thanks Cazz


Active Member
cool man good luck,

my first grow i had 6 tall birds flowering in 4th week of flower.

i noobishly added mollasass to my res and killed them all

took me like 3 month after that to finally get my first harvest:hump:

so anyway shit happens is all im saying and it sucks cuz it can set you back for months
What was the purpose of the molasses?

Thanks Big thanks to you and Cazz and the community I think I am back on the right path. Thanks for helping setting me straight...

Plan going forward is to Dump the res out before 6 PM tonight and rebuild it with only 12 gallons (til the transplant on Monday), PH it to 5.55 and then PPM 300. Then I am going to only flood the tray 1 inch and stop immediately to drench the roots til I transplant then put the rockwool 1.5 inches or so into the flood waters in the clay and gage how to water them , for how long and what not in the new system...

Any feedback?

So should I remove a light too? Very confused on that one..


Big P

Well-Known Member
well i think the 1000 watter is enough but 2000 is fine long as its not over welming them

mollasas is used to add suger to your plants but you cant use it in hydro it will gum up the woiks:weed:

but there are better addatives to use than mollasa i use koolbloom powder

also you need to use Humbolt Gravity

is will make your bud rock hard a yeild more weight

but i would do that only after you get one succesful grow first.

then try the extra methods. to improve quality and yields

you can hurt them pretty easy using kool bloom powder and Gravity


Active Member
well i think the 1000 watter is enough but 2000 is fine long as its not over welming them

mollasas is used to add suger to your plants but you cant use it in hydro it will gum up the woiks:weed:

but there are better addatives to use than mollasa i use koolbloom powder

also you need to use Humbolt Gravity

is will make your bud rock hard a yeild more weight

but i would do that only after you get one succesful grow first.

then try the extra methods. to improve quality and yields

you can hurt them pretty easy using kool bloom powder and Gravity
Great stuff... can I find some pics of your ladys or harvests anywhere?


Big P

Well-Known Member
ya man its amazing what can be done when u have a lot of light

i have a 5x5 ft room 8ft tall and i had a 400watter and a 600watter in there to achive the hugeness

now i only use 1 600 watter

on Jack the ripper strain which is not a large yeilder but high potency and i managed to get 17 ozs dry trimmed bud using the 600 watter

i think i got 21 ozs with the same 600 watter growing that white widow

here is an important key: purchase Sunmaster brand bulb or Horlilux

it will give you higher yeild no doubt about it.

you should replace them as recomended too i will have only 4 grows in my bulb but im replacing it anyway to make sure i got a fresh nuclious / heart of my operation

if you are interseted, i am and insane greendragon addict, i can give you full proof potent recipe

alcahol ticture tho

shit will blast you to the moon for a good 6 hours

like weed brownies but more intense

Big P

Well-Known Member
What does bleaching resemble or look like? How can I spot it... Any threads you are certain was bleaching and can link to please?


ya you mean like when you got way to much light it will leech the green right off the plants cuz so intense or somthing like that

im not schooled about it though but i heard it can do that

how ever i once moved like 6" clones to go under my 600 watts, i come back hours later and the plants went from perky to droopy i freaked out and pulled the lamp real high above them.

it still took them 1 more day to become perky again, they had to get used to the stong light cuz i had them under CFL's before

and then i started lowering the light,

they are real sensitive when they are young


Active Member
Hmm I owuld prefer to maintain a certain electricity usage level for the power company.. To remain consistent and not up and down alot... I will certainly take this advice into consideration... I have to admitt I almost feel I am there as far as new lush green growth.. No new burns.... So thats why I started lowering them a bit.. All the plants have at least 3-4 sets of good fan leaves now and another 3-4 burning up ones... Still only thinkig 1k? If I go 1 K I am assuming I should use the MH or should I offset them like I do now.. MH 6am-noon HPS noon to midnight?

Thanks Cazz
hey mr. lucky, hows it going? you don't need to be concerned about the power swings that's the last thing to worry about, as long as you pay your bill there is nothing wrong. You can use the 2- 1000s if you like and can afford it but it is a bit over kill for a 4 x 4 tray. Would have been better to go with two 600's or even 2 - 400s but two 1000's will definitely work. Here's the dilemma I see. 2 -1000's like you are using would be more efficiently used for penetration at the plant count you have it will be hard to grow them large in that space. You'll run out of room. I know it might sound strange but I'd go with fewer plants. using the 2 - 1000s in that space. Like 2 - 4 plants max. If I was going with over 5 plants, like 5 -36 plants in a 4 x 4 I'd like to use 4 - 400s or 3 -600s. But now I got off track, sorry.

So the short of it is, if you have the cash 2 - 1000s will work great, you don't need them too close yet. If I were to choose one I'd probably go MH for veg and HPS for flower, but it depends on how much I want them to stretch or not and when.

Are you running your lights 24/7 now? If so, give them a rest 18/6.


Active Member
ya man its amazing what can be done when u have a lot of light

i have a 5x5 ft room 8ft tall and i had a 400watter and a 600watter in there to achive the hugeness

now i only use 1 600 watter

on Jack the ripper strain which is not a large yeilder but high potency and i managed to get 17 ozs dry trimmed bud using the 600 watter

i think i got 21 ozs with the same 600 watter growing that white widow

here is an important key: purchase Sunmaster brand bulb or Horlilux

it will give you higher yeild no doubt about it.

you should replace them as recomended too i will have only 4 grows in my bulb but im replacing it anyway to make sure i got a fresh nuclious / heart of my operation

if you are interseted, i am and insane greendragon addict, i can give you full proof potent recipe

alcahol ticture tho

shit will blast you to the moon for a good 6 hours

like weed brownies but more intense
ya you mean like when you got way to much light it will leech the green right off the plants cuz so intense or somthing like that

im not schooled about it though but i heard it can do that

how ever i once moved like 6" clones to go under my 600 watts, i come back hours later and the plants went from perky to droopy i freaked out and pulled the lamp real high above them.

it still took them 1 more day to become perky again, they had to get used to the stong light cuz i had them under CFL's before

and then i started lowering the light,

they are real sensitive when they are young
I would love to know your recipe...

I wanna dab here and there and get some exposures where I dont have any...

Im curious.. I am concerned about the lighting now I guess. I dont wanna over do it thats for sure...


Active Member
hey mr. lucky, hows it going? you don't need to be concerned about the power swings that's the last thing to worry about, as long as you pay your bill there is nothing wrong. You can use the 2- 1000s if you like and can afford it but it is a bit over kill for a 4 x 4 tray. Would have been better to go with two 600's or even 2 - 400s but two 1000's will definitely work. Here's the dilemma I see. 2 -1000's like you are using would be more efficiently used for penetration at the plant count you have it will be hard to grow them large in that space. You'll run out of room. I know it might sound strange but I'd go with fewer plants. using the 2 - 1000s in that space. Like 2 - 4 plants max. If I was going with over 5 plants, like 5 -36 plants in a 4 x 4 I'd like to use 4 - 400s or 3 -600s. But now I got off track, sorry.

So the short of it is, if you have the cash 2 - 1000s will work great, you don't need them too close yet. If I were to choose one I'd probably go MH for veg and HPS for flower, but it depends on how much I want them to stretch or not and when.

Are you running your lights 24/7 now? If so, give them a rest 18/6.
Interesting... No I never did the 24/0 always the 18/6, so yes.. 18/6 now.. its more like 18.75...

LOL Mr Lucky.. im lucky that I got you and big p :hug:



Active Member
well i think the 1000 watter is enough but 2000 is fine long as its not over welming them

mollasas is used to add suger to your plants but you cant use it in hydro it will gum up the woiks:weed:

but there are better addatives to use than mollasa i use koolbloom powder

also you need to use Humbolt Gravity

is will make your bud rock hard a yeild more weight

but i would do that only after you get one succesful grow first.

then try the extra methods. to improve quality and yields

you can hurt them pretty easy using kool bloom powder and Gravity
Big P... I have a new concern.. The green isnt staying in the plants.. I am almost certain of this now.. I am beginning to believe I have to much light like we possibly suspected... The new growth that is green in the course of the day is turing yellower .. Can it still be from the old over feeding on new growth? I fed them for the first time today.. New nutes, ppm 280ish and ph 5.81. So just the inch in the tray for the roots. I am wondering if I should back the lights off now. LOL I hate these huge swings I make... :-(

Big P

Well-Known Member
Big P... I have a new concern.. The green isnt staying in the plants.. I am almost certain of this now.. I am beginning to believe I have to much light like we possibly suspected... The new growth that is green in the course of the day is turing yellower .. Can it still be from the old over feeding on new growth? I fed them for the first time today.. New nutes, ppm 280ish and ph 5.81. So just the inch in the tray for the roots. I am wondering if I should back the lights off now. LOL I hate these huge swings I make... :-(

yea pull the lights up, and only have one on them

worse thing could happen is they start streching a lil and you can just lower the lights again if you dont like the results

so its a good excersive either away pull them up for a day and only leave the MH one on

MH is best for veging if you are gonna have to pic between HPS and MH but it also burns a lil hotter i think


Active Member
yea pull the lights up, and only have one on them

worse thing could happen is they start streching a lil and you can just lower the lights again if you dont like the results

so its a good excersive either away pull them up for a day and only leave the MH one on

MH is best for veging if you are gonna have to pic between HPS and MH but it also burns a lil hotter i think



Active Member
So it looks like my problems just continue at a slower rate..

I am feeding them a low strength nute solution around 250 ppm.. After a feeding the ppm will still rise about 10-20 ppm so thats why I was off the 300 target discussed..

The leaves are still yelllowing, look mor yellower now then ever... I am wondering if cause I am letting them dry out a bit more that the ph is always flucuating and off. The tips are still curling and burning on the leave that grew the last day.

Theres still new growth it just slowed down alot from when I was feeding higher ppm.. They do appear to be growing tho.. I am down to 1 light most the day.. 6am-6pm my MH is on 12 noon til midnight the HPS is on.. I proceeded with transplanting the strongest plants into the ebb and grow last night in hopes that a more stable environment will help out and just get the shock outa the way now.. The remaining plants I will transplant tomorrow as soon as the pots arrive..

I guess I am basically at a lost.. Dont know if the ph is imbalanced cause of my cubes, salts built up in those cubes is still burning them, over watered still.

There is alot of sludge (algea) on top of the cubes, green/brown slimes.. I dont think from what I ave read that should be causing a problem.

When I transplanted my cubes into the hydroton/pots I left the wrapper on cause the cubes stick up 60% out of the pots is this the right way to do that? - see pic. I also have some of those covers to prevent algae from growing on the cubes. I wasnt using them cause the cubes seems to remain moister when they were capped like that. Anyways just an update.. Not sure whats next.




Active Member
That sounds about right to me. lets see what happens now. The only thing I'm not sure about is your PPM. And remind me what your feeding them, sorry.
Not sure your at that point yet or not but at some point the plants might never really do well so you might want to start some seeds on the side or get some clones and if their sart doing better than what you got, switch them out.


Active Member
That sounds about right to me. lets see what happens now. The only thing I'm not sure about is your PPM. And remind me what your feeding them, sorry.
Not sure your at that point yet or not but at some point the plants might never really do well so you might want to start some seeds on the side or get some clones and if their sart doing better than what you got, switch them out.
Right now I am feeding them with the lucas formula... GH nutes, 2 part Micro/Bloom. 1 parts Micro to two parts bloom. 4ml/gal of h202..

PPM before I fed them was 205 after the feeding it was 225. could be a number of things.. Some of the VERY new leaves that are "doing better" have tiny tip burns... like not even a milimeter. Also almost all the fan leaves have a claw like appearance. I am still thinking theirs excess salts built up in the cubes given what looks like Nitrogen overdose still hence the claw like look to the new leaves...?

Any thoughts.. I am gonna watch the ppm after ONE more feeding and then adjust based on the PPM level..


Big P

Well-Known Member
i use the GH nutes

during veg

3 parts Grow
2 parts micro
1 part bloom

if you are not giving it enought of the grow, the plant will be hungry for those nutes and maybe it keep drinking looking for more of that grow but sucking up bloom instead which it might not want right now

anyway just a theory

like you must be sure you are giving the plants the right amount of fert from each color or reading your ppms means nothing cuz what if they want grownute but there wasnt enough there so it drinks all the grow and is waiting for more but all thats left if bloom and micro

couldnt this cause your ppm not to go down as much even tho your plants may be real hungry for grow nute?

anyway just theorizing here,

i never did the lucas formula but imo i would trust the scientists who developed the GH nutes 3 part flora series before trusting mr lucas even if he was targeting specifically for growing weed. I think GH is what nasa uses even on thier plants in space:hump:

u use these right:


Big P

Well-Known Member
Right now I am feeding them with the lucas formula... GH nutes, 2 part Micro/Bloom. 1 parts Micro to two parts bloom. 4ml/gal of h202..

PPM before I fed them was 205 after the feeding it was 225. could be a number of things.. Some of the VERY new leaves that are "doing better" have tiny tip burns... like not even a milimeter. Also almost all the fan leaves have a claw like appearance. I am still thinking theirs excess salts built up in the cubes given what looks like Nitrogen overdose still hence the claw like look to the new leaves...?

Any thoughts.. I am gonna watch the ppm after ONE more feeding and then adjust based on the PPM level..


ok i think im getting it now you are using these right:


you need to give them grow formula man: this one:

not sure if this is part of the problem but could be

I highly recommnd the GH flora 3 Part series:

Liquid Concentrated Nutrient


• GH Flora Series is the original Building-Block Nutrient System – imitated but never duplicated.
• Contains complete Primary, Secondary and Micro Nutrients –for enhanced yields and better crop quality.
• Users can adjust mixtures to suit specific plant needs.
• Enhances flavor, nutrition, aroma and essential oils in both hydroponic and soil cultivated plants.
• Contains highly purified concentrates for maximum solubility.
• pH balanced for ease of use.
• NASA and Antarctic research scientists choose Flora Series -- because of its superior formulation and reliability.
• The General Hydroponics Flora Series is known throughout the world as the industry standard.

also its supposed to automatically PH your water

seriously, i never ph my stuff cuz with my tap water (comes out around 7ph) and with these nutes they automatically ph the water to the perfect ph, it always perfect so I stopped even testing it long long ago