NUBE HERE !!! Help Appreciated


Active Member
I skipped the noon watering and they seem to be very happy at this point in the day... They are all very perky, growing madly... I think an inch today so far.. Some of the new leaves have greened back up, old leaves obviously still are having a ton of issues but oh well I toasted them.. I am more opptimistic now then I have been in a while... Unless someone with some mojo tells me differently I am gonna just flood the tray half way for 10 minutes tonight at 6pm. Then start watering them 2 x day tomorrow... Til like I said I transplant into the E&G and see some root growth into the bottom bucket...



I so wanna use that little guy flipping the bird


Active Member
One the bigger plants I got, The ones that growing crazy today. I noticed in between the rockwool cubes that there is roots growing out of it following the path the water drains to (Center of the tray). As I mentioned already I cant transplant til Monday afternoon at the earliest. What should I do about these roots. I have 150 l of hydroton but I dont know if I should put that in the tray for now or what.. The roots look white, and they have mosture on the tray surrounding them but they are in the direct light... :wall:
I rarely move the rockwool cubes because the roots on the bottom and affraid of crushing them if they dont get lined up right in the tray. When I first started I would turn and move the cubes but after the roots popped out they started showing stress when I did that.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Also I have noticed that on some of my "new and healthy" growth the junction where the stem meets the fan leave is purpleish.. In additon so is the top half of that stem. Is this a concern of mine or normal? Most the other older ones are a green color.



Anyone paying attention? ;);)


Active Member
Also I have noticed that on some of my "new and healthy" growth the junction where the stem meets the fan leave is purpleish.. In additon so is the top half of that stem. Is this a concern of mine or normal? Most the other older ones are a green color.



Anyone paying attention? ;);)
as far as the roots you can get a mat to put the rockwool on then cover everything with panda film to block the light. But your moving them soon so your cool til then.

The stems might be that way do to stress so don't do anything at then moment regarding this. If everything was normal then I would say it is nute related which it is but for different reasons. Good to hear there doing a bit better.:peace:


Active Member
as far as the roots you can get a mat to put the rockwool on then cover everything with panda film to block the light. But your moving them soon so your cool til then.

The stems might be that way do to stress so don't do anything at then moment regarding this. If everything was normal then I would say it is nute related which it is but for different reasons. Good to hear there doing a bit better.:peace:
Hmm what do you mean a mat, have any pics? A bit confused?

So I should be good cause they are transplanting on Monday afternoon?

Also I watered the plants top feed like I said again for only 5 seconds of water on each and filled the tray up til the lowest depth was 1 inch then let it drain.

When I did this the ppm was 225ish and PH was 5.35. I havent collect the runoff data yet I will update later after I eat some fajitas.. mmmm fajitas...

Oh yeah some pics 13 hours after the last... any improvment or am I just seeing stuff... again

Thanks alll



Active Member
OK so my run off in the res obviously didnt flucuate as much cause the water didnt run through the cubes at all and the feeding was shorter and smaller in general.

PH 5.74 ppm 260

I am sure I am ready now to rebuild the res and nute regime and start them back on a smaller water schedule. They are certainly looking overwatered now that I have a better grasp on them. I am wondering if I should ONLY wet the tray twice a day for a little while...




Active Member
OK so my run off in the res obviously didnt flucuate as much cause the water didnt run through the cubes at all and the feeding was shorter and smaller in general.

PH 5.74 ppm 260

I am sure I am ready now to rebuild the res and nute regime and start them back on a smaller water schedule. They are certainly looking overwatered now that I have a better grasp on them. I am wondering if I should ONLY wet the tray twice a day for a little while...


Yes ,keep the roots in the tray damp if you can and give the rockwool time to dry up a bit.


Active Member
Yes ,keep the roots in the tray damp if you can and give the rockwool time to dry up a bit.
One thing I am concerned about is the PH going up up up in the cubes as they dry out? Cause recall I didnt buffer them correctly starting ALLLLLLLLL my fing problems and abuse on my little girls... :clap:Go me :cry:


Active Member
One thing I am concerned about is the PH going up up up in the cubes as they dry out? Cause recall I didnt buffer them correctly starting ALLLLLLLLL my fing problems and abuse on my little girls... :clap:Go me :cry:
is that how it all started? not buffering the rock before using? Well it's your call then, you know the history. I think if that is your worry then try to let it dry a bit still and when you do your watering water the shit out of them and then let them dry a bit longer than you have been, before doing it again.

I'm still trying to get my head around the fact your buying water and carrying it home! Not the easiest way to do a good flush. Shit I go though almost 10 gallons a day and I only have 9 plants.


Active Member
is that how it all started? not buffering the rock before using? Well it's you call then, you know the history. I think if that is your worry then try to let it dry a bit still and when you do your waterings water the shit out of them and then let them dry a bit longer than you have been, before doing it again.

I believe that is what started the problem soaking the rockwool in HIGH 8.5 ph tap water for 2 days prior to using.. I was stoned forgot to add the buffer or even understand why I was doing it. LOL to get it wet right.. so they wont irritate your skin.. LOL NEWBIE. I dont think I am going to use rockwool again.. I think Jiffys into net pots..

I think by now 5 weeks worth of ph balanced 5.3 - 5.85 water they should be primed.. I am still gonna stay away from top feeding..

Think about it.. when I transplant them in 3 days they will never get top fed, just flooded from the bottom of the buckets submerging the root base in the nute solution...

If I burry them to deep they will never dry out...

Thanks Cazzzzz
All thanks again.. I have attached some pics of my environment and the girls. Sorry about the pics all I have is a crappy phone camera. I hope these help though I am determined to be a good grower someday... :weed:
Is that one of those venetian blind cameras?
...Just kidding. The girls look pretty. Are the leaves droopy, curled up or curled under?


Active Member
Is that one of those venetian blind cameras?
...Just kidding. The girls look pretty. Are the leaves droopy, curled up or curled under?
Mister welcome and thanks.. Pretty what messed up? Pretty ugly... The glass is half empty right?

Nah with the help from the community and people like you I am back on my way after some basic realizations that I was blind to..

Camera is a LG GR500 smartphone camera.. It sucks I know. I have found a trick that if I put IR block over the lens and angle it and the stars allign i can reduce the lines...

Ohh yeah and the leaves are droopy at this stage in the morning but perk up by now, 3 hours after the lights are on... I am in the process of letting them dry a bit more. I was saturating the cubes thourouly and then letting the tray flood half way- 3/4 for 20-30 minutes. I am now just flooding the tray for the roots an inch ... I am transplanting on Monday into a ebb and grow...



Big P

Well-Known Member
sup man,

if they are growing then you doing good, for a min there I thought i may have told you the wrong thing

if you got 1000 watter over them and they are that size you need to leave the 1000watter high up as they are still babies and you dont want to stress them with the radiant heat

I think this is whats causing the curling of the leave edges.

also 87 Deg is pretty high specially since they are just babies.

its better to be lower but I think it will be ok.

as long as your hand isnt too hot when you stand it over the plants feeling the heat of the light

What strain are you growing? i wanna give you a rough basline of ppm strength

ok so the stain im growing now is a light feeder. atleast from the previous strains I grew

so based on a light / safe feeding try to roughly stick by these guidlines unless you feel you should increase or decrease by reading your plants.

say up to 6" plants 300 PPM

Maybe at 12" plants no more than 500 ppm

shouldnt need to go any higher than 800 - 900 ppm

at the most hungry phase,which i think is at the streching period during flowering.

then once they stop stretching and begin to fill in thier buds you bring it down slowly using the PPM method and water drink thing i mentioned before.

but like mine are just finishing week 7 and my ppm is still at 600 PPM and i think shes a light feeder

so pls use the above as just a rough guide to play it safe but that could also be too much depending on strian

i use the water drink method and the ppm thing, right, to know how much to feed

but you also must use the leaf tips method. Your tippy tip tips of the leaves are the first thing to crispify when nute burn is starting. once i seen like the first millimeter of crisp burning on many of the leaf tips, you gotta back up right away just a lil on your nutes because thats the beginning of the nute burn. this is why its good to stare at your gurls and try to read what they need

when i harvest my leave tips are usually around 1 - 3 mm crisp and burned only on the very tips.

this is because I always give them as much as possible before they start to burn i back off.


Active Member
sup man,

if they are growing then you doing good, for a min there I thought i may have told you the wrong thing

if you got 1000 watter over them and they are that size you need to leave the 1000watter high up as they are still babies and you dont want to stress them with the radiant heat

I think this is whats causing the curling of the leave edges.

also 87 Deg is pretty high specially since they are just babies.

its better to be lower but I think it will be ok.

as long as your hand isnt too hot when you stand it over the plants feeling the heat of the light

What strain are you growing? i wanna give you a rough basline of ppm strength

ok so the stain im growing now is a light feeder. atleast from the previous strains I grew

so based on a light / safe feeding try to roughly stick by these guidlines unless you feel you should increase or decrease by reading your plants.

say up to 6" plants 300 PPM

Maybe at 12" plants no more than 500 ppm

shouldnt need to go any higher than 800 - 900 ppm

at the most hungry phase,which i think is at the streching period during flowering.

then once they stop stretching and begin to fill in thier buds you bring it down slowly using the PPM method and water drink thing i mentioned before.

but like mine are just finishing week 7 and my ppm is still at 600 PPM and i think shes a light feeder

so pls use the above as just a rough guide to play it safe but that could also be too much depending on strian

i use the water drink method and the ppm thing, right, to know how much to feed

but you also must use the leaf tips method. Your tippy tip tips of the leaves are the first thing to crispify when nute burn is starting. once i seen like the first millimeter of crisp burning on many of the leaf tips, you gotta back up right away just a lil on your nutes because thats the beginning of the nute burn. this is why its good to stare at your gurls and try to read what they need

when i harvest my leave tips are usually around 1 - 3 mm crisp and burned only on the very tips.

this is because I always give them as much as possible before they start to burn i back off.
Big I have 2 1000 watters over them... actually please see


As far as strains I have unsexed bubbilcous, fem big cheese, fem skunk, some afghan pure that was a bonus pack and some female blend that was an assortment..

I also have a couple other related threads going if you do an advanced search for beginnersluck posts...

Thanks so much glad to hear back from you....


Big P

Well-Known Member
how many plants do you have total and what is the foot print of space they are all taking up?

my guess is you only need to have 1 1000 watter on them right now.

unless you got a lot of plants to cover


Active Member
how many plants do you have total and what is the foot print of space they are all taking up?

my guess is you only need to have 1 1000 watter on them right now.

unless you got a lot of plants to cover
Big right now I have 27 plants 4 of them are probably gonna get detsroyed cause they are much smaller then the rest.. My bubbilicous arent sexed so any and all males will go with them... I wanna fruit about 12-15 females..

My space is 6.5x8.5 ft. or 55 1/4 sq feet, the ceiling is 7.5 feet til the IR block...

Right now they are all in the 4x4 tray and I have room for 30 cubes in there

Remember I am using the 6 inch cubes

and transplanting monday into 2 gal buckets so 1.5 square feet/bucket or so...

I have my ballasts outside the room and plan on putting the 55gal ebb and grow res out of the room as well..



Active Member
I'm with big on the lights too at the moment. You only need one 1000W over a 4x4 tray. and while they are recovering keep the light up a bit high until you see nice green growth again and then start dropping the light to a comfortable level.

Big P

Well-Known Member
cool man good luck,

my first grow i had 6 tall birds flowering in 4th week of flower.

i noobishly added mollasass to my res and killed them all

took me like 3 month after that to finally get my first harvest:hump:

so anyway shit happens is all im saying and it sucks cuz it can set you back for months