A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I'll name it after i've grown it and pick a name that suits it, assuming its a girl lol.

The co's are looking a lot better so you can imagine how bad they were looking. Hopefully it was the shock of repotting and they'll be fine now, fingers crossed. i've never had problems when i've potted on in fact they usually go mental



Well-Known Member
my blue cheese does this everytime i put it in flower.....makes me feel shit thinking about it....thats why its getting scrapped.......pretty sure yours will pull through tho oscar...good luck


Well-Known Member
They are far from fine and dandy mate, all curly yellow and shit. Its gotta be something i've done coz the mother was fine and dandy lol the humidity is so low its not even showing on my gizmometer


Well-Known Member
I've just had my 1st smoke of co. Its a lot sweeter than cheese, i can't wait for my next lot to be ready coz this was only only flowered for 7 weeks and flushed for 3 days, it had to be chopped to make room for the 4 co clones. its racier than cheese but i ain't surprised coz i've been smoking 11 week cheese and this is 7 weeks with hardly any amber trichs. Its nice though. If only there was some way i could share it with you guys lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
Er, lol yeah bring on teleporter email attatchments or wonker vision lol that would be fucking ace lol>>>>>>>>>>:joint::mrgreen:

Johan Liebert

Active Member
I'm not claiming this to be anything special its just my attempt to grow my own, so I don't have to buy weed from the scumbags that only care about money and not about what they are selling you.
Hey, champ...I see this thread started long before I was ever interested in growing. So on that, congratulations. I'll page down a-ways but I'm sure it's reasonable to assume that after so long your beauties have already grown and gone.

I just wanted to say I'm dropping a little karma your way because I was touched by your reason for growing. It's the very same reason I sprouted my first seedlings (well, sprouted with any intent to grow) back in January to take my baby steps out of the drug dealers' clutches and into my own liberation (for my sanity, my health, my wallet, and my smoke of course). I'm outrageously jealous of the JH. I think Jock Horror will be the first seeds I order online if this grow goes successfully. It just sounds like a smoker's dream!

This thread brightened up my evening a bit. Also I'm baked :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, champ...I see this thread started long before I was ever interested in growing. So on that, congratulations. I'll page down a-ways but I'm sure it's reasonable to assume that after so long your beauties have already grown and gone.

I just wanted to say I'm dropping a little karma your way because I was touched by your reason for growing. It's the very same reason I sprouted my first seedlings (well, sprouted with any intent to grow) back in January to take my baby steps out of the drug dealers' clutches and into my own liberation (for my sanity, my health, my wallet, and my smoke of course). I'm outrageously jealous of the JH. I think Jock Horror will be the first seeds I order online if this grow goes successfully. It just sounds like a smoker's dream!

This thread brightened up my evening a bit. Also I'm baked :)
Thanks for taking the time to read through it. I've negleted this thread a bit lately coz i've been so busy with other stuff. I don't think there is much to learn from this journal coz i ain't had any bad problems (yet) i've just given 'em light, food and air.
Thanks again for stopping by


Well-Known Member
i may have had a eureka moment about why my plants hated the repot, i had kept the soil in the shed and it was fucking freezing. I didn't wait for it to warm up before i chucked the clones in coz i thought it would warm up pretty quickly once it was under the lights, which it did but the shock is what i reckon fucked 'em for a few days (they're looking a lot better now)
I'll really try and do a decent update soon, i know i keep saying that but its hard to find the time, i can't do it now coz the lights are off


Well-Known Member
i may have had a eureka moment about why my plants hated the repot, i had kept the soil in the shed and it was fucking freezing. I didn't wait for it to warm up before i chucked the clones in coz i thought it would warm up pretty quickly once it was under the lights, which it did but the shock is what i reckon fucked 'em for a few days (they're looking a lot better now)
I'll really try and do a decent update soon, i know i keep saying that but its hard to find the time, i can't do it now coz the lights are off
glad to hear their gettin better for ya mate:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
They still ain't as good as i'd like but they are better. I've had a few problems with the co, its the only plant that i've ever killed lol