MICHIganja WHITEwidow First MI Med Grow


Active Member
Im not sure about the preflowers .. I thought you didnt see those till you switched? I flipped at a height I thought was appropriate for my space and a week after they were settled into their final pots.

So you think they are about the right size for their age now?


Well-Known Member
if u keep in veg long enought they show sex most the time, and when u flower with out them have showing pre flowers they usally take a bit longer to really start to flower, they are fine, im sure they will be getting fatter by the day now

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
An easy way to tell if the plant is mature enough to flower is to look at the inter nodes. When the plant is immature the nodes are directly across from each other. When the plant is mature the nodes start to alternate. In your case, you were flowering clones. They were mature already as the mother plants they were taken from were mature.


Active Member
Thanks Tommy for clearing that up for me. I was confused for a second. Do you think the MG is the right size bud wise for the age? I think I need to give them more water.


Active Member
A respected grower on other site said in Hempy to feed only every other and to flush every other for salt build up. Are you doing this? I have been giving them nutes every time all but the once, and I have not flushed them at all yet ( if your supposed to do 3x the pot size thats alot of dam water i would have to let sit out ).

Guess my question is Do I give plain water now and then if plants are healthy doing good with nutes every time?
Do you use the molasses at every watering/feed as well?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
For my Hempy Buckets in flower I feed every other time and PH'ed water every other time. I add the molasses and bloom supplements (Open Sesame or Cha Ching depending on where they are in the cycle) to each feed & water. In veg, I give them nutes every time and that is usually every other day. I found that if I gave nutes every other time in veg the plants were starving for nutrition. I find that if you water until you get a runoff, that is fine. At the midway point in the flower cycle I flush once with lots of water. I remove the runoff with a turkey baster from the dollar store. Plain water the last week of flowering. That works for me. Everybody has to find what works for their system. Ours just happen to be very similar.


Active Member
Thanks alot Tommy for your schedule and advice.

Here are pics of the babies the first set of clones I took that looked oh soooo sad turned out looking pretty good they are the 3 in back. The other four were taken 2 weeks later and could be better.

I though I would post the veg chamber I built some time ago from 2 rubbermaids. If you have been on this site any time at all you have seen these before. THis is a 4 bulb 42w ea. cfl 5000k spectrum veg cabinet.


The 3 in back will be put in here once I let it go 24hrs and check temp !


Well-Known Member
hey thtas a cool veg box, i would use one if it were light proof, im sure u could make it that way though, and hey your clones are startin to look good, i cant even get mine to root


Active Member
Do I need to worry about the green algae forming at all on the top of the pearlite on the babies? I was thinking I could make some disks out of plastic lids to keep out light if I had to.

Just a lil concerned about seeing green in the wrong places ...lol


Well-Known Member
no the green is fine i was told my many on here when i was asking, but u could put somthing on top like u said if u dont want it


Active Member
How do I add my pics as thumbnails ?

I was able to the first post but i dont see how to now. Any way here some 2 day shots

Benn reading your journal. Congrats on the grow so far. One thing about the camera though. There is probably a white balance setting that you can mess with so that your pics of the grow area look like normal lighting instead of yellow lighting.


Active Member
Benn reading your journal. Congrats on the grow so far. One thing about the camera though. There is probably a white balance setting that you can mess with so that your pics of the grow area look like normal lighting instead of yellow lighting.
Thanks for stopping by and your suggestion. I think the pics of grow area are that way because of spectrum of light from the HPS light. Thats why I bring them out to take pics now and then.


Active Member
I dont know whats going on the vegging babies are looking bad now 2 days in new cabinet. Any suggestions? I have not changed anything. The temp in the cab is 79




Well-Known Member
:weed: bongsmilie :weed:
The 12/12 Girls look Fantastic! The clones were looking great 2, but they look Overwatered now. They are pretty small in relation to everything else, and dont need to be fed everytime you feed the Big Girls. Let the cups get light / dry out before you feed them again. The spotted leaf looks like a ph issue, re-calibrate your ph meter.

Opinions are like A$$holes, everyone has one and they all stink! Hehehe Just kidding, but here is my take on my Hempy experiences. General Hydroponics is a very gentle Nute Formula, and I would feed full strength all the way through. I would also get deficiencies when trying anything less. I believe doing Nute, water / Nute, water, water or anything like that is more for soil. Also, with Hempy, it is possible to get pockets of salt build-up, it is usually not uniform, you may notice 1 area of the plant showing something totally different from the rest of the plant. In Hempy you can get away with a QUICK Flush. You can use plain ph'ed water and/or Flora Kleen (or something similar). Put the plant and container in a tote filled with enough flushing agent to totally cover the Perlite, and let it sit for about 10 minutes, then lift it up so the water runs out the overflow, continue pouring water from the tote through the top to rinse out through the hole. Several times should be just fine. Then tilt the pot to release as much of the flushing agent as you can. Re-apply full strength nutes allowing a little more run-off than normal. Then just continue as normal.

I dont recall if you have Flora Kleen or another Flushing agent? As you know, I spend alot of time Rain Manning through everything on the Forums, and not just RollItUp. Paying attn to all the different ways everyone swears is the only way (Hehehe, sure?). Flushing Soil is Very different from Hydro/Hempy. Last couple Harvests, I Flushed with Flora Kleen (+Molasses) for 2 days, and ph'ed h2o ( + Molasses) for 2 to 3 days, then chopped. It was a huge difference! As soon as it dried, I rolled a fattie for Quality Control (hehe), and it smoked as if it had allready been curing for a month. I do not believe Hydro/Hempy need more than 5 days flush at the end because the medium is inert.

Oh, and the green algae wont hurt your grow if just on the top layer of perlite, but you might as well cover it with something DIY. Without light, it cant live.


Active Member
Thanks so much for the advice Moose. The last time we were over you said you might split me off a liter or something like that of the flora kleen out of a gallon you bought . If you can still do that or pick me up a small bottle and I will pay you next time you come over. I thought It might be over water on the one curling, the one spotting / ph issue I was perplexed.

I also need a small amount of ph down for flushing i guess since my water is 7 and we want it a lil lower than that even to flush right?