MICHIganja WHITEwidow First MI Med Grow


Well-Known Member
:clap: Great Job! Your Grow is Kicking some Major A$$!

:weed: Just think, in less than 2 months, you will be Perpetually Self Sufficient! Oh Yeah!


Active Member
It took longer than expected about two weeks. We did not use any cloner the first time. The newest set we used some clonex I am interested to see if that cuts of any time.

How do I get MY siggy to just say MY FIRST JOURNAL and point to this without it looking like web page addy?

Thanks for stopping in !


Active Member
Thanks Fditty sure appreciate it ! + rep for you sir !

overview of flower room 2 weeks almost into flower

.preflowers !


Active Member
I cant believe how much these babies have grown in the last few days I swear i have moved the chains
Up 6 notches !!!

I also transplanted the rooted clones into their own lil hempy cups.


The Lt.

+ rep...I to am a legal Michigan grower. I am not a patient however I am a caregiver. It sucks that you got messed around by a fellow caregiver. That sucks. Anyway The grow looks amazing and keep it up. I am curious as to how the MICHIganga smokes! I am sure it is just wonderful. I have 4 plants now and I have no idea as to what strain they are. I got each of them out of a bag from my patient.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Next time you may want to drill smaller holes to keep the perlite from exiting the holes and you may want a darker color cup so that the light doesn't affect the roots.


Active Member
Thanks for the info Tommy I transplanted into blue cups as suggested.

I got some really nice roots on the clones taken just 1 week ago. I dont know if it was the clonex or the fact i kept them less wet that they rooted so nice and so fast this go round but I am pleased. Especially since they were already a week into flower when I cloned I thought it would take longer to root.

heres some pics of the new roots , cups , and the flowering Widow top.

I also picked up some unsulfered blackstrap mollases I will start adding to the water next feeding.




Well-Known Member
your room looks like its gonna get crowded but whats wrong with that. great lookin girls, hey u got the same fan im usin,


Active Member
Yeah its barely the size of a closet ...lol once I get on a better perpetual rotation I wont have so many big girls in that space but like you said I got no problem with them girls rubbing elbows right now.

The fan was a nice $4 thrift store grab.

I just ordered some top of the line activated pelletized carbon off of ebay 10 lbs for $60 I think I will be making a DIY carbon filter this weekend.

Tommy you say the MG is 8 weeks to the day. What is the trichome color at that time? Have you tried the strain at different stages? Do you think my 45x lighted will be sufficient to see tri's?


Active Member
Ok so I had to make the closet to the left light tight for the clones almost ready for vegging.

I did this easily with a trip to the fabric store on half off day got some nice fabric for $9 and some grommets for $4


This is week four into flower I am very excited by how much they grow everyday ! I wish i was seeing more bud development but everything looks real healthy so I guess I will just be patient.


Well-Known Member
wow this is week four of flower, i think their mite be somthin wrong then cuz they should be way farther along then that, and is that blanket light proof, some panda black film would have costed about the same and it has a reflective side. but evry thing is lookin good beside the slow flowers


Active Member
OK I cant count this is 3rd full week, today starts beginning of 4th heres some bud pics on the Michiganja with toothbrush for size comparison.
