The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
cheers mate some friendly people for a change kind regards

No wories mate, if u have a sunbed you could take out the tubes swap them for more suitable ones and use the case for a cabinet, have a vertical grow.

**And there some friendly n helpfull people on this thread, glad i came here.**


Well-Known Member
just out of interest, i returned from amsterdam a few days ago. On wednesday, i sent back some baggies in the post just in a card, not doubble baggied or anything. I know that was stupid and whatever do any of u know whether the draw will come through? has anyone posted shit back from dam like that?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I bet u dont see them again mate. Ive had internal stuff go missing that was suposedly wrapped up well. Urll be lucky if u dont get a knock on the door. best case a stoner postied sniffed it out. Dont wanna think of worst case. Good luck mate ill keep my fingers crossed for ya..


Well-Known Member
No wories mate, if u have a sunbed you could take out the tubes swap them for more suitable ones and use the case for a cabinet, have a vertical grow.

**And there some friendly n helpfull people on this thread, glad i came here.**
wow i get it as its gong free on freecycle for my mates new grow room cheers pal


Active Member
Well just watched the mighty boosh - future sailor... have to say not so good, glad i didnt pay for it lol

theres a lots of stoned ppl with opinions lol, how many ways can u cook an egg?
Lol, in relation to ?


Well-Known Member
mornin peoples

hope every1 is safe n well, dura included????????

Plants are doing really well, all 9 are very big, only 10 days into 12/12 and looking nice am gonna change the lights around, i think maybe the 250hps will be better for sidelighting then i can put the 600 over the 2 largest. The sidelighting is really helping, lower bud sites are developing very nicely cause of it only problem is im having to move the plants regular cause they grow towards it but i defo think its gonna increase the yield?

Am gonna start with mollasses soon on a couple of plants to test and also gonna test pk13/14 on a few i think you use pk13/14 in the last 3 weeks? Wish i had brought some of the bio-bizz heaven now, had a look at a friends blueberry and hes testing the heaven on a couple of plants and there is defo a difference. Another friend chopped 4 DP blueberry of the same mother as mine and the yield was 19oz from 4 plants under 1 600hps with only bio-bizz.


Well-Known Member
just out of interest, i returned from amsterdam a few days ago. On wednesday, i sent back some baggies in the post just in a card, not doubble baggied or anything. I know that was stupid and whatever do any of u know whether the draw will come through? has anyone posted shit back from dam like that?
i have seen and smoked bud sent back from dam, it was 10-11years ago now b4 9/11 etc and all the extra security but it dus get threw im not saying theres not a high chance it wont but it dus get threw.

also use to order lots of prescription drugs (benzo's,oxys) from the net and they always got threw and have seen stun guns sent threw the post.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i always diplay electrical equiptment in ym room whether actually used or not that i can turn on upon visitors to semi hide any mechanical noises in my room.

i'd just adapot a "fuck you not welcome" policy if i had inlaws :P i'm not really a family guy/relationship type of person, i seem to work well on my own, as depressing as it can get :P
CHEERS mate stuck the portable radio in there and told the misses no more visitors for now, and your lucky on your own i'd give it a go but the only thing that would most prob survive is the plants i always been a mummys boy so had to get a misses to look after me lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Being my first propper grow i wasnt gonna expect to much, but from what i been readin 1-2 oz a plant should be ok for a 400w HPS... although there is a bargain atm (600w Light with Dual Power Digital Ballast £100) so i may venture to the 600 but not sure about heat, i wanna grow my plants not cook em, but with this one i could swap to 400 if heat was excesive.
i'd get the 600 at that price mate like u said u can always put a smaller bulb in atleast that way if you do want to upgrade it's only £20ish for a bulb

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
theres a lots of stoned ppl with opinions lol, how many ways can u cook an egg?
stoner eticate is telling me the answer is 1 get the misses to do it lol although she's not a fan of the saying i love it why have a dog and bark yourself lol you can tell i'm stoned all alone and feeling brave :bigjoint:

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
funny how u never see welsh wizz and w dragon on the same page lol I miss that big guy lol.
i think they might have rules on how many welsh you can have in 1 place on hear every time i'm on i seem to be the only1 any other welsh lads out there?


Active Member
Afternoon fellow UK'ers

Fucking frozen... funny how i cant spend any money on my setup atm, but the g/f can take me round town to buy her new shoes.. happy days lol


Active Member
i'd get the 600 at that price mate like u said u can always put a smaller bulb in atleast that way if you do want to upgrade it's only £20ish for a bulb

Hey Dragon...

That was my thinking aswell, and £100 on a digital ballast and a 600w bulb cant complain... im gonna get a HKV fan aswell, so hopefully that will help suck the heat out... hopefully be gettin it on friday when its pay day, then the ventillation the week after.


Active Member
A quick question whilst im on about fans aswell...

The HKV fan will pull air through the filter and extract it to the attick, im gonna put the fan in the attick above the grow room, its only about 2 ft from the room so it should pull air ok and the tubing will be run pretty much straight down...

Q is with the cool tubes can u set the filter to the cool tube and pull air through the filter then through the cool tube and vent it that way killing 2 birds with 1 stone so to speak, or would i be best gettin a second Bathroom fan and blowing air through the cool tube and then straight into the attic ?

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah bro u can do it that way, i did think about doing it that way. i just wanted it separate as i have a temp controller for my fans (in/out)


Active Member
yeah bro u can do it that way, i did think about doing it that way. i just wanted it separate as i have a temp controller for my fans (in/out)

Cheers mate, anything that keeps the costs down will keep the missus happy.

*Rep sucks... gotta spread the love... but then it wont let me lol, just gonna start repping people i dont know lol*

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Cheers mate, anything that keeps the costs down will keep the missus happy.

*Rep sucks... gotta spread the love... but then it wont let me lol, just gonna start repping people i dont know lol*
cool bro no worries, same here. have a look at the

much better than the cool tube, more coverage. U get a "hot spot" underneath the cool tube, ever used 2 magnify bugs when u was a kid with the suns rays? its just a glass tube, good idea but not brilliant lol

edit - underneath cool tube