first grow conditions so far: any feedback?


Well-Known Member
turned the lights out today, about 5 hours into the day, and i'm leaving them off for a day or two... the next time those buds see the light, they will be harvested! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
on second thought............

after doing some reading that didn't exactly favor leaving them in the dark for 48 hrs prior to harvesting, i think i'll just chop them tomorrow... wish me luck :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Best of luck, can't wait to see the updates, HOOAH! .. almost time! you going to take step by step pictures right?


Well-Known Member
Best of luck, can't wait to see the updates, HOOAH! .. almost time! you going to take step by step pictures right?
thanks, humboldt! i'm doing the deed now, lots of things on the plate for today, i'm sure i won't get everything done, but i'm going to do my damnedest, haha

so i hope to manicure (shouldn't take much to clean these girls up, as there are hardly any leaves left), and then cut and hang the plants.

i'm going to hang them in the grow room, but i also have plans to make it a little more spacious for the next crop, so i've started to pull down a couple of the walls i installed a few months back, and will be dealing with starting that today, as well. so, i just disassembled almost everything in the room, and i'm going to make it suit my needs better now that i've lived through this whole process... in the meantime, i'll set up some string once the room is cleaned up and hang the buds... then, i'll work around it while i reshape the walls of the room and make a new door... this will probably not all get done today, but i'm really gonna try to get a good chunk of it done.

on top of those two tasks, i'm going to start germing my new seeds today, so i'll start a new journal for that if i can get to it...

...stay tuned... i'll be posting more pics in a while in another post...

here's bertha... sure has been fun watching her grow... i think i'll smoke an already dried sample of her right now, and then start trimming her. the main colla is about 14-15 inches from where the buds tighten up to the tippy top. both plants are about 3 ft. 3-4in. high from the soil.

here's minnie... i've sampled so many bottom branch buds that this is what's left lol her main colla is just about an inch shorter than bertha's, and not as thick, but she produced well, considering she was a neglected, rootbound runt during veg. i would have liked to see these just a bit riper, but i'm not going to put off my next grow any longer, and today is the day i have time to do all of this, so here we go!



Well-Known Member
R.I.P bertha

here are bertha's lower buds snipped and hanging... sorry i don't have a scale, so i can't give you any data that way...

here's the workstation, and the top of bertha, which i am about to break down right now, soon as i have another rip off the bong :mrgreen: as you can see, there aren't many trimmings so far... no fan leaves to remove, so its just off with the crispy leaves, and a snip or 10 here and there... it's almost a shame to break down this stalk, but i guess i need to break the individual buds outta there so they can dry and not get moldy! i'm gonna really have to watch out for that where the room is located...

i'll post more pics as i progress :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
below is pictured one of the lower buds on her main stalk...

i've gotten further up since i took these pics, and it's been interesting to see the difference in bud density from one to the next... so far, there's a noticeable difference with each bud, even if it's only a half inch further up the stalk!

btw, everytime the dog moves but a twitch, i jump... this feels so shady lol

i cut the branch out of the stalk, so there's something to hang with... didn't do that with the lower branches and had to get creative with my knots... gonna have to watch em like a hawk in case there's a fall!

here it is after i gave it a light trimming, i can really see why it makes sense to save the trimmings for hash... i mean, i already discovered the trichomes growing underneath the bud leaves, but you can see them on the stalks and underbellies of the leaves that don't show any trichomes on top at all!

here's a good close look-

it was also interesting to see what the underbelly of the bud looks like; the side that faces the stalk of the plant and doesn't really get access to light:

that's it for now, more to come, and once today is done, i'll keep posting in this journal about how the drying/curing process goes, while a create a new journal.

back to the scissors... i wonder if you can do knife hits of scissors :twisted:


Well-Known Member
here are some shots... wish i had a scale, but i will by the time these are dried and cured, so i'll be sure to post that when the time comes...

here's a pic of the trimmings...

is this what you would call finger hash? i scraped down my scissors with a knife twice, and got two balls this size...

well, gotta make some dinner for the wife, then i'll tear into minnie... i'll post a couple of pics of her when i have a chance!


Well-Known Member
Very nice big buds, too bad you had to rip them now, looks like they could of used more time, also isn't it better to chop and hang the hole plant? I hear that the plant still produces thc after being chopped .. btw, How does she smoke?

Good job on this grow, I can't wait to see what you do to the room/setup.


New Member
That's interesting... cannabis produces thc while it is hanging to dry... rather like a headless chicken running around a farmyard. Sounds reasonable to me.:mrgreen:

Congrats on your first harvest loveit!


Well-Known Member
I'm not certain if it's actually tch but something still produces for some time after being cut, I read somewhere that's why we hang them, is this to be true or not?


Too many brownies
I'm not certain if it's actually tch but something still produces for some time after being cut, I read somewhere that's why we hang them, is this to be true or not?
its because the starches and water is still moving through the plant and it slows the drying process down and gives cleaner not too sure about the thc though...

The buds look good man!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, it's cool... i really think they would have matured more by now if i hadn't let them lose all their fan leaves, but that's okay, the quickdried samples i've had have been great, very up high, which is what i wanted, and it's definitely better than the original weed it came from. hopefully after drying and curing, it'll only get better...

it sure looks like i have a decent amount of bud... we'll see what happens after it dries. the last time they were watered was about a week ago... that's just because it took a long time for the soil to dry out. i think the plants just didn't seem to be drinking much... probably because of the lack of solar panels, but who knows. things will be run much differently next time, because i have learned so much with this grow, which was my goal with the bagseed :hump:

here's a couple more pics, the first shows what minnie yielded...

and here's a view of all of the buds hanging...

you know, i thought people were crazy when they said how tiring it is to manicure their buds, but it really was pretty intense... can't believe how many hours it took. the scissors get so gummy lol

so, i definitely didn't get to the other stuff i was going to do today.'s kinda late, but maybe i'll get some seeds germing now. who knows how much this is going to be dry. i know it looks like way more right now than it will end up, but that's okay, i can't believe i finally made it to this point!! i'm not usually great with following things through to the end, but i think keeping this journal made a difference, because i have had help from many excellent people on this forum- so to all of you, thanks for letting me stand on your shoulders a bit.

alright... so i guess i sit tight for about a week, and keep my eyes on the buds for mold... gotta research what the warning signs are, so if i see a problem, i can fix it before they go beyond the point of no return.


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, you're going to be smoking bud for awhile, the buds hanging there kind of reminds me of cactus, is this just me?

I give you three thumbs up!
and I'm truly looking forward to your next!


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, you're going to be smoking bud for awhile, the buds hanging there kind of reminds me of cactus, is this just me?

I give you three thumbs up!
and I'm truly looking forward to your next!
lol! that is something... it's an upside down desert in my basement :mrgreen:

as far as the next is concerned... has begun. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the buds look awesome. great job on your grow and harvest. harvesting is one of the most gratifying things in the world. good luck growing.


Well-Known Member
Hey there masta, how are ya?

HOOAH!! already on top of things, I soo can't wait to see them seeds crack and sprout, what prevented you from starting them seeds earlier, perhaps space?


Well-Known Member
Hey there masta, how are ya?

HOOAH!! already on top of things, I soo can't wait to see them seeds crack and sprout, what prevented you from starting them seeds earlier, perhaps space?
ahhh i am chillin, you my friend will be harvesting soon too haha. and your girls look sooo pretty too. i will stop by the journal.:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks you guys :joint::joint:

mastakoosh, i agree, it was so fulfilling getting to this moment... and the smell, ah... absolutely intoxicating :weed:

humboldt, i was going to start them sooner, but yes, there is a space issue, and i didn't want to paint myself in a corner with starting my seeds too soon and then have my current grow continue to flower indefinitely... also, i waited so i could clear all the equipment out of the room so i can rebuild it to be a bit larger... i'll be able to fit more plants and be able to move around better in there... should be 3.5 ft x 8 ft, and i'm hoping to get 6-8 plants under a 600w hps in that space... we'll see- i'm open to suggestions on this. i have plans to build another area to adjoin this one so i can have a mother/clone room.

here's a link to my new journal everyone


Well-Known Member
Can I come over for dinner and smoke some bud! whoa its looks very nice. looks a little early but im positive it will be a awesome smoke. grats on first harvest and nice job. I'm sure you second grow will come out even better. glad to see such success. enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Can I come over for dinner and smoke some bud!
someday, my man :mrgreen:

the buds dried up nicely, and i trimmed the stems down, careful to capture the shake on the paper.

i know it doesn't look like something super special, but let me tell you, i am fucking toasted off of this very bud as i type :blsmoke:

i cured 'em in these jars, emptying the contents daily to let them breathe and then back in the jar... this has gone on for 3-4 days now... i think... i don't know, i'm just so stoned right now.... this thing i grew, and you guys out there helped me, it's a freaking tribute to the human spirit! the jars contain 1 & 3/4 oz of weed, and i have used about a half oz in samples before now... i'll get more next time. now i fully understand the description of "fluffy bud", and attribute that to my mh bulb during flower, but the strength of the high is much more than it was with the original bag my seeds came in... i think next time, perhaps a mixture of 600w hps and 400w mh might provide excellent results.

a bit of skuff and a sacrificial popcorn bud or two...

it smells sooooo fruity... no idea what this strain is... but it is quite effective!

what more can you say? this is the culmination of the whole fucking thing. i can't believe this journal is done. this is it. all of these long months of learning, struggling, wondering, are in this smoke, and i took it all in one breath, and at last i think i'm now officially one crazy-ass pot-head muthafucka :blsmoke: thank you everyone at!!! you rock!:peace::peace::peace:
