My First Grow; Indoor Easy Ryder.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have been lurking on this board for a while, but finally thought it was time to have a go at the great art for myself.

I managed to get a few small plants going a few years ago, but paranoia got the best of me, and I killed them all for fear of the land-lady.:cry:

This time round however, I thought i could be a bit more subtle with a single small plant at a time, hence why i went for Easy Ryder.

Of course, i will welcome any and all comments, crits or feedback, as I am certainly no expert.

So far, i have taken a single seed and placed it in wet tissue, i then covered it with a bowel and put it in an airing cupboard. It has already been 24hours, and the selfish little bugger isn't splitting yet. Have I already failed? or is it normal to take this long?

I have heard of some seeds taking a few days to get their arses into gear, but I thought that Lowryder/Easyryder were faster than that!

Was putting it in the airing cupboard a mistake perhaps?

Thanks for any help!!



Well-Known Member
Update, Seed has cracked, about 48 hours after wetting. Transferred to peat pellet.
In hindsight, I may have buried the poor thing a bi tight in there, but hopefully it should push it's way through.

Just out of interest, can anone tell me if it is right or not to remove the seed husk from the emerging leaves when it first breaks the surface?
I know that it should come off on its own, but i have known plants before that have damaged their first leaves trying to break open a stubborn seed shell.
Is this even anything worth bothering about?

This journal will be more interesting once it starts to grow i guess.

BG, Away!


I am at the same place as you. I have mine in root riot cubes, doing 3 of them. I am doing mine in DWC with a 600w hps.
What light u using? You using soil?


Well-Known Member
Hey Matty, Good to know ya,
Are you doing Easy Ryder too?

I haven't decided on Lights yet, Im planning on looking into them once i got the plant up and going. I dont wanna go spending money on them only for my plant to die or something, but Ill let you know when i do.

As far as pottage goes, yeah, im probably just gonna stick to soil. Once it gets big enough for the peat pellet, ill transfer it to a big pot that should be enough till harvest. Still my first grow, so im not sure if i wanna mess about with chemicals just yet.


Active Member
yo guys i have easy ryders too!!!! lol but im waiting for my cab to be vacant i just started my 1st journal a strawberry cough n a dna la woman good luck on those babes im def gonna watch this shit grow when u have the time stop by my journal im gonna put it in my sig


Yeah I am doing easy ryder. I am hoping to get them in there buckets by Monday then wait for them to grow. I will be doing 18/6 light cycle. This is my first grow so might mess it up lol.


Well-Known Member
Sounds great!
I will really enjoy comparing our two grows, Best of luck to ya!

and IL, ill have a looksee at your GJ too. Lemme know when you start on EasyRyders!


Active Member
its almost impossible to mess up an auto flower i here the best cycle for autoflowers is 20/4 since there is really no veg stage the most light as possible is ideal and the reason for 20/4 instead of 24/7 the plants roots grow during the night period so the 4 hours is just about enough time of darkness


Active Member
joint docter just made a new ryder strain called purple gem ryder look that shit up on attitude seeds shit looks amazing but keep em green boyz and post lota of pics


Well-Known Member
Its been in soil for a couple of days now, but still hasn't come to the surface :(
D'ya think I should put it back into the airing cupboard for a while?
I mean, could it be that my room is simply too cold for the fledgling herb?

Any help would be nice, thanks!


should take about three days if they cracked they will show just give them time ..if not they arent goin to do you any good ...


Well-Known Member
So you don't think that it is being slowed by the cold then?

Would it help, putting it into the airing cupboard? Or would that encourage rot?


I put mine in root riots at the same time as you and mine are a 4cm tall now. Placed them into DWC today all 3 are doing well. I was keeping mine warm tho.

I seen some guy get like 70g dry off one plant. All comes down to how you grow it.