First Indoor grow: Purps, Raft, Fem. Buddha


Well-Known Member
Few more pics: Overall they are looking much better. There is one retarded plant that is still very droopy , but I haven't given up on her yet. If she isn't bounced back by flowering time I will probably pull her to make more room. But in general, the perkyness has returned. I am starting to visualize the grow area in full flower, and it seems like it's gonna be a crowded house come flower time unless I keep then very small, around a foot and a half max at the peak of flowering height.

I am still not sure what mistake I made early on with these plants. But they seem to be over it finally. I am just going to water less and more frequently.
Also I think the FF soil I am using is lacking nutes to a degree because it was sitting around for a year or so before I finally used it.



Well-Known Member
when do you plant on flowering?
The plants are only 3.5-5.5 inches high as of right now. All are on 6th or 7th nodes. I realize they are small for how old they are. Whatever I did to them that made them droop + yellow, I did it good.

I will probably go ahead and do it in a week. This grow is mainly for seed ( i do need to get 2-3 oz. off this grow if possible) and then I will go right into another all female grow for product. I figure 6-7" at flower should give me 1-1.5 foot tall plants.


Well-Known Member
Well. Today is the first day of 12/12. I decided that even though the plants were a little smaller than I wanted, and even though some of their bottom leaves are F'ed up that I need to start now so that when I go on vacation for Christmas most of the stretching will be over with. So here are some pics of the plants as they go into flower. They are only 4-5.5" tall. I'm still thinking they will be 1ft. +

I may chop the retarded one down to make more room. There are 2 more that are much smaller than the rest...they might get the axe as well, but I may keep them until I see the female count.

I had to buy a new timer from the local hydro shop. It's a digital which I like.



Well-Known Member
Update: Now day 5 of flower, and they are taking off. I removed the retarded plant, and the other 2 plants that are much smaller than the rest don't seem to be catching up. I will probably remove at least one of those soon as it is very pale ( Pic 1 ).

So it looks like I will be down to 8-9 plants here soon. Which is fine as I have decided that my current space is optimal for only 6-8 plants. Otherwise they are looking pretty healthy, and are growing fast. I have seen many white tips on the leaves on most of the plants, but they seem to be happy with the 400w hanging at about 12-14" above them. Npt sure if the tips are slight nute burn or mild heat stress. I'll move the lights up an inch maybe.



Well-Known Member
Well the first one to show sex is the Feminized Buddha. It's not the largest plant in the world though. I have a feeling that the 2 or 3 biggest plants will be males.Who knows.


Well-Known Member
Grow journal moved to another website. RIU just isn't what it used to be. Good luck to everyone.


New Member
Grow journal moved to another website. RIU just isn't what it used to be. Good luck to everyone.
you aren't allowed. You signed a contract when you clicked I agree to the terms of use policy that you obviously didn't read.
due to breach of contract, I must confiscate all of your marijuana plants. please have them to me by Friday.


Well-Known Member
I know. This was right after some "stuff" happened on the site ( not involving myself ) that really changed things for a while. I still miss some of the old vets that used to frequent this place. But of course I had to come back eventually.

Feel free to see my current journal - link in my sig.

Shame :peace: