First Indoor grow: Purps, Raft, Fem. Buddha


Well-Known Member
Well, Things are still chuggin' along. The sprouts are all doing ok but the injured one is kinda droopy. I am having problems keeping the humidity down. It hovers at 70% or so much of the evening and overnight. I think I'll have to get one of those small dehumidifiers.


Well-Known Member
The sprouts are still going, but growing slow. Some of them are not turning up to the light even though they have their tiny second sets of real leaves going. One of the Buddha has some brown color on the tiny 2nd set of leaves- I raised my light up to just under 2ft. from the tops of the sprouts. I also have put them on a 20/4 schedule for the last two days, and will probably continue that. After about 3 days of 24/7 lights some of the plants just weren't solid. Seemed as though they could just fall over. I am also cutting their water back as well as lower the average temp. from 83ish down to about 78ish.

The pots they are currently in are tiny, and I am trying to figure out when to transplant them. If I had to guess, I would bet the roots on most of the plants are underdeveloped due to too much water . Stretching is evident on some. Not too bad though.


Well-Known Member
The sprouts are still going, but growing slow. Some of them are not turning up to the light even though they have their tiny second sets of real leaves going. One of the Buddha has some brown color on the tiny 2nd set of leaves- I raised my light up to just under 2ft. from the tops of the sprouts. I also have put them on a 20/4 schedule for the last two days, and will probably continue that. After about 3 days of 24/7 lights some of the plants just weren't solid. Seemed as though they could just fall over. I am also cutting their water back as well as lower the average temp. from 83ish down to about 78ish.

The pots they are currently in are tiny, and I am trying to figure out when to transplant them. If I had to guess, I would bet the roots on most of the plants are underdeveloped due to too much water . Stretching is evident on some. Not too bad though.
what is the magic behind the 20/4 light schedule?


Well-Known Member
I don't think I will have room for 10 plants let alone females. I will be breeding this grow for seed stock so I will have to maintain at least 2 male plants- 1 x Raft + 1x Purps. I was trying to figure out if I should try to keep them in smaller pots and go for more small plants ( Half -assed SoG )instead of 6 larger.
If you think you can get enough light to the big plants do that, otherwise, hell yea SOG it! Enough 1/2-1oz. plants quickly adds up.


Well-Known Member
Well, many of the sprouts are not looking all that good. Many of them are not pointing up toward the light, they are bent over to varying degrees ( pics ). Many of the stems are reddish/purple to varying degrees also.

The Purps seem to be doing the best- but even the best few seen to have weak root systems. I have cut back on the water a little, and I have got the average temp down to about 76F.

Please look at the sprouts and if you havy any insight as to their condition it would be appreciated.

P.S. - GIJoe -I just wanted to give them some dark time, but a minimal amount so I tried a 20/4 schedule. I will probably crank it down to 18/6 unless I feel the roots are starting to thrive. THe only reason I took them off 24h lights is due to the flimsy plants that I felt showed poor root development. Maybe I just was overwatering choking the roots. I dunno.



tbh, they actually look pretty good!

for the bent ones if you're real worried, cut a small piece of straw the length of the stem, then cut up the side of that piece so you can open it up

wrap around the stem and you'll have you'rselve much better supports than those toothpicks will do

but i don't even think you'd need that too much, within a week they'll all look completely normal

good growin friend =]

The Toker

Active Member
i took 12 seeds andplanted them ended up with 9 female plants i detroyed 2 and 1 didnt grow using a 1000 watt hps monday will be 6 weeks of vegging
trying to let them all get 2 feet before flowering. photos added.



Well-Known Member
i took 12 seeds andplanted them ended up with 9 female plants i detroyed 2 and 1 didnt grow using a 1000 watt hps monday will be 6 weeks of vegging
trying to let them all get 2 feet before flowering. photos added.
Fine plants you have there. Hope mine look as good some day:peace:

The Toker

Active Member
i am using fox farms nutrients just started using the open sesame and big bloom, doing that for a week before i start flowering, topped a few plants and the shoots are growing very well. here are some more pics. the biggest is 22/12 inches the rest are 21, 20, 19/12 21, 22, 19 22/12 how much do you think this will yield. got 6 in 3 gallon pots 3 in 2 gallon pots!@!! appreciate all replies!!!


The Toker

Active Member
the little ones are big bang feminised from greenhouse seed co, the seeds were very small germinated 5 and they all sproutedthey are about 10 days old have them under 1000 watt hps along with 9 bagseed using fox farm soil and nutrients, the biggest is almost 24 inches planning to let them all get 2 feet before flowering!!!



Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Seedlings are looking pretty crappy as of now. Some are ok but stretchy. The leaves on some are drooping down. This is the most developed one, and when I opened the door and looked this morning it's leaves were drooped down and kinda bent back up at the tips.The cotyls are already yellowing on it ( and some of the others ). The temps and humidity seem to be fine- I have no idea why the seedlings are so shabby lookin..

Does this look like a def. ? heat stress? Anything ?



Well-Known Member
Today I switched the 400w out for my 4' Flos. I let the pots dry out totally and I gave a light feeding of Grow big. 2 drops into a third of a gal. of waterto the 4 sickest plants. After 6 hours of lights out I checked them out and they looked a little better so I gave the same treatment to all of them.

I'll post pics in a day or two, hopefully of some nice healthy little seedlings.


Well-Known Member

Here are some pics from today. They are really liking the FLs at this point compaired to the 400w. Many of them have recovered from their earlier problems. The pics show some of the Raft and Purps, the injured Raft is still alive, so I think I will transplant it into the bigger cups as I have done with most of the others. I really disliked the coco pots I had them in for a few reasons.So far it is looking like I will loose about 5 or 6 of the original 19 sprouts. Also there are another 3 or 4 that are so-so but should pull through. The rest are really starting to take off. If it continues to improve, I will have 1 of the Buddha left. Dunno how she will do yet. I was thinking about starting another Buddha seed, but decided to hold off, as it seems my growspace will still be overfull at this point.

Temps are staying between 68-76F. I know that is a little cooler than optimal but I figure it's better than being too hot. I may have to go buy a small space heater or something. I only need to hang on another week an change, and then I should be able to switch back to the 400w with no problems, and that will bump the temps up to about 80F in the day and 75F at night.

Things are on the up-swing.Happy growing.



Well-Known Member
Finally had some time to write an update!

After having some of the sprouts died, and weeding out a few more that just weren't going anywhere, I have 11 plants alive and kicking. They are now at day 17 and looking fat and sassy for the most part. There is a huge difference in size between the largest and smallest of the survivors. I am doing my best to keep the canopy even, and it is a challenge considering that almost every plant is different height wise. I have one of the Buddha still, and although she is one of the smaller plants, she is catching up.

Anyhow here are some pics, as always any helpful feedback is appreciated!

EDITED: Switched over to 400w MH from 4' Flos.



Well-Known Member
First update in a while, the seedlings are now at day 27 , looking a bit small I think. Some of them look good, but many are drooping with yellowing / curled lower leaves. The temps are running between 66F at lights out , and 74-83F lights on. Humity is between 40-60%. The 400w is sitting about 20 inches from the canopy.I just transplanted into 1.6 gal buckets so they are probably a little shocked, but the tansplant was very gentle.

Many of the plants were a bit droopy before the transplant so I think I was overwatering when they were in the cups. Take a lk at the pics, you can see some fo the issues I am trying to diagnose. Even the best looking ones are a little pale yellowish. Almost like the soil has no nutes left in it .Either way they aren't in mortal danger yet, but if the sickest ones don't improve there will be trouble.

If things look better, I will begin flowering in about a week or so.

Still chuggin' along....

