If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ you do realize that was Onion News Network which is a joke ...A funny one I might add but it is a joke


Well-Known Member
It really shouldn't be needed to explain that.

If it does need to be explained to you then you need to smoke less pot.
Well seeing how we have people on this site who think Obama is a Muslim Socialist Elite who hates white people... I take nothing for granted and try to leave nothing unexplained.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Well seeing how we have people on this site who think Obama is a Muslim Socialist Elite who hates white people... I take nothing for granted and try to leave nothing unexplained.
Oh yep, I see what you're saying.

Obama is anything but a Muslim Socialist Elite who hates white people.

He is, in actual fact, a shape-shifting lizard from the lost planet Nibiru who feeds on our life essence by creating wars at the bidding of the grey Annunaki who live underground on the dark side of the moon.


Well-Known Member
Oh yep, I see what you're saying.

Obama is anything but a Muslim Socialist Elite who hates white people.

He is, in actual fact, a shape-shifting lizard from the lost planet Nibiru who feeds on our life essence by creating wars at the bidding of the grey Annunaki who live underground on the dark side of the moon.
Hmmmmm.....sounds like you been hanging around Dr.York..???? lol

jeff f

New Member
I also got a tax cut of a couple hundred bucks. I bought an oz of bud if I remember correctly.

Nothing wrong with rich people. Some of my best friends are rich. I do think it's a problem though when we cut taxes in a way that benefits you more if you have shitloads of money and then end up with a huge debt and deficits. Obama gets criticized for wanting to roll-back those tax cuts AND for running deficits and adding to the debt. Make up your mind people....

Also, trickle-down economics is a myth....just so you know.
tax breaks were what kept us from unraviling after 911. everytime they are used, they work.

the economy gets a boom, people get hired, puts more people on the tax roles, and increases the amount govt recieves via taxes. its really not even arguable becuase its reacted the same way everytime tax breaks are enacted.

tax breaks arent the problem...govt spending IS the problem. its shuffling money and adds no value, therefore inefficient at best, criminal at worst.

jeff f

New Member
tax breaks were what kept us from unraviling after 911. everytime they are used, they work.

the economy gets a boom, people get hired, puts more people on the tax roles, and increases the amount govt recieves via taxes. its really not even arguable becuase its reacted the same way everytime tax breaks are enacted.

tax breaks arent the problem...govt spending IS the problem. its shuffling money and adds no value, therefore inefficient at best, criminal at worst.
i am just wondering when this threads title will be changed to

"if you voted for bush please chime in and tell us how to "fix" obama."


New Member
The fix is coming...... another 10 months.

Obama is now trying to include the Repub's .... so he can vilify them later...:lol:

It won't work twice "little O"


Well-Known Member
Bush did not ruin the country, Congress did. The US constitution gives the MAJORITY of the power to Congress. The President has NO POWER over how , where, or why your tax dollar gets spent he only has limited power to veto something. As long as Congress has their shit together ( They don't) we can improve our situation.

Most politicians don't give a shit about you unless you have a lot of money or influence.
I knew you and I would agree on something! :lol: ;)

Oh yep, I see what you're saying.

Obama is anything but a Muslim Socialist Elite who hates white people.

He is, in actual fact, a shape-shifting lizard from the lost planet Nibiru who feeds on our life essence by creating wars at the bidding of the grey Annunaki who live underground on the dark side of the moon.
Dammit, you blew our cover! :cuss: :mrgreen:

Bush was a spender.....

Obama is the KING of spenders.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... uh... Silent Bob for Prez! :mrgreen:

(OK, time to get some coffee and wake up a bit. I'm feeling awfully silly this morning. lol)